Introduction To Agrometeorology

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Agri 225



• The study of Agrometeorology was
designed to prepare students to deal with
the weather-related problems affecting
agricultural activity from the long range
planning to the daily operations.
1.Introduction to
Agrometeorology & its
scope in Agriculture
Scope of agro-
Word “Meteorology”

Science deals with the

study of weather and
Word “Meteorology”

Greek words
Meteors = Things up

Logos = Study or science

Word “Meteorology”

 Is the branch of physics that

deals with physical process in
the atmosphere that produce
Definition and Uses
Definition of Agrometeorology:

• Abbreviated from agricultural

meteorology and is also
referred to as agro-

• Study of those aspects of

meteorology which have
direct relevance to agriculture.
Definition of Agrometeorology:

• It is the branch of science which

investigates the relationship between
plants and climate.
• Science investigating the meteorologic,
climatologic and hydrologic conditions
which are significant for agriculture
owing to their interactions with the
objects and processes of agricultural
Scope in Agriculture
1. Every plant process depends on
2. Farm operations from tillage to
harvesting depends on weather
3. Characterization of
agricultural climate for
determining crop
growing season
4. Crop Management on weather basis
5. Crop Modeling and Yield Forecasting
6. Research in Crop – Climate Relationship
7. Climate extremities and management
8. Climate as a tool to diagnose soil
moisture stress
9. Livestock Production
10. Soil formation
11. Forest Production and fire prevention
12. Agro meteorological services
Use of Agrometeorology
in Crops and Animals:

• It can be used in regulating the plant cycle,

growth development and yield.

• It can be used in frost prediction and

protection of crop plants.

• It can be used in giving the warning against

the forest fires and cyclonic storm/dust

• It can be used in soil and water conservation.

• It is helpful in planning irrigation.

• It is helpful in controlling the insects and plant


• It is helpful in controlling the pollution of air

and water.

• It can be used to minimize the losses caused

by heavy rain, floods and hail storm.

• Modification of microclimate of crop fields

can be made to improve the health of the
crop plants. As a result, the yield of the crop
increases under modified microclimate

• It can be used to regulate the animal cycle,

i.e. growth, by-product and yield (milk, eggs
and meat).

• It can be used in designing animal houses.

The houses for the animals can be designed
scientifically to save the animals from various
climatic stresses such as heat and cold waves
which affect the production.

• It affects the growth of the pastures, and the

health of the animals depends on the
selection of the pastures.
The pastures are not good in our climate
but these are very good in the cool and
temperate climates.

• It can be used in the prediction and

prevention of animal diseases.
Agrometeorology as an
interdisciplinary science
• Agrometeorology is essentially an inter-
disciplinary science because the atmosphere,
land and ocean constitute an integrated
system. This has linkages with forestry,
horticulture and animal husbandry.

• The agrometeorologist requires not only a

sound knowledge of meteorology but also of
agronomy, plant physiology and plant and
animal pathology, in addition to common
agricultural practices.
The study of agrometeorology involves:

1. Atmospheric science – involves physical and

chemical environment.

2. Soil Science - involves physical and chemical

The study of agrometeorology involves:

3. Plant Science – involves Pathology,

Entomology, Parasitology, Physiology etc.

4. Animal Science - involves Pathology,

Entomology, Parasitology, Physiology etc.
As an interdisciplinary science,
Agrometeorology uses four stage approaches
to deal with the subject.

1. Formulate accurate description of physical

environment and biological responses.

2. Interpret biological response in terms of

physical environment.
As an interdisciplinary science,
Agrometeorology uses four stage approaches
to deal with the subject.

3. Weather and crop yield forecasts.

4. Control physical environment of crop fields

and animal houses.
Basic Aspects of
Three (3) Basic Aspects of Meteorology

1. Observation
2. Understanding
3. Prediction of weather
There are many kinds of routine
meteorological observations. Some of them are
made with simple instruments like the
thermometer for measuring temperatures or
the anemometer for recording wind speed.

The observing techniques have been

become increasingly complex in recent years
and satellites have now made possible to
monitor the weather globally.
Countries around the world exchange
the weather observations through fast
telecommunication channels. These are plotted
on weather charts and analyzed by professional
meteorologist at forecasting centers. Weather
forecasts are then made with the help of
modern computers and super computers.
Weather information and forecasts are
of vital importance to many activities like
agriculture, aviation, shipping, fisheries,
tourism, defense, industrial projects, water
management and disaster mitigation.
Weather information and forecasts are
of vital importance to many activities like
agriculture, aviation, shipping, fisheries,
tourism, defense, industrial projects, water
management and disaster mitigation.
New Areas of Research
New Areas of Research:

Due to the rapid increase in global

population, there is a need to enhance food
production in the near future. This can be done
by conducting greenhouse experiments. New
models can be developed by conducting
experiments under controlled conditions.
The Agrometeorological research can be
strengthened in the following areas so that
food scarcity may be minimized.

1. There is a need to study droughts and their

ecological importance in agricultural

2. There is a need to compute the water

balance index to assess the crop production
potentials of a given area.
The Agrometeorological research can be
strengthened in the following areas so that
food scarcity may be minimized.

3. Study of the soils should be conducted under

different microclimatic conditions for
enhancing crop production.

4. Experiments should be conducted in

different agro-climatic regions for the selection
of high yielding varieties.
The Agrometeorological research can be
strengthened in the following areas so that
food scarcity may be minimized.

5. There is a need to conduct research on

livestock under various climatic conditions.

6. Research is needed for developing agro-

climatic models and dynamic simulation
models for different crops to predict
agricultural production before the harvesting of
the crop.
The Agrometeorological research can be
strengthened in the following areas so that
food scarcity may be minimized.

7. Research is also needed on the climate

change in the context of global warming which
is one of the burning topics. The scientists of
the world are concerned about the
concentration of the greenhouse gases.
Therefore, attention is being focused on the
global warming.
The Agrometeorological research can be
strengthened in the following areas so that food
scarcity may be minimized.

It has been estimated that temperature has

increased by 0.4°C over the past 100 years. The
temperature change is likely to affect the rainfall
pattern over the globe. The change in climate is
likely to affect the crop yield adversely to different
magnitude in the coming years. In the future, new
varieties have to be evolved to grow successfully
under changed climatic conditions.

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