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Chapter 5
Dr Miran Atif Elkordy
Mechanism of spread of malignant tumors Invasion of Extracellular Matrix (ECM) Vascular Dissemination and Homing of Tumor Cells Mechanism of spread of malignant tumors Invasion of Extracellular Matrix (ECM): 1-Loss of cellular cohesion: Normal cells are glued together by molecules called cadherins. Tumor cells lose the normal cadherin expression, allowing them to detach (loosening up). 2-Attachment of tumor cells (through receptors) to matrix components: mainly to laminin of basement membrane and fibronectin of the interstitial tissue. Attachment to ECM promotes the next steps. Mechanism of spread of malignant tumors 3- Degradation of the ECM: by proteolytic enzymes secreted by the tumor cells or by stimulated host cells (fibroblasts & macrophages). Several enzymes are released as: Type IV collagenase (causing lysis of basement membranes) Cathepsin D (causing degradation of interstitium). Degradation of ECM is very important for the tumor cells to create passageways for their migration. Mechanism of spread of malignant tumors 4-Migration (mobility) of tumor cells by pseudopodia This is mediated by tumor-derived cytokines (mobility factors) such as “autocrine mobility factor”. The process may be helped by acquiring negative charges on surface of tumor cells causing their repulsion and loss of contact inhibition. Mechanism of spread of malignant tumors Vascular Dissemination and Homing of Tumor Cells: 1. Tumor cell mobility allows cells to come in contact with blood vessels. 2. Tumor cells can penetrate lymphatics, capillaries & venules, but rarely arterioles (thick-walled). 3. Once the tumor cells cross the vascular basement membranes, they reach circulation as tumor emboli. Mechanism of spread of malignant tumors Fate of tumor emboli: a)Most tumor emboli are destroyed by immune mechanisms. b)The surviving tumor cells adhere to platelets. This affords them some protection from antitumor immune cells. c) Finally, the surviving tumor cell emboli get impacted in small vessels, where they adhere to the endothelium, cross the basement membrane & settle in the new site (homing). In their new sites, tumor cells proliferate forming metastatic deposits (metastasis, secondary tumors). Mechanism of spread of malignant tumors Fate of tumor emboli: Some tumors show organ tropism. prostatic carcinoma prefer spreads to bone, bronchogenic carcinomas tend to involve the adrenals and the brain neuroblastomas spread to the liver and bones. Such organ tropism may be related to expression of adhesion molecules whose ligands are expressed by endothelial cells Mechanism of spread of malignant tumors NEOPLASIA Classification of Tumors According to their behavior: ◦ Benign Tumors. ◦ Malignant Tumors. ◦ Intermediate Tumors. According to cell of origin (Histogenetic Classification): ◦ Epithelial tumors. ◦ Mesenchymal tumors. ◦ Tumors arising from lymphoid and hematopoietic organs ◦ Others. Intermediate Tumors (Locally Malignant Tumors). Some malignant tumors are locally invasive and destructive but rarely give rise to metastases (previously termed locally malignant tumors). Such tumors usually grow slowly, can recur after surgical excision, but have a better prognosis than malignant tumors that metastasize. Examples: 1) Basal cell carcinoma of the skin 2) Giant cell tumor of bone (osteoclastoma) 3) Some neuroendocrine tumors as carcinoid tumor. Benign Epithelial Tumors Benign epithelial tumors: 1. Surface: Papilloma ◦ Squamous Cell papilloma ◦ Transitional Cell Papilloma (Villous Papilloma ◦ Columnar Cell Papilloma 2. Glandular: Adenoma ◦ Exocrine or endocrine glands ◦ Mucosal glands Benign Epithelial Tumors Papilloma: Definition: ◦ benign surface epithelial tumor ◦ Forms microscopic or macroscopic finger-like fronds Benign Epithelial Tumors Microscopic Picture: They have a branching fibrovascular core covered by proliferated epithelium. Papillomas are rarely endophytic pushing the basement membrane and grow inwards, compressing the subepithelial tissues without invasion, thus called inverted papilloma (inverted papillomas of urinary bladder & nose). Benign Epithelial Tumors Papilloma: Papillomas are classified according to type of epithelium into: 1. Squamous Cell Papilloma 2. Transitional Cell Papilloma (Villous Papilloma) 3. Columnar Cell Papilloma Benign Epithelial Tumors 1- Squamous Cell Papilloma: Definition & origin: A benign tumor of stratified squamous epithelium. Sites: Skin, lip, tongue, oral mucosa, pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, cervix, vagina & anal canal. Gross Picture: • Sessile or pedunculated. • With progressive growth, complex papillary pattern. Benign Epithelial Tumors 1- Squamous Cell Papilloma: Microscopic Picture: Connective tissue cores covered by thick stratified squamous epithelium with acanthosis (increased prickle cell layers) and hyperkeratosis. Complications: May rarely change into squamous cell carcinoma. Benign Epithelial Tumors 2- Transitional Cell Papilloma (Villous Papilloma): Definition & origin: benign tumor arising from urothelium (transitional epithelium of urinary tract). It is strongly pre- malignant. Benign Epithelial Tumors 3- Columnar