Ch-7 Facility Layout
Ch-7 Facility Layout
Ch-7 Facility Layout
Facility/Plant Layout
Facilities Layout
• Facility layout can be defined as the arrangement of
machinery, equipment and other industrial facilities –
such as receiving and shipping departments, tools rooms,
maintenance rooms, employee amenities, workstations,
machines, and stock-holding points within a facility,
with particular emphasis on movement of work
(customers or materials) through the system, for the
purpose of achieving the quickest and smoothest
production at least cost.
• Each process type (project, job shop, cell, assembly line,
continuous) has it corresponding basic layout
• The best layout is the one that minimizes flow distance,
or flow unit flow cost and maximizes throughput rate.
Importance of Layout Decisions
Objectives of Facility Layout
• Minimize material handling costs
• Utilize space efficiently
• Utilize labor efficiently
• Eliminate bottlenecks
• Facilitate communication and interaction between workers,
between workers and their supervisors, or between workers
and customers
• Reduce manufacturing cycle time or customer service time
• Eliminate waste or redundant movement
• Reduces congestion that impedes the movement of people
or material
• Reduce hazards to personnel
• Reduce accidents
• Incorporate safety and security measures
• Ease of maintenance activities
The Need for Layout Decisions
Inefficient operations
For Example: Changes in the design
High Cost of products or services
The introduction of new
products or services
Safety hazards
The Need for Layout Design
Changes in
environmental Changes in volume of
or other legal output or mix of
requirements products
Morale problems
Changes in methods
and equipment
Factors Influencing Layouts
• Materials
• Product
• Workers
• Machinery
• Type of Industry
• Location
• Managerial Policies
– Provision for expansion
– Extent of automation
– Make or buy
– Purchasing Policy
– Personnel Policy
Basic Layout Types
Product Layout
— Layout that uses standardized processing operations to
achieve smooth, rapid, high-volume flow
— Linear arrangement of workstations to produce a specific
Process Layout
— Layout that can handle varied processing requirements
— Centers/machines grouped by process they perform
Fixed Position Layout
— Layout in which the product or project remains
stationary; workers, materials, and equipment are
moved as needed
— Used in projects where the product cannot be moved
Hybrid Layouts
Cellular layouts
– group machines into machining cells
Flexible manufacturing systems
– automated machining & material handling systems
Mixed-model assembly lines
– produce variety of models on one line
Basic Layout
Layout Types
Office machines Foundry
Used for Intermittent processing
Job Shop or Batch Processes
Advantages of Process Layouts
• Reduced investments on machines as they are general
• Greater flexibility in production
• Better supervision due to specialization
• Greater scope for expansion as the capacities of
different lines can be easily increased
• Not particularly vulnerable to equipment failures as it is
easier to handle breakdown of equipment by
transferring work to another machine or station
• Possible to use individual incentive plans as workers
have greater control over their performance
Disadvantages of Process Layouts
• In-process inventory costs can be high
• Challenging routing and scheduling
• Equipment utilization rates are low
• Material handling slow and inefficient
• Complexities often reduce span of supervision
• Requires more floor space
• Accounting and purchasing are more involved
• Production time is more as work-in-progress has to
travel from place to place
Product Layout
• A Product Layout (also called a assembly lines) is one in
which the machines are arranged in one line, depending
upon the sequence of operations.
• Materials are fed into the first machines and finished
products come out of the last machine
• This type of layouts are there in chemical, paper, sugar,
rubber, refineries and cement industries.
• If there is more than one line of production, there are as
many lines of machines. Thus special purpose machines
are used.
• These are suitable for mass production and repetitive
operations in which demand is high and stable.
Product Layout
Station Station
Station Station
Station Station
Station Finished
materials 1 22 33 44
or customer item
2. Group machines VM
part families
3. Arrange cells so Worker 2
material G
movement is L
minimized Final
4. Locate large
shared machines at S Worker 1
In 1 2 3 4
Out 10 9 8 7
Designing Process Layouts
Information Requirements:
1. List of departments
2. Projection of work flows
3. Distance between locations
4. Amount of money to be invested
5. List of special considerations
6. Location of key utilities
Layout Design Procedure
• Statement of specific objectives, scope and factors to be
• Collection of basic data on sales forecasts, production
volumes, production schedules, part lists, operations to be
performed and their sequences, work measurement,
existing layouts, building drawings, etc.
• Preparation of various kinds of charts such as flow process
charts, flow diagram, etc.
• Designing the production process
• Planning the material flow pattern and developing the
overall materials handling plan
• Calculation of requirement of work centers and equipments
• Planning individual work centers
Layout Design Procedure
• Selection of materials handling
• Determining storage requirements
• Planning of auxiliary and service facilities
• Determination of routing, space requirements for each work
station, service department, employee facilities, etc.
• Draw building specification to fit the requirements of the
• Preparation of floor plan indicating location of doors,
windows, stair case, lifts, etc.
• Preparation of tentative or drafts layout plans
• Preparation of detailed layout and get approval of top
• Preparation of work schedule for the installation of layout
Design Product Layouts: Line
day= 420
mins = 129 units
Max Production =
Max Production = = 3.25 mins / unit = 129 units
time 3.25 mins / unit
Required Cycle Time, C =
Required Cycle Time, C = Required output per period
Required output per period
Min. Number
Workstations, NNt t
Sum of
times (T)
NNt ==
t Cycle
Sum of
of task
task times
times (T)
Efficiency =
Efficiency = Actual number of workstations (Na) x Cycle time (C)
Actual number of workstations (Na) x Cycle time (C)
Assembly Line Balancing
Question Bowl Concepts
If the production time per day is 1200 minutes
and the required output per day is 500 units,
which of the following will be the required
workstation cycle time for this assembly line?
a. 2.4 minutes
b. 0.42 minutes
c. 1200 units Answer: a. 2.4
d. 500 units minutes
e. None of the above (1200/500=2.4
Assembly Line Balancing Concepts
Question Bowl
a. 1 workstation
b. 5 workstations Answer: c. 12
c. 12 workstations
d. 60 workstations
e. None of the above (60/5=12)
Assembly Line Balancing Concepts
Question Bowl