PD Compressor

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Positive Displacement

Muhammad Irfan
Compressibility is the ability of something to reduce its size or volume by application of pressure.

 Imagine molecules or atoms of the gas as free-flowing.
 The distance between atoms or molecules of a gas is very large, and they are very far from each other.
 According to the kinetic theory of gasses, at room temperature and pressure, the average distance between the molecules of a gas
 is ten times greater than the actual diameter of an atom/molecule of gas.
 When we apply pressure, the atoms/molecules start to come closer, their gap decreases, and the volume decreases too.
 Something which can be compressed is called compressible.
 A mechanical Device which perform compression of the gases is called compressor.
 A Gases transportation device.
 Reduce Volume of the gases hence increasing collision/sec.
 Increased intermolecular collision and with the walls of the container increases
 Compressor has many application and types.

Rotory Reciprocating

Dynamic Positive Displacement



Centrifugal Axial

Screw Single acting Double Acting

Multi stage Liquid Ring /

Liquid Piston

Scrol Disphram

Single stage Vane

PD Compressor

 work with a constant flow regardless of outlet pressure. In positive

displacement compression, Gas drawn into one or more of its compression
chambers, which are then closed from the inlet. As the volume of each
chamber decreases, the gas is compressed internally until the pressure
reaches the designed build-in pressure ratio. Then, the valve opens and the
Gas is discharged into the outlet system.
 PD Compressors can be rotary and reciprocating.
General Types Reciprocating compressor
 Positive displacement compressors are the most common type of
compressor grouping seen in industrial settings and include:
 Piston compressors
 Diaphram compressors
 Screw compressors
 Tooth compressors
 Scroll compressors
 Lobe compressors
 Vane compressors
 Liquid piston/Liquid Ring
Piston Compressors

 The piston compressor is the oldest and most common type of

industrial compressor. It’s available in single-acting or double-
acting, oil-lubricated or oil-free variants, with various numbers of
cylinders in different configurations.
 Oil-free piston compressors have piston rings made of
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) or carbon. Alternatively, the piston
and cylinder wall can be profiled as on labyrinth compressors.
Larger machines are equipped with a crosshead and seals on the
gudgeon pins, and a ventilated intermediate piece to prevent oil
from being transferred from the crankcase into the compression
chamber. Smaller compressors often have a crankcase with
bearings that are permanently sealed.
Reciprocating Compressor

 It is a positive-displacement compressor that

 Uses pistons driven by a crankshaft to deliver gases at high


 The intake gas enters the suction manifold, then flows into the
compression cylinder

 It gets compressed by a piston driven in a reciprocating motion via a


 Discharged at higher pressure

 Suction and discharge valves operate on the pressure differential.

Reciprocating Compressor - Working
Controlling Compressor

 Compressors are controlled from the suction.

 Compressors intake flow is regulated to get desired flow.
 Sometimes Gas recycling also used for the PD compressors if the compressor operates at
lower than minimum flow requirement.
 Compressors are also unloaded during its startup to reduce motor startup torque
requirement and avoid over load tripping.
 Normally PD compressors has fixed cylinder size, so the flow controlling also very interesting.
 Few compressor regulate driver RPM to regulate compressor flow.
 Widespread used method is to regulate flow from the suction loading valves.
 Compressor capacity can also be increased if it has design margin.
 Compressor flow control may be automatic and manual.
LCPL Piston Type compressors
 C1-830 A/B
Both compressors are used for compressing Nitrogen which is used in the process, both
compressors are double acting double cylinder compressors.
NGBC are used to compress Natural Gas to be used in the Gas turbine.
Diaphragm Compressors
 A diaphragm compressor is a well-known type of compressor from the category
of reciprocating compressor. The other name for the diaphragm compressor is
membrane compressor. The oscillating diaphragm enables to supply of the gas in
the compression chamber and applies the desired strain to supply the air in the
desired area.
 The diaphragm compressor is equipped with a sealed hydraulic piston system to
prevent ionic liquids from mixing with the gas. In this compressor, the air is
compressed by a flexible diaphragm instead of an air inlet element. The
reciprocating diaphragm is driven by a crankshaft and connecting rod mechanism.
Diaphragm During compressor operation, the compressor housing, and diaphragm
come into contact with hydraulic fluid (gas, air, etc.). Therefore, this compressor is
ideal for pumps of explosive and toxic gas..
Diaphram Compressor

