Yummy Corner
Yummy Corner
Yummy Corner
Developed By
SYMSC(Computer Science) In
Department Of Computer Science
Savitribai Phule Pune University
• Online food ordering system can be define as a software that enables the
restaurant to receive or manage the customers orders.
• Two main components:.
Website or mobile app for customers to view restaurant's dishes
and place order.
Admin management interface for the restaurant to receive and
manage customers orders.
• The system can:.
Assist the restaurant to optimize and monitor the restaurant
Simplify the ordering process for customers.
Decrease the load of the restaurant when the whole process of
ordering is automated.
• The primary scope of the online YummyCorner is well depicted on the user
case diagrams that are well showcased in this report. However, the central
system functionalities of this system comprise generating reports,
inventories, employee records, and managing orders.
• The order management involves the creation and deleting of orders,
removing and adding food staff from a request, and closing the orders.
• All the orders made should be stored in the system's database and
connected to the significant project tasks, with testing and implementation
that consume marginally more time than design.
• The project has a wide scope, as it is not intended to a particular
organization. This project is going to develop generic software, which can
be applied by any businesses organization. More over it provides facility to
its customer. Also the software is going to provide a huge amount of
summary data.
• Technologies Used:
Backend: PHP
Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Styling: BootStrap
Server: Xampp Server.
• Administrator Module
• Customer Module
• Register & Login Module
• Food Category : Add Category, Delete Category, View Category
• Food Module : Add Food, Update Food, Delete Food, View Food
Search Foods
• Restaurant Module : Add Res, Update Res, Delete Res, Serach Res.
• Cart Module : Add to Cart, Delete from Cart, View Cart
• Order Module : Add Order, View Orders
• Delivery Module : Add Delivery Detail, View Delivery Details
1. Convenience for Customers: Customers can place orders at any time, providing flexibility that aligns
with their schedules Ease of Use: User-friendly interfaces make it easy for customers to browse menus,
customize orders, and complete transactions.
2. Expanded Customer Base: Restaurants can reach a broader audience beyond their physical location,
attracting new customers who discover them through online platforms. Online presence through food
ordering apps and websites increases a restaurant's visibility in the digital space.
3. Efficient Order Management : Online ordering systems automate and streamline the order-taking
process, reducing the likelihood of errors that can occur with phone orders. Customers receive immediate
order confirmations, providing assurance and reducing misunderstandings.
4. Improved Accuracy: Online orders minimize the chances of miscommunication between customers and
restaurant staff, leading to more accurate orders.
5. Enhanced Customer Experience: Customers can easily customize their orders according to their
preferences, leading to a more personalized dining experience Customers can view their order history,
making it convenient for reordering favorite dishes.
6. Cost Efficiency for Businesses:
Online orders can help reduce the workload on phone lines, allowing staff to focus on other tasks.
Streamlining the order process can improve overall efficiency, potentially reducing staffing needs during
peak hours.
1.Global Expansion: Many online food delivery platforms are expanding their operations to serve
customers in different countries and regions. The global reach of these services is expected to
continue growing as they tap into new markets.
3. Automation and Robotics: The use of automation and robotics in food preparation and delivery
is on the rise. Drones and autonomous vehicles may play a larger role in delivering food,
especially in densely populated urban areas.
4. Health and Nutrition: An increasing number of customers are looking for healthy and dietary-
specific options. Online food delivery platforms can respond to this demand by offering more
choices tailored to individual dietary preferences and requirements
• YummyCorner is a web-based technology that aids the restaurant industry in carrying out tasks
effectively and efficiently. It aids in managing cash flow for managers. Managers can view
analytics data to assess company growth. The manager can control orders and employee
schedules by using this system. The full complement is a restaurant management system. It
provides access to the Online Order platform, third-party connectors software, and
comprehensive CRM solution, which together cover a sizable portion of your restaurant's
requirements. They are not the outdated hardware and software sets for restaurants that were
previously offered. They are the hottest things around, smooth, manageable, inexpensive, and
quick. In the “YummyCorner" we made every effort to meet all the demands of the restaurant.
Because it is straightforward and adaptable, the project is successful. The biggest benefit of my
project is that it draws plenty of users because of its simplicity.
• [1] Kirti Bhandge, Tejas Shinde, Dheeraj Ingale, Neeraj Solanki, Reshma Totare,” A
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Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science ( Peer-Reviewed, Open
Access, Fully Refereed International Journal ) Volume:05/Issue:05/May-2023
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Presentation by:
Kranti Vedpathak
Priyanka Girme
Siddhant Potdar