Introduction To Power Plant Engineering (Elective II) : (PEC-MEL 325)

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Introduction to

Power Plant Engineering (Elective II)

(PEC-MEL 325)



 Module : 1 Coal based thermal power plants, basic Rankine cycle and its
modifications, layout of modern coal power plant, super critical boilers, FBC
boilers, turbines, condensers, steam and heating rates. Sub systems of thermal
power plants, fuel and ash handling, draught system, feed water treatment, binary
cycles and cogeneration systems. (Lectures 8)
 Module : 2Gas turbine and combined cycle power plants, Brayton cycle analysis
and optimization, components of gas turbine power plants, combined cycle power
plants.(Lectures 4)
 Module : 3 Basics of nuclear energy conversion, Layout and subsystems of
nuclear power plants, Boiling Water Reactor (BWR), Pressurized Water Reactor
(PWR), CANDU Reactor, Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR), Fast
Breeder Reactors (FBR), gas cooled and liquid metal cooled reactors, safety
measures for nuclear power plant. (Lectures 8)

Module : 4 Hydroelectric power plants, Hydrological cycle,

Rainfall & run-off measurement & plotting of various curves for
estimating stream flow, site selection, classification, comparison
with other types of power plant, typical layout and components,
principles of wind, tidal, solar PV and solar thermal, geothermal,
biogas and fuel cell power systems. (Lectures 8)
Module : 5 Energy, economic and environmental issues, power
tariffs, load distribution parameters, load curve, capital and
operating cost of different power plants, pollution control
technologies including waste disposal options for coal and nuclear
plants, Geothermal power plants, Ocean thermal electric
conversion,, M.H.D power generation. (Lectures 6)

Upon completion of the course students will be able


CO1 To analyse the working of coal based power plant

CO2 To analyze brayton cycle based systems

CO3 To understand the reactors used for nuclear energy production

CO4 To analyse hydro power plants for site selection and power production

To understand principles behind power production based on
solar,wind,tidal,fuel cell,ocean and geothermal energy.
CO6 To analyse economic and environmental impact related to power production
GATE SYLLABUS: (Power Plant)

Vapour and gas power cycle.

Concepts of regeneration and reheat.
Lecture Plan (1st Unit)

Lecture Topics to be covered

1 Coal based thermal power plants

2,3 Basic Rankine cycle and its modifications

4,5 Layout of modern coal power plant, super critical boilers,

FBC boilers, turbines, condensers
6 Sub systems of thermal power plants, fuel and ash handling

7 Draught system, Feed water treatment

8 Binary cycles and cogeneration systems.

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