When the piston reaches the bottom dead center during the intake stroke, the compensation pump
pumps a very small amount of oil from the check valve of the oil head to prevent the piston ring
from leaking. As the diaphragm approaches the coil head, the suction gas will not flow through the
head. As the piston begins to move towards TDC (top dead center), the internal gas pressure rises
above the external gas pressure, which closes the intake valve. After that, the check valve also closes
because there is no need to pump hydraulic oil to the compensating pump.
The oil and gas pressure rises quickly until the hydraulic oil brings the diaphragm into contact with
the gas head. The pump stroke begins after the membrane comes into contact with the gas head.
The coil head is fitted with a pressure relief valve to maintain internal oil pressure. This valve opens
and excess oil flows back into the crankcase. When the oil returns to the crankcase, the pump piston
begins to move towards the BDC (downstroke), the external gas pressure rises above the internal gas
pressure and the exhaust valve closes.
By closing the outlet valve, the gas present in the gas head begins to expand from the outlet
pressure to the inlet pressure. When the internal pressure of the gas touches the external gas
pressure, the exhaust valve opens and the gas is released. After this process, the entire cycle
Diaphragm Compressor
 Parts of a Typical Diaphragm Compressor
 Check Valve
 Overpump Valves
 Piston
 Connecting rod
 Hydraulic Injection Pump
 Crankshaft
Diaphragm Compressor
 Pros
 Due to the airtightness between the oil chamber and the air chamber, this compressor provides
oil-free compression. Its duplex device can compress different gases at the same time
 There is no problem with the transition assembly
 A membrane compressor that is statically sealed to the gas stream ensures wear-free
compression. Low stress on crankshaft bearings
 If the membrane fails, it will automatically shut down to prevent damage. Easy to maintain
 Exhaust gas pressure is up to 3000 bar. It ensures a tight compression of the gas. Unmatched high
internal pressure saves energy and lowers prices. Silent operation
 This compressor has no vibrations and no knocks
 Save energy
 Extends the life of the membrane
 Reduce energy costs
Diaphragm Compressor

 Cons
 This type of compressor has a low life in the membrane.
 The flow rate is low.
 It cannot be adjusted in itself.
 Valves and piston rings are susceptible to pollution present in the
Rotary Compressors
Rotary Screw Compressors

 Developed in the 1930s, rotating displacement compressors in twin screw

form have two main parts — the male and female rotors, which rotate in

opposite directions while the volume between them and the housing

decreases. Each screw element has a fixed, built-in pressure ratio that is

dependent on its length, the pitch of the screw and the form of the discharge

port. To attain maximum efficiency, the built-in pressure ratio must be

adapted to the required working pressure.

Operating Principles Screw Compressor

 As the name suggests, rotary screw compressors use rotary movements to compress the

air. Within the compressor, there is a set of male and female rotors. They will be

designed differently so that, when turned in unison, air will become trapped between

them. The male rotor has convex lobes and the female rotor has concave cavities; in

this way, they can mesh together without touching to achieve compression.

Additionally, the male rotor will have slightly less lobes than the female, meaning it

will rotate more quickly, effectively driving the female rotor.

Step by Step Screw Operation
 An opening valve sucks gas into the compressor chamber. Located in the chamber are the two
screw rotors; when the machine is on, they will rotate at high speeds.

 As the impellers rotate, they trap and isolate air in the cavities between the rotors, thus
moving the air down the chamber.

 The chamber decreases in size and is moved away from the opening valve. As the volume
decreases, the pressure increases.

 Pressurisation builds and thus the air is condensed.

 Air pressure will trigger the compressor’s discharge valve to open, allowing the pressurised air
to enter a receiver or other holding tank.

 Air is compressed and can be transferred to downstream equipment such as dryers and
oil/water separators for drying and contamination removal.
What are the benefits of rotary screw
air compressors
 As the technology of choice across a wide range of applications, screw compressors
have a lot to offer customers:
 Continuous operation -
 Easy to maintain -
 Powerful performance -
 Energy-efficient -
 Low noise
Tooth Compressors
 Tooth compressors contain two rotors that rotate in opposite directions inside a
compression chamber. Its compression process consists of intake, compression and
outlet phases. During the intake phase, air is drawn into the compression chamber
until the rotors block the inlet. The air is then compressed in the compression
chamber, which gets smaller as the rotors rotate during the compression phase. In its
final phase, the outlet port is blocked during compression by one of the rotors while
the inlet is open to draw in new air into the opposite section of the compression

 Similar to lobe type compressors

Scroll Compressors

 A scroll compressor is usually a type of oil-free orbiting displacement compressor,

which compresses a specific amount of air into a continuously decreasing volume.