Cell Papilloma These are papillomas arising from columnar epithelium e.g. duct papilloma arising from the epithelium of major ducts, e.g. of breast or pancreas Benign Epithelial Tumors Adenoma: Definition and origin: A benign tumor arising from glandular epithelium (acini and /or small ducts). Sites: Exocrine or endocrine glands (breast, salivary glands, pancreas, thyroid) Mucosal glands: e.g. GIT & endometrium (mucosal adenoma, adenomatous polyp) Benign Epithelial Tumors 1- Adenoma of endocrine or exocrine glands: Gross Picture: a capsulated globular or ovoid mass. Cut section may be solid, cystic or cystic with small projecting papillae. Benign Epithelial Tumors Microscopic Picture: (Several Patterns): 1- Simple adenoma: proliferated acini separated by delicate stroma. Example: pancreatic, adenoma. Benign Epithelial Tumors 2- Fibroadenoma: Consists of glandular & wide stromal proliferations. Breast is the main site. Benign Epithelial Tumors 3- Cystadenoma: secretions are retained leading to cystic dilatation of the proliferated acini. Example: ovarian cystadenoma. 4- Papillary Cystadenoma: It is a cystadenoma in which the epithelial lining proliferates forming papillae. Example: papillary cystadenoma of the ovary. Benign Epithelial Tumors Complications of adenomas: Adenoma of endocrine glands may function e.g. thyroid adenoma may cause thyrotoxicosis. Malignant change (adenocarcinoma). Benign Epithelial Tumors 2- Adenomas of Mucosal Glands: Gross Picture: Adenomas of mucosal glands such as the colon may project on the surface of mucosa into the colonic lumen and is called a polyp. A polyp may be sessile or Benign Epithelial Tumors 2- Adenomas of Mucosal Glands: Microscopic Picture: Covered by columnar epithelium and the core contains proliferated glands, so it is called adenomatous polyp. Some adenomas of the colon may acquire a papillary architecture and are called villous adenoma Malignant Epithelial Tumors CARCINOMAS Surface epithelium: ◦ Squamous cell carcinoma. ◦ Basal cell carcinoma. ◦ Transitional cell carcinoma. Glandular epithelium: ◦ Adenocarcinoma Squamous Cell Carcinoma Definition & Origin: A malignant tumor of stratified squamous epithelium. Sites: Skin Squamous mucous membranes : lip, tongue, mouth, pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, cervix, vagina & anal canal. Other mucous membranes on top of squamous metaplasia e.g. SCC of urinary bladder due to bilharziasis Predisposing factors: Prolonged exposure to sun. Chemical carcinogens Squamous Cell Carcinoma Gross Picture: ln surfaces, the tumor pattern may be: Fungating polypoid pattern. Ulcerative type. Infiltrative pattern Squamous Cell Carcinoma Microscopic Picture: The dermis or submucosa is infiltrated by malignant epithelial cells In the form of cell nests replicate the normal epidermis (the periphery shows basal cell differentiation, followed by prickle cells & granular cells with the center showing whorly keratin pearls). Squamous Cell Carcinoma Microscopic Picture: Well differentiated neoplasms will form cell nests. Less differentiated neoplasms, will form fewer cell nests Anaplastic carcinoma (undifferentiated), no cell nests may be detected. Squamous Cell Carcinoma Broder’s grading of Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Grade I: 75-100% of the tumor consists of cell nests. Grade II: 50-75% cell nests. Grade III: 25-50% cell nests. Grade IV: 0-25% cell nests. Spread: Local, lymphatic and late by blood. Adenocarcinoma Definition and origin: malignant tumors from glandular epithelium either of: The mucosal surfaces (as gastrointestinal mucosa, endometrium or endocervix). Glandular organs (endocrine or exocrine glands as prostate, ovary, mammary gland, salivary Adenocarcinoma Gross Picture: ln mucous surfaces, the tumor pattern may be: Fungating polypoid pattern. Ulcerative type. Infiltrative pattern ln endocrine and exocrine glands irregular infiltrative growth. 1-Adenocarcinoma Microscopic types: Well differentiated Adenocarcinoma: Tumour is formed of malignant acini. They are irregular with no definite basement membranes. Their lumens are irregular. The cells show malignant features They exist in abnormal sites ( submucosa, musculosa or serosa) due to infiltration. 1-Adenocarcinoma Well differentiated Adenocarcinoma: may be cystically dilated (cystadenocarcinoma) if the malignant cell secretions are retained. Some malignant cells in these tumors may show papillary proliferations (papillary adenocarcinoma or papillary cystadenocarcinoma). - Less differentiated adenocarcinomas: - show less degrees of acinar differentiation. 2-Mucin secreting carcinomas: Mucinous adenocarcinoma (mucoid or colloid Carcinoma): This is an adenocarcinoma with abundant extracellular mucin secretion Signet ring cell carcinoma: The malignant cells show intracytoplasmic mucin that pushes the nuclei eccentrically. NO ACINI 3-Carcinoma simplex (undifferentiated carcinoma, spheroidal cell carcinoma): • These are malignant tumors of glandular origin that neither exhibit acinar differentiation nor secrete mucin. • Malignant cells form solid groups Adenocarcinoma Sites: Most common in breast Less common in other glandular sites mainly GIT. Spread: Local, lymphatic and late by blood