ABG Bangalore
ABG Bangalore
ABG Bangalore
Vijaya Patil
Dept of Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain,
Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai
What does ABG tell us
Three physiologic processes
◦ Oxygenation
◦ Alveolar ventilation
◦ Acid-base Balance
Mainly 4 approaches
◦ Boston approach- Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
◦ Copenhegan approach (Base excess)-siggard
Anderson formula
◦ Anion gap based approach- widely used at bedside
◦ Stewart Fencl strong ion difference approach
Anion Gap based approach
26 year old man with pain, vomiting and distended abdomen
for last 4 days
Presented to casualty
Suspected intestinal obstruction
For emergency laparotomy
In ED- started on oxygen supplements 8lt/min by face mask
HR- 124/min, BP- 120/98mm Hg, RR- 32/min
ABG- pH- 7.21, PaO2- 80 mm Hg, PaCO2- 17mm Hg,
HCO3- 7
What are measured and what are
calculated variables?
PO2, PCO2 and pH are actually measured
HCO3 is calculated using henderson hasselbalch
◦ pH= 6.1+log10 HCO3/0.0307x PCO2
SpO2 is also calculated
HCO3 Measured in biochem lab using total CO2 content
Machines with co oximtere measure saturation and also
give carboxy-haemoglobin and methhaemoglobin
Validation of report- a redundant step
Look at pH
Acidemic (pH < 7.35) or alkalemic (pH > 7.45)
Our patient pH 7.21- acedemic
Step- 3 pH- 7.21, PaO2- 80, PaCO2- 17 , HCO3- 7
Is it respiratory or metabolic
HCO3 moves in same direction of pH and CO2 moves in
oppos direction of pH
To decide direction of pH take neutral pH as 7.4
PaCO2- 17mm Hg; HCO3- 7
Primary cause is metabolic
CO2 is low due to compensation- acidosis stimulates
respiratory center via chemoreceptors
Step-4 pH- 7.21, PaO2- 80, PaCO2- 17 , HCO3-
Isprimary disturbance compensated and if yes is
compensation adequate?
Rules of compensation
The general rule for all acid-base disorders is that the body's
compensatory response is almost never sufficient to return the plasma
pH to normal (7.4)
If the pH is normal then it suggests that a second, acid-base disorder is
Beware of prior interventions like mechanical ventilation or bicarb
Respiratory acidosis: <24 hrs : Δ[HCO3] = 1-2/10x Δ PCO2