Daldinia Concentrica
Daldinia Concentrica
Daldinia Concentrica
In vivo analgesic, CNS depressant activity in Swiss albino mice, chemical and in vitro
antimicrobial screening of ethanolic extract from
Daldinia concentrica ( Xylariaceae )
Presented By-
Salma Sultana Rashma
I.D.- 13609015
Department of Pharmacy
University of Chittagong
Aim & Objective of the work
Fungus Preview
Ethanolic Extract Preparation
Study Protocol
Experimental Animal
Experimental Design
Preparation of Test Sample
Evaluation of Analgesic Activity
Evaluation of CNS depressant Activity
Chemical Screening
Antimicrobial Screening
The role of modern technology in human civilization is expanding every day. However,
humans still face, and will continue to face, three basic problems: shortage of food,
pollution of the environment, and diminishing quality of health. Macro fungi not only
can convert the huge lignocellulosic biomass waste into human food, but also can
produce notable medicinal/nutriceutical products that have many health benefits.
Fungus have been used in health care for treating simple and age old common
diseases like skin diseases to present day complex and pandemic disease like AIDS.
They are reputed to cure epilepsy, wounds, skin diseases, heart ailments, rheumatoid
arthritis, diarrhea, dysentery, cold, anesthesia, liver diseases, gall bladder diseases
and used as vermicides.
Aim & Objective of the work
Pharmacological investigation
They were divided into four groups (Group-I, Group-II, Group-III, Group-IV)
The four groups received Control, Standard, 200mg/kg & 400mg/kg of test
samples respectively
Preparation of Test Sample
100 mg of extract were weighed in two micro vials
The final volume was made up to 4ml & 2ml for 400mg/kg & 200mg/kg of body weight of sample
Ingredients Amounts
The test organism was transferred from the subculture to the test tube containing
20ml autoclaved media with the help of an inoculating loop in an aseptic area.
The test tube was shaken by rotation to get a uniform suspension of the organism.
The bacterial suspensions were immediately transferred to the sterile petri dishes in
an aseptic area.
The Petri dishes were rotated several times, clockwise and then anticlockwise, to
assure homogenous distribution of the test organisms. This media were poured into
Petri dishes in such a way as to give a uniform depth of approximately 4mm.
After the medium has cooled to room temperature; it was stored in a refrigerator
Test organisms:
B 02 Staphylococcus albonii 0 29
B 03 Bacillus subtilis 14 27
B 04 Eschericia coli 0 28
B 05 Klebsiella pneumonia 0 30
B 06 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 10 34
B 07 Acinetobacter baumanii 0 31
The result of the mycological investigation showed that the fungus has potential & significant
analgesic & CNS depressant activity.
It also showed that the fungus has potential antimicrobial activity against specific bacteria.
The fungus contains alkaloids, triterpenoids, glycosides, steroids which has made it chemically
significant and biologically important drug candidate.
Thank You