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Conditional Clauses

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Conditional Clauses

Mixed Conditionals

Neko ih zove uslovne rečenice, neko if-rečenice, neko

kondicionali. Sve je to isto. Što je smisao uslovnih
rečenica u našem jeziku? Smisao je u tome da od
ispunjenja nekog uslova, zavisi da li će se nešto
dogoditi. Isto je i u engleskom jeziku.
Postoje dvije vrste miješanih uslovnih rečenica u
engleskom jeziku.
Type I- Past result of present or
continuing condition

 Type I- Past result of present or continuing condition(drugi +

treći kondicional) (If + past simple, would/wouldn't + have +
past participle)
 We use Type I mixed conditionals to speculate about
permanent states or situations which had a result in the past.
(Ovaj oblik se koristi kada pričamo o sadašnjim događajima i
njihovom imaginarnom, ali nerealnom i nestvarnom rezultatu
u prošlosti (koje je imalo rezultat u prošlosti).
 Dakle, ovdje govorimo o permanentnim stanjima i situacijama
koja su imala rezultat u prošlosti:
Type I

 Primjeri:
 If Sergio didn't speak English with an Italian accent,
he wouldn't have been recognized and arrested last
 (But because he speaks with an accent, he was
 If I was taller, I would have got the main role in the
school play. (but I didn't get the role because I'm not
Type I

Još primjera:
1. If I knew her, I would have talked to her. (Da sam je
znala, pričala bih sa njom)
2. If she wasn't tired, she would have made a cake. (Ona
da nije umorna, napravila bi kolač).
3. If Nina wasn't happy, she wouldn't have stayed. (Nina
da nije srećna, ne bi ostala)
4. If you were my friend, you would have helped me. (Da
si mi prijatelj, pomogao bi mi)

In this type of mixed conditional sentence, the tense in the 'if'

clause is the simple past, and the tense in the main clause is the
perfect conditional. ( U ovom tipu miješanog kondicionala, IF-
uslovna klauza je u prostom prošlom vremenu, dok je glavna klauza
(koja je uvijek odvojena zarezom) would + have + past pariciple
(would + perfect infinitive)

If clause (condition) Main clause (result)

If + simple past Perfect conditional (would + have +
past pariciple of the main verb)

If this thing happened That thing would have happened

The order of the clauses is not fixed

As in all conditional sentences, the order of the clauses

is not fixed. You may have to rearrange the pronouns
and adjust punctuation when you change the order of
the clauses, but the meaning is identical. (Kao u svim
uslovnim (kondicionalnim) rečenicama, raspored klauza
nije fiksiran, tako da se može mijenjati raspored bez
promjene u značenju).

 Examples
 If I wasn't afraid of spiders, I would have picked it up.
 I would have picked it up if I wasn't afraid of spiders.
 If we didn't trust him we would have sacked him months ago.
 We would have sacked him months ago if we didn't trust him.
 If I wasn't in the middle of another meeting, I would have
been happy to help you.
 I would have been happy to help you if I wasn't in the middle
of another meeting.

These mixed conditional sentences refer to an unreal present

situation and its probable (but unreal) past result. In these mixed
conditional sentences, the time in the if clause is now or always and
the time in the main clause is before now. For example, "If I wasn't
afraid of spiders" is contrary to present reality. I am afraid of spiders.
"I would have picked it up" is contrary to past reality. I didn't pick it
up. (Tip I miješanog kondicionala odnosi se na imaginarnu
(nestvarnu) situaciju u sadašnjosti i njen mogući (ali nestvarni)
rezultat u prošlosti. Kod ovog tipa kondicionalnih rečenica, vrijeme u
IF-klauzi je uvijek u sada ili uvijek (permanentna, stalna situacija), dok
se u glavnoj klauzi nalazi ono što je moglo biti prije SADA.