The compressor element consists of a stator spiral fixed in a housing and motor-

driven eccentric, orbiting spiral. The spirals are mounted with 180° phase

displacement to form air pockets with a gradually varying volume, which provides

the scroll elements with radial stability. When the orbiting spiral moves, air is drawn

in and captured in one of the air pockets, where it is gradually compressed as it

moves toward the center.

 Scroll compressor ensures every molecule discharged to the process.

Scroll Compressors
Scroll Compressors


One of the largest threats to any piece of compression equipment is the presence of excessive waste build up. Waste
buildup has the potential to halt the performance of a device, leading to expensive repairs and wasted time. The scroll
compressor almost guarantees that every ounce of the air that enters the scrolls, leaves the compression area. The orbital
movement assures that all particles become diminished as compression finishes.


The scroll’s simple design allows it to operate at an audible volume that is hardly noticeable. The absence of high
vibration rates leads to an extremely low hum, rivaling the general decibel level of a library. Thanks to this, a scroll
compressor holds more opportunities for installation in locations that require little to no background noise. And, as a
direct result, businesses are able to forego purchasing expensive soundproofing equipment.


The presence of a pure design, paired with a high working efficiency, helps the scroll compressor save energy. A Purdue
University study shows that the energy usage in scroll compressors are around 25% lower than that of reciprocating
compressors. And because many businesses run compressors non-stop, a switch to scroll compressors could lower costs
and raise profit margins.
Scroll compressor


 Generally, compressors that employ an oil-free scroll mechanism are higher in price. Oil’s absence
requires more precise, and in-depth, crafting during manufacturing in order to become self-


 Due to the design of the scroll compressor, when a malfunction happens the unit is not immediately
serviceable. The area where compression happens has a hermetic sealing, giving it a secure and
constant airtight barrier. The integrity of the pressure chamber becomes compromised if the casing
is opened, causing further problems surrounding efficiency.
Vane Compressors

 Most vane compressors are oil-lubricated and operate using the same principle as many

compressed air expansion motors. A rotor with radial, movable blade-shaped vanes is

eccentrically mounted in a stator housing. When it rotates, the vanes are pressed against

the stator walls by centrifugal force. Air is drawn in while the distance between the rotor

and stator increases. The air is captured in the different compressor pockets, and decreases

in volume with rotation and is later discharged when the vanes pass the outlet port.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Rotary Vane Compressors

The advantages of rotary vane compressors include:

 Simple design and not so many moving parts
 Versatile and efficient
 Relatively low initial costs
 Long life expectancy of as long as 100K hours
 Continuous air supply
 Easy on-site maintenance
 Very small amount of oil needed for lubrication
 Relatively compact size
Sliding Vane Compressor

The disadvantages of rotary vane compressors include:

 Some lubricant will enter the air; therefore, some air/lubricant separation is necessary

 Limited application for high pressure ratio demands

 Difficult and high-cost multi-staging

 Limited discharge pressure (up to 200 psig (1,378 kPag) for high pressure models)

 Not flexible to capacity control

Roots Blowers

 A Roots blower is a valve-less displacement compressor without internal compression. When the

compression chamber comes in contact with the outlet port, compressed air flows back into the housing

from the pressure side. Subsequently, further compression takes place when the volume of the

compression chamber further decreases with continued rotation. Accordingly, compression takes place

against full counter-pressure, which results in low efficiency and a high noise level. Roots blowers are

frequently used as vacuum pumps and for pneumatic conveyance in low pressure applications.
Lobe type /Roots blower
Principles of Operation
 The rotary-lobe compressor incorporates two intermeshing rotors mounted on parallel shafts. In a twin-lobe
compressor, each rotor has two lobes (four lobes per compressor). In a tri-lobe machine each rotor has three
lobes (six lobes per compressor).

 The two rotors rotate in opposite directions.

 As each rotor passes the blower inlet, it traps a definite volume of gas (the ‘displaced volume’) and carries
it around the case to the blower outlet. With constant speed operation, the displaced volume remains
approximately the same at different inlet temperatures, inlet pressures and discharge pressures.

 As each rotor passes the blower outlet the gas is compressed to the system pressure there and expelled.

 Small but definite clearances allow operation without lubrication being required inside the air casing.

 Timing gears control the relative position of the rotors to each other.

