Building A Schupmann HH
Building A Schupmann HH
Building A Schupmann HH
Refracting Telescope
Hartness House
August 1, 2019
Clif Ashcraft
What in the world is a
Schupmann Medial Telescope?
• A unique and underappreciated
type of telescope invented by
Ludwig Schupmann in Germany
late in the 19th century.
• The only perfectly achromatic
• A refractor that uses only one
kind of optical glass.
• A coronagraph.
• A spectroscope.
• An outstanding lunar and
planetary telescope.
Sounds amazing, but how does it work?
Here’s a schematic diagram to illustrate the principle:
Simple lens
Focal length --->
Blurry imageimage
(Further considerations cont.)
• Either or both the objective and the corrector are figured to
remove residual spherical and zonal aberration.
Petal lap
(Further considerations cont.)
• Micrometric adjustments in the cell of the field mirror precisely align
the image of the objective lens upon the mangin corrector.
– This is essential for exact cancellation of the chromatic aberration.
Kinematic Field Mirror Mounting
Field Vee-grouve
Solar Image
with corona and
Lyot Stop
Blocks light from diffraction edge around objective
Stellafane 13” Super-Schupmann
Mangin Corrector Size
• The mangin corrector does not have to be the full size of the objective.
• Schupmann made his correctors quite small, ~10% or less of the objective size
• When the telescope is to be used as a solar coronograph, the exact ratio is not
critical since both the objective and the corrector are figured so that both the
intermediate and final images are spherically corrected. 50% size correctors
are frequently used in this case.
• In the late 60’s, I explored this factor and found a significant advantage to
using smaller correctors: when the corrector is exactly 53.76% of the size of
the lens, both the spherical aberration and the zonal aberration go to zero, ie,
all surfaces can be made spherical.
• I called this special case the “Super Schupmann” and brought it to the
attention of Jim Daley, a Schupmann enthusiast (and author of a book on the
Schupmann) and member of the Springfield Telescope Makers.
• This all spherical aplanatic design discovery was confirmed by extensive ray
trace analysis by Bert Willard of the Springfield Telescope Makers.
• Subsequently, Jim Daley built a 6” Super Schupmann, and the 13” at
MacGregor observatory at Stellafane was built as a Super Schupmann. Both
had excellent performance with all spherical surfaces.
Advantages of the Schupmann Design
• Perfectly achromatic
– Zero longitudinal chromatic aberration (primary, secondary, tertiary, all gone)
– Zero lateral color (no little spectra at the edges of the field)
– Can tune out atmospheric dispersion without expensive Risley prisms.
• Excellent for use at shorter wavelengths
– No flint element is used in the design that would absorb deep blue and UV
– For really deep UV fused quartz could be used instead of crown glass
• No central obstruction
• Can be made with all spherical surfaces (Super Schupmann)
• Mangin element easier to make and less expensive than the flint element of an
achromat or apochromat
– Spherical surfaces
– Larger wedge tolerances
– Smaller, no need for flint or low dispersion crown glass
– Null test can be used in final figuring.
• Very low light scattering from 2nd surface reflection in Mangin
– No 1st surface reflections in split field design
– Reflective field element could be Mangin also, ie, planoconvex lens aluminized on plano side.
• Lyot stop can be added for coronagraph level performance.
Getting my hands on one…
• I had wanted to build a
Schupmann since I first learned
about the design’s wonderful
features back in the 60’s.
• I had even tried to talk AAI into
building the 10” refractor at
Sperry observatory as a
however the technical
committee was rather
conservative and
decided to build my
classical Clark style
airspaced doublet
design instead…
(Getting my hands on one…
• Over the years since, cont.)
I never quite got
up the ambition to make the optics for a
Schupmann myself, however, I learned
that my buddy Jim Daley had an
available set of 7.25” f/14 Schupmann
• This set was from his first Schupmann,
made with a 50% corrector.
• The objective and corrector were
figured separately so that both the
intermediate focus and the final focus
were corrected for spherical aberration.
• Jim had built the tube oversized so he could also use it for his second
Schupmann, a 9” f/11 design of the same focal length.
• The objective and corrector cells he had originally made for his telescope
were also available since they could not be used with the 9” f/11 design.
• I purchased the optics from Jim and proceeded to get busy building an
optical tube to house them.
Design of f/14, 7.25” Schupmann
Curves computed by Ed Olson for n D=1.51763
Diagonal mirror
rotation knob
} Micrometer adjustment of
field lens cell
Tailpiece detail
I decided to go with a 1/8” Luan skin on wood frame construction -
much like a stick, bulkhead and tissue paper model airplane,
relying upon diagonal members and skin for strength and rigidity:
All baffles cemented in
Top and bottom panels added
More details for tailpiece
“Mounted” for testing on
artificial star and
astigmatism adjustment.
Really mounted
on Meade
Starfinder GE
Matt Considine Bert Willard Dave Grosky Mike Mattei Bill Cheng Noah Me
Jim Daley
Under construction…
Observatory Finished
Crater Schickhard
on the Moon
Planetary Imaging with MacGregor Schupmann
Gale Crater
Motion of
Dust storm front
in 2 days
First step: full scale layout
Field mirror
Corrector focal
Lyot stop
r kt a ble
f t wo
Luan side panels and yellow poplar corner strips cut out
Side bracing members glued in
1/2” square pine strips
used for bracing members.
Titebond II carpenter’s
glue used in assembly.
Baffles, lots of them.
Computer printout
paper pattern
Over-size holes in
plywood bulkheads,
Corrector box
Fiddly bits…