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Seminar Presentation on:

Classification & Functions

Guided By: Presented By:

Dr. Dharitri Borgohain Ponkaj Gogoi
Department of Botany M.Sc 4th sem (Botany)
Roll no: 22MBOT08
Meristematic Tissue

 A meristematic tissue consists of a group of cells, which

remain in a continuous state of division or they retain
their power of division.

 The term meristem was coined by Carl von Nageli in


 Meristematic tissue or meristems was derived from the

Greek word ‘meristos’ which means divisible.
Characteristics of Meristems:

 They are composed of

immature cells which are in
a state of continuous cell
division and growth.

 Usually the intercellular

spaces are not found among
these cells.

 The cells may be

isodiametric, rounded, oval
or polygonal in shape.

 They are always living with

thin cellulosic cell wall.
Classification of Meristems:
I. Based on Origin and Development:
i. Promeristem or Primordial meristem
 It is the region of new growth in plant body where the
foundation of new organs is initiated.
 Sometimes, it is also called as embryonic meristem.
 Prominent nuclei and inconspicuous intercellular spaces
may be seen.

ii. Primary meristems

 They build up the primary part of the plant and consist
in part of promeristem.
 The main primary stems are the apices of roots, stems,
leaves and similar appendages.
 Cell are always active and dividing.
iii. Secondary Meristems

 Secondary meristems always arise in permanent tissue.

 It is appear later at a stage of development of an organ of a

plant body.

 E.g. Vascular cambium & Cork Cambium.

II. Based on Position in plant body:

i. Apical meristems

 Lies at the apex of the stem and the root of vascular plants.
 Due to activity of these meristems, the organs increases in
 Rapid multiplication of cells.
ii. Intercalary Meristems:

 The intercalary meristems are inter-

nodal in their position.
 It helps in elongation of plant body.
 The intercalary meristems are found
lying in between masses of permanent
tissues either at the leaf base or at the
base of internode.

iii. Lateral Meristems:

 The lateral meristems are composed of

such initials which divide mainly in one
plane (periclinally) and increase the
diameter of an organ.
 These tissues are responsible for
growth in thickness of plant body.
 The cambium and the cork cambium
are the examples of this type.
III. Based on Function:
i. Protoderm:
 The protoderm is the outermost
tissue which develops into
 It is located at the tip of roots and
 It act as a barrier and protects
plants from water loss and physical

ii. Procambium:
 The procambium develops into
primary vascular tissue.

 It act as a circulatory highway

ensuring long distance transport of
the minerals throughout the plant
iii. Ground Meristems:

 The ground or fundamental meristem develops into

ground tissue and pith.

 In later stages, they become differentiated into

hypodermis, cortex, endodermis, pericycle, pith rays
and pith.

IV. Based on Plane of Division:

i. Rib Meristems:

 In rib meristem, meristematic cells divide in one

plane only, promoting longitudinal growth of the

 Such meristem are found in shoot and root apex.

ii. Plate Meristems:

 In plate meristem, meristematic cells divide in two planes.

 Such meristem helps in formation of epidermis and lamina

of leaves.

iii. Mass Meristems:

 In mass meristem, meristematic cells divide in all planes

so that a mass of cells is formed.

 Such meristem helps in the formation of endosperms,

spores, cortex etc.

 Also known as Block meristem.

Functions of Meristematic Tissue:
 Meristems are actively dividing tissues of the plant.

 They are responsible for primary (elongation) and

secondary (thickness) growth of the plant.

 All new organs and their growth occur by the division of

meristematic tissue.

 Secondary tissues such as, wood, cork are also formed

due to activity of meristematic tissue.

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