GEN 741 Presentation

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Internet of Things based

Smart Home Technology

Ashish Dake, 42300321
Lovely Professional University
Usage and impact of the internet-of-things-based
smart home technology: a quality-of-life perspective
Introduction Methodology Results
This paper explores the usage and conversations were gone through The impact of improved
impact of the Internet-of-Things- sentence by sentence for open convenience in everyday life was
based Smart Home Technology coding process. The answers to the refined based on the similar
(IoT-SHT) in Malaysia. Face-to- questions “what smart products are benefits through IoT-SHT usage.
face interviews were conducted you using?” and “What is the Analysis which attempted to reveal
with a total of eleven IoT-SHT purpose of using this smart the meaningful themes and subtexts
users who had a minimum of 2-year product?” were coded based on that were related to the research
usage experience. conceptual similarity. topic was then performed.
Usage and impact of the internet-of-things-based
smart home technology: a quality-of-life perspective
Usage and impact of the internet-of-things-based
smart home technology: a quality-of-life perspective
Competition of multiplatform firms:
Implications for the Internet of Things
Introduction Methodology Results
A analytical model that formalizes Summarize firm prices and profits The new platform device becomes
the concept of a multiplatform firm across all cases. The equilibrium good enough for most consumers,
that offers a system of platforms, prices remain stable for every case, and the incumbent device withers
such as a smartphone, and a new TP for Phones and TW for Watches, to perhaps just a remote peripheral
platform device, such as a smart because cross-side network effects of the smart home appliance. If
watch and orchestrates a multi- are competed away as shown smart appliances become common
platform ecosystem. The analysis above. Meanwhile, the revenue in homes, vehicles, and places of
shows how a platform design and, therefore, the profit varies business, then the smartphone,
decision, like offering a new depending on how many today’s essential must-have device,
standalone device, affects Consumers purchase at the may become suddenly redundant.
consumer choices and market equilibrium price.
Competition of multiplatform firms:
Implications for the Internet of Things
Smart home for enhanced healthcare: exploring
human machine interface oriented digital twin model
Introduction Methodology Result
This study expounds on the The proposed model utilizes an The sensing technology is used to
suggestion and application of the interactive mechanism for the optimize the effective parts of the
Digital Twin model and intelligent control of HD, by platform; the efficient data
summarizes the research and integrating DT and virtual acquisition and processing system
application progress from the simulation technologies to establish is implemented; the measuring
aspect of the home-devices’ DT a human cyber-physical system point layout network is designed;
modeling. (HCPS), specifically addressing the and the changes in the monitoring
challenges associated with remote- stress field are analyzed to evaluate
control problems. its safety and carry out early
Smart home for enhanced healthcare: exploring
human machine interface oriented digital twin model
Smart home for enhanced healthcare: exploring
human machine interface oriented digital twin model
Differential privacy model for blockchain
based smart home architecture
Introduction Methodology Result
Provide a privacy-preserving data Layered architecture with The performance of the proposed
aggregation mechanism in the differential privacy. Architecture framework is evaluated using three
context of Smart Homes that agree demonstrates a layered access public datasets: UNSW-NB15,
to contribute their data to a cloud scheme to secure sensitive data. NSL-KDD, and ToN-IoT datasets.
server using machine learning to Each layer obtains input queries Findings show that differential
improve services for home users. from the layer above it and invokes private models can provide privacy
We propose the use of differential appropriate access policy based on protection against attackers by
privacy, a powerful concept in the role of the user. uses a fully sacrificing a substantial amount of
privacy preserving schemes to connected deep neural network and model utility. In this paper, author
provide formal assurances about creates a classification model to propose an empirical value, that can
how much information is leaked train and then build multiple optimally balances utility and
using a privacy budget. classification models able to privacy for the current smart home
classify attacks based on network scenario datasets.
traffic versus normal type of
network traffic.
Differential privacy model for blockchain
based smart home architecture
Benefits and risks of smart home
Introduction Methodology Result
Perceived benefits and risks of SHTs are Different datasets used in the analysis, Both prospective users and actual early
comprehensively assessed, providing a the data collection instruments and adopters also express caution towards
strong evidence base for policy to sampling procedures, and the sample ceding autonomy and independence in
address areas of consumer concern characteristics of each dataset. the home for increased technological
while reinforcing SHTs' potential Microsoft Excel was used for the control. These broader sociotechnical
contribution to energy system content analysis of industry marketing risks are perceived more strongly than
objectives. The characteristics of SHT material. the privacy and data security concerns
early adopters are distinguished, that have affected smart meter rollouts.
enabling targeted policy to help initiate The SHT industry can increase their
market growth. Inconsistencies between efforts to help mitigate perceived risks
industry, prospective users, and by ensuring SHTs are controllable,
policymakers' vision for smart homes reliable, and easy-to-use as measures for
are identified, pointing to critical areas building consumer confidence.
in which policy leadership can shape the
development of the SHT market.
Benefits and risks of smart home
Flexoelectrically augmented triboelectrification enabled self-power wireless smart
home control system

Benefits and risks of smart home technologies

Smart home for enhanced healthcare: exploring human machine interface oriented
digital twin model

Competition of multiplatform firms: Implications for the Internet of Things

Differential privacy model for blockchain based smart home architecture

Usage and impact of the internet-of-things-based smart home technology: a quality-of-
life perspective

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