▪ If she wasn't afraid of flying she wouldn't have

travelled by boat.
▪ I'd have been able to translate the letter if my Italian
was better.
▪ If I was a good cook, I'd have invited them to lunch.
▪ If the elephant wasn't in love with the mouse, she'd
have trodden on him by now.
More examples

 If I were rich, I would have bought that Ferrari we saw

Ali trenutno nisam bogat, i to je razlog zašto nisam kupio Ferrarija.
 If I didn't have to work so much, I would have gone to the
party last night.
Ali moram puno raditi, i to je razlog zašto nisam išao na zabavu.
 If Mark weren't so nice, he wouldn't be tutoring you in math
Ali Mark je dobar, i učiće te matematiku večeras.
More Examples

 If my parents weren't coming this weekend, I would have

planned a nice trip for the two of us.
Ali moji roditelji dolaze ovaj vikend, to je razlog zašto nisam
isplanirao izlet za nas dvoje.
 If I were going to that concert tonight, I would be very
Ali ne idem na taj koncert, i to je razlog zašto nisam uzbuđen.
 If Mary were giving a speech tomorrow, she would be very
Ali Mary nema govor sutra i to je razlog zašto nije nervozna.
Type II -Present result of a past

Type II -Present result of a past condition. (Treći + drugi

kondicional: past perfect, would/wouldn't + infinitive)
 Neke kondicionalne (uslovne) klauze mogu da se kombinuju sa
glavnim klauzama koje ne pripadaju njihovom tipu. Za takve
kažemo da pripadaju mješovitom tipu. Kondicionalna klauza
navedena ispod odnosi se na zamišljenu situaciju u prošlosti i
gradi se kao treći tip (Third Conditional), dok se glavna klauza
gradi kao drugi tip (second conditional) i odnosi se na sadašnjost.
 Primjer: If we had brough a map with us, we would know which
road to take.

 In this type of mixed conditional sentence, the tense in the

'if' clause is the past perfect, and the tense in the main
clause is the present conditional. We use Type II mixed
conditionals to speculate about past events which didn't
happen, and this has certain effects or consequences in the
 (U ovom tipu uslovne rečenice, vrijeme u zavisnoj IF-klauzi
je u past perfektu – isto kao u trećem kondicionalu, dok je
vrijeme u drugoj rečenici isto kao u drugom kondicionalu-
modal would + infinitive (base form of the verb)

If clause (condition) Main clause (result)

If + subject+ past perfect Present conditional would + infinitive (base form of

the verb)

If this thing had happened That thing would happen


 If she hadn't split up with Harold, Gina wouldn't be so

unhappy now (but she did and now she is unhappy).
 He would be a free man now if the police had stopped
looking for him then. (But the police didn't stop
looking and he isn't free.

As with all types of conditionals, we can use could, might or

should instead of would in mixed conditional sentences. (U
svim tipovima kondicionalnih rečenica, pa tako i u miješanim
uslovnim rečenicama, možemo koristiti modal kao što su:
could, might ili should, ako je u skladu sa smislom rečenice.)
 Examples
 If you had crashed the car, you might be in trouble.
 I could be a millionaire now if I had invested in ABC
 If I had learned to ski, I might be on the slopes right now.
The order of the clauses is not fixed

As in all conditional sentences, the order of the clauses

is not fixed. You may have to rearrange the pronouns
and adjust punctuation when you change the order of
the clauses, but the meaning is identical. (Pravilo koje
važi za sve kondicionalne uslovne rečenice je da red
klauza u rečenici nije fiksiran, tako da mogu promijeniti
redosljed, dok značenje ostaje isto).

 If I had worked harder at school, I would have a

better job now.
 I would have a better job now if I had worked harder
at school.
 If we had looked at the map we wouldn't be lost.
 We wouldn't be lost if we had looked at the map.
 If you had caught that plane you would be dead now.
 You would be dead now if you had caught that plane.

This type of mixed conditional refers to an unreal past condition

(imaginarnu, zamišljenu situaciju u prošlosti) and its probable result
in the present (i rezultat, tj.posljedicu u sadašnjosti). These
sentences express a situation which is contrary to reality both in
the past and in the present (prikazuje situaciju koja je suprotna
stvarnoj, realnoj situaciji). In these mixed conditional sentences,
the time is the past in the "if" clause and in the present in the main
clause. ( U klauzama II tipa mjesovitih uslovnih (kondicionalnih)
rečenica, IF-klauza je u past perfektu, dok se glavna klauza odnosi
(referiše) na sadašnje vrijeme, pa je forma ista kao u drugom
kondicionalu i odnosi se na sadašnji rezultat(posljedicu).

