Major Disease of Onion in Somali Region

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Training on Management of onion diseases observed in

Somali region

By: Abdi Aden Abdi

May. 2024
1 05/28/2024
The most common disease of onion is purple
blotch and downy mildew, which are mainly
severe during rainy season and under moist
The first measure is to follow appropriate cultural
practices crop rotation with non related crops to
reduce pest buildup.
The other is use of chemical control measures.
Commonly used fungicides like Ridomil gold,
Agrolaxyl or mancozeb can be used against these
2 05/28/2024
Onion Diseases
A. Purple blotch (Alternaria porri)
♥ Widespread wherever onion is grown
♥ Seed-borne pathogen
 Symptom: water soaked lesion with white center, edges of lesion turn to
brown to purple with time
♥ The first blotch appear on the oldest leaves

3 05/28/2024
Purple blotch management
 Use healthy seed
 Soaking seeds in hot water (50°C for 20 min): is more
effective than fungicidal application in reducing the seed-
borne infection by Alternaria porri and Stemphylium
 Crop rotation of 2-3 years

 Spray Nativo (trifloxystrobin 100 gm/lt + tebuconazol 200

gm/lt) .

4 05/28/2024
B. Stemphylium leaf blight
 Caused by: fungus (Stemphylium vesicarium)

 Confuse with purple blotch

 Favored by extended periods of leaf wetness, rainfall or

overhead irrigation during bulb formation.

 Symptom: Initial infections on the leaves and leaf sheaths are

small, light yellow to brown and water-soaked causing extensive

blighting of the leaves
♥ The centers of lesions turn brown to tan, then dark olive brown and

finally black as the fungus sporulates

Stemphylum leaf blight management
 Plant along wind direction to reduce leaf wetness

 Crop rotation (2-3 years)

 Soaking seeds in hot water (50°C for 20 min): is more

effective than fungicidal application in reducing the seed-

borne infection by Alternaria porri and Stemphylium
 Reduced plant density and good field drainage

 Avoid other disease (downy mildew) infection

6 fluopyram + tebuconazole (not tested in Ethiopia) 05/28/2024

C. Downy mildew
 Caused by: Fungus (Peronospora destructor)
 Common in areas with high rainfall and high humidity
 Can cause up to 75 % yield loss
 Symptom: Gray discoloration due to fungal growth on leaf surface
 Lesions progress to a pale yellow followed by brown necrosis resulting
in collapse of the leaf tissue
 Infected leaves turn to brown and dry

7 05/28/2024
Onion diseases contnd.

Downy mildew (Peronospora destructor)

Widespread in areas with high rainfall and humidity
Can cause a yield loss of 50-75%

 Gray discoloration due to fungal growth on leaf surface
 Infected leaves turn to brown and dry

Control Measures:
• Field sanitation
• Crop rotation
• Resistant/tolerant variety
 Fungicide application

Onion downy mildew (Peronospora destructor)

Onion downy mildew

Garlic rust
Control measures

 Planting of healthy seeds/bulbs

 Crop rotation with non solanaceous crops

 Avoidance of alternate hosts

 Use of improved, resistant/tolerant varieties

 Application of registered fungicides

Downy mildew management
 Disease free seeds

 Seed treatment

 Field sanitation

 Crop rotation

 Fungicide (Sinoko 77% WP, Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG,

mancozeb, metalaxyl 8% WP + mancozeb 64 WP)

13 05/28/2024
Description and Dosage of commonly used fungicides
Name of Fungicide Disease Remarks

Ridomil Gold 68WP Purple blotch (Alternaria Spray Ridomil at

porri) 2.5kg/ha= 10gm/15 liter
Downy mildew water,
(Perenosporus destructor) 1 full match box =10 gm

Agrolaxyl (Contains Purple blotch (Alternaria Spray Agrolaxyl at 3

mancozeb and porri) kg/ha=15gm/15 liter water
methylaxyl) Downy mildew
(Perenosporus destructor)

14 05/28/2024
NB: preventing problems is usually
easier than curing them!

15 05/28/2024

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