Unit 3 Cost of Capital
Unit 3 Cost of Capital
Unit 3 Cost of Capital
1 9.50
2 10.00
3 10.50
4 11.00
5 11.50
6 12.00
• Ans. 10%
Cost of retained earnings
• The cost of retained earnings is the return forgone
by the share-holders on the dividend income.
• The firm is implicitly required to earn on the
retained earnings at least equal to the rate that
would have been earned by the shareholders if
these earnings were distributed to them.
• As per the external yield criterion, returns expected
from investing these retained earnings somewhere
else i.e. outside the co. are compared with the
investment in co.’s own project.
• (i) when there are no taxes and brokerage fee:
• (ii) on the assumption of taxes and brokerage fee:
(i) when there are no taxes and brokerage fee:
Kr = Ke = D1 + g
(ii) on the assumption of taxes and brokerage fee:
Kr = Ke (1-T) (1- B)
Kr = cost of retained earnings
Ke = cost of equity capital
T = tax rate applicable to the shareholders
B = brokerage cost
Weighted average cost of capital (WACC)/ Overall cost of
The term cost of capital means overall cost of capital or
composite cost of capital and may also be called WACC.
Computation of WACC involves 3 steps:
1. Calculate the cost of each source of funds(specific).
2. Finding the weight of each source of fund in the
capital structure either on the basis of their book
value or market value.
3. Calculation of sum of the product of specific cost
and weight of each source of fund.
WACC (Ko) = Ke ×we + kd × wd + kp × wp + kr × wr
Assigning weights
• Weights can be categorized on the basis of historical
weights, marginal weights, target weights.
• Historical weights can be classified into: book
values weights and market value weights.
• Marginal weights :- marginal weights refers to the
proportion in which a firm intends to raise new
capital from different sources of funds. This method
is used when new funds are to be raised and that
from different sources according to the requirement
of the firm. Marginal weights can be used to
calculate WACC of a new project when finance
through incremental capital raised in various ratio.
• Target weights :- in target weights system, a firm
wants to have a desired capital structure with target
proportions of different sources of finance. Hence
future capital structure which a firm consider as
optimum capital structure is decided in advance.
The firm raise additional funds in such a way to
achieve the target weights in the desired period.
Q 14 The following is the capital-structure of XYZ Ltd.
Market value
Sources Market value Weight (W) K = COST OF CAPITAL WO = W × K
EQUITY 37,33,333 0.39 0.11 0.0439
PREFERENCE 10,00,000 0.10 0.08 0.08
DEBT 27,60,000 0.29 0.05 0.014
RETAINED 18,66,667 0.19 0.11 0.02029
TOTAL 93,60,000 0.97 W0 = 0.084
• Q ABC Ltd. Has the foll. Capital structure:
Equity share capital (4,00,000 40,00,000
shares of Rs. 10 each)
The equity shares of the co. are quoted at Rs. 110 and
the co. is expected to declare a dividend of Rs. 15 per
share. Rate of growth of dividend is 8%, which is
expected to be maintain.
(i) assuming the tax rate of 40%, calculate WACC
(ii) the co. want to raise the additional term loan of Rs.
5,00,000 at 10%. Calculate the revised WACC assuming
the market price of equity share has gone down to Rs.
Incremental cost of capital/Marginal cost of capital
• Marginal cost of capital is the incremental cost of
additional finance raised for a new project.
• Q SR. Ltd. Is presently having its existing capital structure
of equity and debt inSOURCES
the market
(Rs. IN LAKH) 2:1 with
(K) (%)
following details: EQUITY 400 15
DEBT 200 8
The co is TOTAL 600
Evaluating a project
requiring a total funding of Rs. 100 lakhs. The project can b
financed equally with equity and debt of Rs. 50 lakh each.
The cost of new debt is 10% with the introduction of more
debts in capital structure, the cost of equity would increase
to 16% from 15%. Compute marginal cost of capital.
• Q Find the WACC through book value and market
value when the foll. Information is provided.
EQUITY SHARE 15,00,000 15 27,00,000
PREFERENCE 10,00,000 12 11,00,000
DEBT 5,00,000 10 6,00,000
• Q International foods Ltd. Has the foll. Capital structure:
• The expected dividend per share is Rs.1.40 and the dividend per share is expected to grow
at a rate of 8% forever. Preference share are redeemable after 5 years at par where
debentures are redeemable after 6 years at par. Tax rate 50%.
• Q 3 The balance sheet of M/s XYZ co. has the foll.
Items as at 31st Dec 2009