 If I had studied I would have my driving license. (but I

didn't study and now I don't have my license)
 I would be a millionaire now if I had taken that job.
(but I didn't take the job and I'm not a millionaire)
 If you had spent all your money, you wouldn't buy this
jacket. (but you didn't spend all your money and now
you can buy this jacket)
Dakle, gradi se na sljedeći način:
(zapamti formulu)

 IF + Subject+ Past perfect tense (u zavisnoj klauzi),

(poslije koje obavezno ide zarez) + Subject + would +
verb-infinitive form (u glavnoj klauzi).
 If I had learned English, I would pass the exam.
More examples

 If I had won the lottery, I would be rich.

Ali nisam dobio na lutriji, i sada nisam bogat.
 If I had taken French in high school, I would have more
job opportunities.
Ali nisam slušao francuski u srednjoj školi, i nemam mnogo
prilika za posao.
 If she had been born in the United States, she wouldn't
need a visa to work here.
Ali se nije rodila u SADu, i sada joj treba viza za posao.
More examples

 If Mark had gotten the job instead of Joe, he would

be moving to New York.
Ali Mark nije dobio posao, i ne seli se u New York.
 If she had signed up for ski trip last week, she would
be joining us tomorrow.
Ali se nije predbilježila za skijaški izlet i ne ide sutra s nama
Vježbe – mixed conditionals

1.a. She will take care of the children for us next weekend because her
business trip was canceled.
1.b. But, she (take, not) would not be taking care of the children for us next
weekend if her business trip (be, not) had not been canceled.

2.a. Tom is not going to come to dinner tomorrow because you insulted him
2.b. But, he (come) would be coming if you (insult) hadn't insulted him.

3.a. Marie is unhappy because she gave up her career when she got married.
3.b. But, Marie (be) would be happy if she (give, not) had not given up her
career when she got married.

4.a. Dr. Mercer decided not to accept the research grant at Harvard because he is going to take six
months off to spend more time with his family.
4.b. But, Dr. Mercer (accept) would have accepted the research grant at Harvard if he (take, not)
were not taking six months off to spend more time with his family.

5.a. Professor Schmitz talked so much about the Maasai tribe because she is an expert on African
tribal groups.
5.b. But, Professor Schmitz (talk, not) would not have talked so much about the Maasai tribe if she
(be, not) were not an expert on African tribal groups.

6.a. I am unemployed because I had a disagreement with my boss and I was fired.
6.b. But, I (be, not) would not be unemployed if I (have, not) had not had a disagreement with my
boss and I (be, not) had not been fired.

7.a. Nicole speaks Chinese fluently because she lived in China for ten years.
7.b. But, Nicole (speak, not) would not speak Chinese fluently if she (live, not) had not lived in China
for ten years.

8.a. I will not help you study for your test because you have spent the last two weeks partying and
wasting time.
8.b. But, I (help) would help you study for your test if you (spend, not) had not spent the last two
weeks partying and wasting time.

9.a. Eleanor and Ben are not going skiing with us this year because Eleanor just had a baby.
9.b. But, Eleanor and Ben (go) would go skiing with us this year if Eleanor (have, not, just) had not
just had a baby.

10.a. I am completely exhausted, so I will not go with you to the movies tonight.
10.b. But, if I (be, not) were not completely exhausted, I (go) would go with you to the movies

11.a. She is not worried about the conference tomorrow because she is not giving a speech.
11.b. But, she (be) would be worried about the conference tomorrow if she (give) were giving a

12.a. Frank is not going to the graduation ceremony because he broke his leg
snowboarding last week.
12.b. But, Frank (go) would go to the graduation ceremony if he (break) had not
broken his leg snowboarding last week.

13.a. They are not releasing the prisoner next month because there was so much
public opposition to his parole.
13.b. But, they (release) would release the prisoner next month if there (be) had
not been so much opposition to his parole.

14.a. The hotels filled up months in advance because the festival is going to include
jazz artists from around the globe.
14.b. But, the hotels (fill) would not have filled up months in advance if the festival
(include) were not including jazz artists from around the globe.

15.a. We are not worried about the recent string of

robberies in the neighborhood because the police have
started regularly patrolling the area.
15.b. But, we (be) would be worried about the recent
string of robberies in the neighborhood if the police
(start, not) had not started regularly patrolling the area.

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