Activity4 Powerpoint Presentation .....
Activity4 Powerpoint Presentation .....
Activity4 Powerpoint Presentation .....
At the end of this learning activity, the FS students should be able
1. describe the different parts of a lesson plan using a specified
2. construct a lesson plan aligned to his/her specialization using
the existing basic education curriculum;
3. revise a lesson based on the comments/suggestions given by
the mentor/instructor;
4. cite challenges encountered in writing lesson plans; and
5. reflect on the feedback received for the improvement of
teaching practice.
A lesson plan is the teacher’s compendium of what students need to learn and how
it will be done effectively during the class time. It also involves designing and
incorporating appropriate learning activities and strategies to obtain substantive
feedback on student learning. A well-constructed lesson plan prepared by a teacher
for a particular lesson allows him/her to enter the classroom with more confidence
and a greater possibility of having engaging activities that will result in a meaningful
learning experience with students.
In this segment of learning experience, you will be exposed to various activities that
allows you to examine different lesson plan exemplars and its parts, and an
opportunity to construct your own lesson plan.
There are two activities that you are going to do in this segment of learning.
First, you have to stay focus, observe and examine materials as you work your
way in writing your own lesson plan.
Request for a lesson plan exemplars in your respective specialization from instructors in the
laboratory school or any source. Observe how each part was written. Describe each part.
I. Objectives
It has 3 different parts. These are the content standard, performance standard,
and learning objectives. Objectives are the foundation which we can build
lessons, assessments and instructions. It will be the target goals of the whole
discussion that the students need to acquire to progress.
A. Content Standard
Based on what we'd watched, content standard of the DETAILED LESSON PLAN must
answer the question "what a student should know and be able to do." For example a
content standard for 6th grade level could be in Earth science. For the highlight, "the
students will understand the effects of the relative positions of the earth, moon and sun."
B. Performance Standard
It is the real life application of understanding as evidence by the students
performance of authentic tasks. For example, the students must have a passing
scores on a test. Most teachers used performance standard to know how well the
students do their work.
C. Learning Objectives
These are the targets of the lesson which includes statements that define what students are
expected to learn. It is also "a statement of the specific and measurable knowledge, skills,
attitudes, and habits learners are expected to achieve and demonstrate as a result of their
educational experiences in a program, course, or module."
II. Content
At this part I observed that the teacher considers who their students are, what their
students ability level is , interest levels, attention spans, what their prior knowledge,
and lastly their learning experience. Content is the body of knowledge and information
that teacher teach to student and what students are expected to learn in a given subject
or content area.
III. Learning resources:
In learning resources based on what we have watched i have observed that
when we using a book as our references in our Lesson plan we need to put the title of
the book , also we need to put the exact page of that book so that it's easy for the other
to know where you exactly got that information , also if we used some video clip
online as references we need to indicate also the URl or (uniform resource locators) of
that video.
IV. Procedure - is essentially step-by-step instructions that walk
you through everything from the time students enter the
classroom until the bell rings at the end of the period.
Before the lesson
During the lesson
After the lesson
V. Assignments - are chores that must be done in class or at home for the next class period.
Meaning assignment is important to link the new lesson to the previous one so that the student
has a comprehensive understanding of the subject.
VI. Remarks - this part of the Detailed Lesson Plan requires teachers to document specific
events that result in lessons being continued the next day due to re-teaching, insufficient time,
or transfer of lessons to the next day because of class suspension, among other things.
VII. Reflection- in this part of the Detailed Lesson Plan it should be completed immediately
following the session. Teachers are urged to reflect on their lessons, particularly the portions
that went well and those that did not and write a concise summary.