Smart Goals Template

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Stories worth telling…


Specific Measurable Actionable Realistic Time bound

Be clear and specific so Measurable goals can be Are you able to take Avoid overwhelm and The date helps us stay
your goals are easier to tracked, allowing you to action to achieve the unnecessary stress and focused and motivated,
achieve. This also helps see your progress. They goal? Actionable goals frustration by making the inspiring us and providing
you know how and where also tell you when a goal ensure the steps to get goal realistic something to work
to get started is complete there are within your towards.

To ensure the objec­tive is not vague. Unclear objec­tives are a recipe
for dis­as­ter and leave employ­ees uncer­tain how to act, which
means you will not expe­ri­ence a true increase in pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.

Measurable Relevant
It is impor­tant for both an employ­ee and An effec­tive per­for­mance objec­tive should be rel­e­vant
their man­ag­er to under­stand what suc­ to what the organization and/​or the team needs to
cess looks like for the objec­tive. This is achieve. Oth­er­wise, objec­tives could be suc­cess­ful­ly
the only way both par­ties will know if deliv­ered but have no impact on the over­all per­for­
the objec­tive has been achieved. mance of the organization

The most com­mon vari­a­tions are achiev­ Time bound
able, attain­able, aligned and agreed. It is very impor­tant that objec­tives have
a tar­get date, or a time frame for when
they should be com­plet­ed — hence

• What Do you want to accomplish?
• Why do I want to accomplish?
Specific • What are the requirements?
• What are the constraints?

• How Will Measure my Progress?

Measurable • How will know when the goals is accomplished?

• How can the goals be accomplished?

Achievable • What are the logical steps I should take?

• Is this a worthwhile goal?

• Is this the right time?
Relevant • Do I have the necessary resources to accomplish this goals?
• Is this goal is line with my long term objectives?

• how long will it take to accomplish the goal?

Time Bound • When is the completion of this goal due ?
• when am I going to work on this goal?


Objectives set out what a business
is trying to achieve. They should
be based on organizational
strategy and
be aligned with corporate vision,
mission and values. Objectives
may be set at the level of the
organization or at divisional, Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time bound
department, team or individual Objectives should be Measurement is hugely An objective can be said The concepts of ‘realistic’ It is necessary to set a
levels specific. They should important because it will to be achievable if the and ‘achievable’ are date or time by which the
describe the result that is enable you to know necessary resources are similar and this may objective should have
desired in a way that is, whether an objective has available or similar results explain why some use the been accomplished or
detailed, been have term ‘relevant’ completed and
focused and well defined. achieved. been achieved by others as an alternative. this contributes to
in similar circumstances. making objectives
Do you ever feel like you're working hard but not getting anywhere? Maybe you see little improvement in your skills or achievements when you reflect on
the last five or 10 years. Or perhaps you struggle to see how you'll fulfil your ambitions during the next few years.

Many people spend their lives drifting from one job to another, or rushing around trying to get more done while actually accomplishing very little. Setting
SMART goals means you can clarify your ideas, focus your efforts, use your time and resources productively, and increase your chances of achieving what
you want in life

Time bound

Relevant What is your goal time-

frame? An end-date can
help provide motivation
Achievable When setting goals for and help you prioritize.
yourself, consider
Measurable Have you set an
whether or not they are
relevant. Each of your
achievable goal? Setting goals should align with
goals you can reasonably your values and larger,
Specific What evidence will prove accomplish within a long-term goals.
you’re making progress certain timeframe will
toward your goal? help keep you motivated
Be as clear and specific as and focused.
possible with what you
Goal setting is a helpful way to build the career you want. By setting
want to achieve. The
objectives and creating a clear roadmap for how you’ll reach your intended
more narrow your goal, target, you can decide how to apply your time and resources to make
the more you’ll progress. Without goals, it can be difficult to determine how to get a certain
understand the steps job, promotion or other milestones you want to achieve.
necessary to achieve it.


Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Bound

• • DO – Be honest with •
• DO – Set real • DO – Make your DO – Work towards a DO – Give yourself
goal that is yourself – you know a deadline
numbers with real goals trackable
challenging, but what you and your
possible team are capable of

• DON’T – Say, “I want • DON’T – Hide • DON’T – Try to take

• DON’T – Forget any •
more visitors” behind buzzwords over the world in one DON’T – Keep
night hurdles you may have pushing towards a
like “brand
to overcome goal you might hit,
engagement” or
“social influence” “some day”


Specific Relevant
Your goal should be clear and specific, This step is about ensuring that your
otherwise you won't be able to focus goal matters to you, and that it also
your efforts or feel truly motivated to aligns with other relevant goals. We all
achieve it need support and assistance in
achieving our goals, but it's important to
retain control over them.

Measurable Time bound

It's important to have measurable goals, Every goal needs a target date, so that
so that you can track your progress and you have a deadline to focus on and
stay motivated. Assessing progress helps something to work toward. This part of
you to stay focused, meet your the SMART goal criteria helps to prevent
deadlines, and feel the excitement of everyday tasks from taking priority over
getting closer to achieving your goal. your longer-term goals.

Your goal also needs to be realistic and attainable to be
successful. In other words, it should stretch your abilities
but still remain possible.

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