Southwest Northeast
Monsoon or Monsoon or
Hanging Hanging
Habagat Amihan
Southwest Southwest Monsoon
or Habagat
- is a warm and humid air
that blows the Philippines
from the southwest
- from June to October
- more rains
Why do we experience rains when
Habagat reaches our country?
Habagat is a warm and
humid air. Once this air cools
down, it will eventually form
clouds. These clouds will then
accumulate more moisture
and then condense, which will
fall as rain later on.
The wind that blows toward
Northeast Monsoon
the Philippines from the
Northeast from November to
February. This wind comes
from Siberia where it is winter
during this months. As the cold
wind from Siberia passes over
the oceans, it gathers
This wind causes the coldest
temperature during the year in
the Philippines.
Northeast Monsoon or Hanging Amihan
-cold and dry wind
The northeast and
southeast trade winds
converge in areas that lie
between 30ºN and 30ºS
of the equator.
Convergence Zone
(ITCZ) – is the belt of low
pressure which circles
the earth generally near
the equator
Convergence Zone
(ITCZ) – is the area
where the trade
winds converge
together .
Convergence Zone
(ITCZ) – is the area
where the trade
winds converge
together .
When cold air sinks, it results to a high
pressure area.
warm air
rises Cold air
warm air
Low Pressure Area
(LPA)= rain
Air Pressure on a Weather Map
•Areas of High
and Low
pressure on
shown on a
weather map
with an H or
an L.
Around the world, tropical storms are
called by different names. In our country
tropical cyclone is called “typhoon or
In west Indies, it is called “hurricane”.
In Australia it is called Willywilly and
“cyclone” if it occurs in the Indian Ocean.
Typhoon is a Chinese term = “taifun”
meaning big wind.
Tropical cyclone
-are the violent
weather disturbances
that bring big whirling
masses of wind and
Tropical cyclone
-usually originate from
low pressure area that
forms in the tropics
over the seas and
oceans because of
too much water vapor
Tropical cyclone
-developed LPA that
brings heavy rains
and strong winds
How does the process of convection
create cyclones?
Convection- is the rising of warm air and
sinking of cold air.
The continuous rising of warm air and
sinking of cold air creates a circulation of the
wind. This circulation of the wind will then
form clouds and create stronger winds. This
series of events will lead to the formation of
How does convection relate to the
formation of clouds?
2. On what month of the year does the tropical cyclone occur
A. September to November C. August
to October
B. October to December D. January to March
3. What is the most dangerous and violent among the
tropical cyclones?
A. tropical depression C. typhoon
B. tropical storms D. tropical
4. Which is the strongest wind of a hurricane?
A. eye B. tropical depression C.
tropical storm D. tropical disturbance
5. What is the weakest among the tropical cyclone?
A. typhoon B. tropical depression C.
tropical storm D. tropical disturbance
Read each statement below carefully. In your notebook
write a check (√) if the statement describes the weather
systems. Write a cross (x) if does not.