 The rotary-lobe compressor was invented by two brothers, Philander Higley Roots and Frances Marion Roots,
who patented their design in 1860.
Pros And Cons of Lobe type compressor.
 Pros:
 1. Can produce a very high volume of air.
 2. Very little maintenance –
 3. Plug and play –
 4. Durable. They’re often used in harsh environments. Just make sure if it’s extremely hot,
to change the gearbox oil more often.
 1. Limited pressure range. They can only give you about 15 psi.
 2. They’re not always the most energy efficient, due to the slip. Sometimes other
technologies can out perform it.
 3. Loud. Usually it’s not big deal, because these are in industrial environments where the
noise doesn’t matter. However, you can put a silencing box around them or add silencers to
reduce the noise.
 If you have an application that needs below 15 psi of air, a large volume of air, and you have a
dirty or dusty environment, a rotary lobe is often a good choice.
Liquid Ring Compressor

 Liquid ring vacuum pumps are a kind of rotating positive displacement pumps.
They are coarse vacuum pumps, which can obtain pressure but can also be used
as a compressor.
 These vacuum pumps provide process vacuum in industrial applications such as
electrical power, chemical, food, beverage processing, environmental,
 marine and mining, oil and gas, pulp & paper, and textiles.

 The liquid ring vacuum pump is a simple operating machine with no contacting
parts making it safe and reliable for handling dirty and hazardous gas. As
 these pumps utilize water or other compatible liquids. These liquid vacuum
pumps are generally available in single and dual stage designs but can be
configured as compressors for more adaptability.

 After understanding what a liquid ring vacuum pump is, let us study the
construction and working principle of it.
Liquid Ring /Piston
Liquid Ring Compressors

As shown in the above figure, in a liquid ring vacuum pump, the pumped gases or vapours are

sucked via a suction inlet into the motor unit and are pushed out through the discharge outlet.

There is an impeller with impeller blades located in the cylindrical housing or liquid ring. The

impeller is placed eccentrically relative to the liquid ring. The liquid ring or housing also contains

seal liquid, fed through the operating liquid port on the top of the housing, and is pumped out

together with the pumped gases through the discharge outlet.

Liquid Ring / Piston compressor

The liquid ring vacuum pump works on the same principle as the rotary vane pump, but in this pump, the vanes are an
essential part
of the rotor and churn the rotating liquid ring to form the compression chamber seal. It is designed to be low-friction with
only o
ne moving part known as a rotor. The sliding friction is restricted to the shaft seals and is powered by an induction motor.
When the impeller spins, the seal liquid forms the ring inside the pump, creating a small chamber for trapping the gas.
During the
complete rotation of the impeller, the following steps occur;

 The rotor axis is located eccentrically from the body, which allows the liquid to fill the impeller cells with seal fluid by
acceleration. It creates a moving cylindrical ring against the inside of the housing.
 The liquid ring lifts off the impeller hub during the first half rotation. The space between the impeller cells increases, and
the gases are pumped in through the suction inlet.
 This process continues till the impeller moves to the lower vertex, where the space between the cells is largest and free of
seal fluid.
 The liquid ring again approaches the impeller hub during the first half rotation. In this, the space between the cells
leading to a reduction in volume.
 The pumped gases are compressed and pushed out through the discharge outlet.

 Positive displacement compressors have several advantages, as specified

 High efficiency
 Low cost of production
 High-pressure ratio
 The components of this compressor type are easy to fabricate or manufacture
 Several pricing choices

 Require incredibly high maintenance

 Costly
 Not the ideal choice to use for dirty gases/air
 Not appropriate for high-flow rates
 Limited ranges of capacity
 Very noisy compared to dynamic compressors
 The engine has many more component failures than other compressor types
 Only somewhat reliable
Dynamic Compressors

The dynamic compressor is continuous flow compressor is characterized by

rotating impeller to add velocity and thus pressure to fluid.

It is widely used in chemical and petroleum refinery industry for specific


There are two types of dynamic compressors

 Centrifugal Compressor
 Axial Flow Compressor
Positive displacement Compressor

Positive displacement compressors causes movement by trapping a fixed

amount of air then forcing (displacing) that trapped volume into the discharge

It can be further classified according to the mechanism used to move air.

 Rotary Compressor
 Reciprocating compressor
Advantages and Disadvantages of Dynamic compressors

Advantages Disadvantages

Centrifugal •Wide operating range •Instability at reduced flow
•High reliability •Sensitive to gas composition
•Low Maintenance change

Axial •High Capacity for given •Low Compression ratios

size •Limited turndown
•High efficiency
•Heavy duty
•Low maintenance
Advantages and Disadvantages of Positive displacement
Advantages Disadvantages
Positive displacement
Reciprocating •Wide pressure ratios •Heavy foundation required
•High efficiency •Flow pulsation
•High maintenance

Diaphragm •Very high pressure •Limited capacity range

•Low flow •Periodic replacement of
•No moving seal diaphragm

Screw •Wide application •Expensive

•High efficiency •Unsuitable for corrosive or dirty
•High pressure ratio gases

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