– Refers to the amount of blood the heart must pump with each beat
– Determined by:
• Venous return to heart
• Accompanying stretch of the muscle fibers
– Increasing preload increase stroke volume in normal heart
– Increasing preload in impaired heart decreased SV. Blood is
trapped (congestion) chamber enlargement
– Refers to the pressure that must be overcome for the heart to
pump blood into the arterial system
– Dependent on the systemic vascular resistance
– With increased afterload, the heart muscles must work harder
to overcome the constricted vascular bed chamber
Stroke volume
– Refers to the fraction of blood the heart pumps out with each
• Determined by preload, force of contraction & afterload
• Healthy heart pumps 60% or more of the blood it receives
• Failing heart pumps 40% or less of the blood it receives
Cardiac output
– Refers to the amount of blood pumped out by the left ventricle
in a given period of time
– CO = heart rate x stroke volume
– Heart rate is controlled by:
• Autonomic nervous system
• Hormonal systems
• Heart failure
– The inability of the heart to pump adequate amounts
of blood that meets the metabolic requirements of the
– It doesn’t mean that the heart stopped working
– Characterized by:
- Impaired ventricular performance (right or left or both)
- Exercise intolerance
- Shortened life expectancy
Classification of HF
Diastolic dysfunction or diastolic heart failure:
- Results from hypertrophy and stiffening of the myocardium
- Leads to CO reduction but normal stroke volume
- There is no uniformly agreed upon therapy for CHF secondary to
diastolic dysfunction (difficult for treatment)