Local Media569379529439545589
Local Media569379529439545589
Local Media569379529439545589
Master Teacher 1/ La Purisima Elementary School
District Araling Panlipunan Coordinator
What is Social Content?
• Generally it refers to the identifies themes or topics in which the
Department of Education provides guidelines when they are used in the
lessons in any learning resources.
• Learning Resources that follow these guidelines avoid stereotypes and
help develop in learners such desirable values as nationalism, justice,
moral uprightness, inclusivity, understanding and compassion among
others. through the concrete expression of such values, the DepEd’s core
values are realized.
The following guidelines on social content are
recommended for integration in learning
• The Filipino Learner
• The Philippine Nation and Philippine Society
• Citizenship and Social Responsibility
• Individuals and Social Identities
• Social Institutions
• Gender
• Media, Technology and Communication
• Health and Safety
• Environment
The Filipino Learner
• Portray the learners as faceted with physical, intellectual, and psycho-
emotional, spiritual and sociocultural rights.
• Highlight the dignity of learners and communicate respect for their rights.
• Mirror the diversity of learner’s experiences, setting and contexts.
• Portray learners as active seekers of knowledge who rely on multiple sources of
information and are able to think critically about that knowledge.
• Nurture learner’s curiosity and creativity so they will develop into life-long
The Filipino Nation and Society
• Depict national symbols and institutions in contexts that promote respect
for their meanings.
• Foster a sense of justice and obedience to and respect for Constitution and
the law.
• Maximize the use of illustrations and photographs depicting the diversity
of Philippine setting and environments. (Local objects, local setting)
• Highlight the diversity of Philippine cultural communities, including the
indigenous cultural communities.
• Show community setting that feature a mix of rural, sub-urban and urban
situations without stereotyping any of them.
• Refrain from giving importance and attention to popularized fads,
transitory personages and events, and untested theories or views.
• Include foreign products, practices, and values only as needed and
appropriate to the competencies being covered. When included, these
foreign products must be featured in a ways that do not demeans the
Philippine products, practices and values.
Citizenship and Social Responsibility
• Encourage participative and responsible citizenship. (depicting individual
initiative rather that overdependence).
• Promote respect for the rights of children, elderly, persons with disability
(PWDs), Indigenous Cultural Community (ICCs), Indigenous People
(IPs), pregnant women, workers and other vulnerable sectors of the
• Promote the observance of high ethical standards and codes of behavior in
all aspects of the society.
• Foster attitudes of inclusivity, acceptance, understanding, and appreciation
for diverse cultures, sectors, and groups in society.
• Depict contributions of individuals and ethnic, cultural, and religious
groups that promote the common good of the community and the larger
• Feature role models who come from different places, historical period,
sociocultural contexts, genders, abilities and ages. They must be of
exceptional and acknowledged accomplishment or virtue regardless of
their ethnic, cultural and political origin or affiliation.
• Avoid the depiction of physical, sexual, verbal, and mental abuse of adults
and children as well as violent sports and entertainment.
• Avoid featuring or including situations materials that encourage or
rationalize crime and violence.
Individuals and Social Identities
• Depict the diversity of individuals and their circumstances in society and
promote sensitivity to and respect for the dignity and equal treatment of all.
These may include PWD learners and their learning circumstances and
learners in varied cultural and religious contexts among others.
• Avoid views or opinions that highlights stereotypes and encourage cultural,
moral, and social insensitivities against particular social classes, gender
groups, political affiliations, cultural or religious group.
• Avoid inaccurate, unnecessary of inappropriate portrayal of or reference of
physical appearance, cultural customs, social classes, symbols, observance,
festivals, dress, names, or language of any ethnic group or nationality.
Social Institutions
• Show respect for different family patterns (nuclear, extended, with single parent, or
with two parents)
• Use religious references, symbols, celebrations, and language (in text, illustration or
photographs) free of bias and only when it is appropriate in relation to the subject
• Present and promote a balanced and just relationship between workers and
managers in the depiction of their roles and responsibilities.
• Avoid mentioning commercial brands, names, and corporate logos in texts or
showing them in illustrations or photographs. Instead, writers may create or invent.
• Avoid differentiating , either explicitly or implicitly between the capability of
males and females to contribute to the political, economic or social well-being
of Philippine society in the world.
• Maintain balance in treatment of gender roles, occupations and contributions in
both texts and non-texts materials.
• Depict gender and sexuality as an aspect of one’s personhood in positive ways.
• Portray gender and sexual diversity in a respectful manner using a rights-based
Media Technology and Communication
• Portray ethical media practices.
• Demonstrate importance of using different forms of media as a means for
communication and expression of ideas.
• Highlight technological innovations as product of human ingenuity and as
part of human development.
• Depict responsible, safe, and secure use of information and
• Promote positive and healthy attitudes towards ICT and its use.
Health and Safety
• Promote physical and mental well-being of children and adults while
applying gender sensitivity with regard to health concerns.
• Promote proper nutrition and avoid featuring junk food and their
• Promote healthy and safety standards and precautions.
• Promote disaster-risk management and preparedness.
• Discourage the habitual use of tobacco and alcohol and the use of
narcotics, restricted drugs, and other addictive substance.
• Portray a lifestyle that contributes toward reducing the impact of climate
• Portray effort to conserve and care for the country’s natural resources and
protect the well-being of the environment.
• Promote personal and community involvement in environmental
management fir sustainable development.
• Encourage humane treatment of and respect for all life forms.
“Quality is everyone’s responsibility and
we never have to stop getting better”
W.E Deming