Int Tourism CH 11 Social and Cultural Aspects of Tourism

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Chapter 11 Social and Cultural Aspects of Tourism

Criticism of Tourism
Tourism has attracted as both praise and criticism:
Praise for its potential or real economic contributions Criticism for its adverse affect on places and host residents. The challenge for tourism managers, planners and researchers is to find ways to develop tourism as an industry providing travel experiences which are rewarding and sustainable for both hosts and guests.

Sustainable Tourism
According to the WTO, sustainable tourism development meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing the opportunity for the future. Sustainable tourism emphasize three important features:
Quality: A quality experience for visitors, quality of life for the host community, protecting the quality of the environment.
Continuity: continuity of natural resources, continuity of the culture of the host community Balance: balances the needs of the tourism industry, supporters of the environment, and the local community.

The Socio-cultural Impacts of Tourism Defining Society and Impacts

Society refers to the patterns of social organization of and within communities. Social impacts of tourism refers to changes in the lives of people living in destination communities. Cultural impacts of tourism refers to changes in the arts, artifacts, customs, rituals, and architecture of a people.

The term socio-cultural impacts refers to changes to residents everyday experiences, as well as to their values, way of life, and intellectual and artistic products.

The Socio-cultural Impacts of Tourism

Major socio-cultural impacts
Factor associated with Tourism
The use of culture as a tourist attraction Direct contact between residents and tourists

Positive Impacts
Increased support for traditional cultures and displays of ethnic identity. Breakdown of negative stereotypes. Increased social opportunities.

Negative Impacts
Changes to traditional activities and arts to suit production for tourists. Disruption and crowding of traditional activities. Enhancement of negative stereotypes. Increased commercialism. Introduction of diseases. Demonstration effects Community conflict and tension Increased social inequity Loss of language Loss of access to places and recreational activities. Crowding and congestion increased crime

Changes in jobs and economic structure resulting in changes in social roles

Development of tourist facilities Increase population from tourists and associated development.

New economic and social opportunities which decrease social inequity.

Increased recreational opportunities Support for medical, educational and other facilities which enhance quality of life.

The Socio-cultural Impacts of Tourism

Cultural Change
Changes in cultural products and festivals: The production of cultural arts and activities for tourists has often resulted in changes in cultural products, cultural festivals, ceremonies, and dances to make them more palatable to visitors.
Negative stereotypes: Intl tourists and residents often have very different cultural backgrounds and it develops negative stereotypes of tourists from their direct encounters. Community Conflict: Demonstration effect - different approaches exposed to tourists by the younger and older residents of a community.

The Socio-cultural Impacts of Tourism

Other Impacts
Competition for tourist business Increased economic inequity Renewed interest in and opportunities for revival in the use of local languages The adoption by local residents of other languages The development of facilities for tourists Increased income and an improved quality of life for host communities. Increases in population leading to problems with crowding, congestion, and crime.

The Socio-cultural Impacts of Tourism

Factors Related to Individual Perceptions of Tourism
Residents who are likely to benefit from tourism are more likely to support tourism. People with greater of involvement in and knowledge of tourism tend to support the industry. Communities which have had little contact with outsiders have greater difficulty dealing with tourism than those with a longer history of dealing with other cultures.

Media portrayals of tourism can influence host perceptions by providing information which is used in the social construction of reality and which influence public opinion.

Strategies to Manage Sociocultural Impacts of Tourism

Obstacles to Socio-cultural Understanding to the totality of reactions to new Cultural shock refers
people and settings which result in ineffective behaviors. Cultural shock may be experienced by either visitors or their hosts.

Cultural arrogance is defined as the continued practice of following ones own cultural rules while disregarding the feelings and perspectives of the host community.
Tourist behaviors that breaking known morale, religious or social codes are example of continuing arrogance on the part of the visitors.

Strategies to Manage Sociocultural Impacts of Tourism

Strategies to Manage Socio-cultural Impacts
Pre-travel information On-site interpretation Societal marketing practices

Facility design A range of culture contact opportunities Evaluation skills Explanation of tourism issues Community involvement in tourism planning Developing conflict resolution skills

The Relationship Between Culture and Tourism

Culture Shaping Outbound Tourism
South Korean Example Tourist activities and their values
South vs. North Europeans

Cultural differences generate a strong preference for Chinese, French, Japanese and Italian tourists.
Golf is a high status sport by Koreans and Japanese but not for Australians.

Tour guides perceive various nationalities as having different behaviors.

Japanese travelers were thought to travel in groups while the French tourists were thought to be more individually oriented in their vacation behavior.

The Relationship Between Culture and Tourism

Culture Shaping inbound Tourism
Popular culture
Cultural icons:
England: British Museum, Tower of London France: Pompidou Centre U.S.: Disney World

Most popular categories of cultural tourism attractions

Museums (59 percent) Historic monuments ( 37 percent) Heritage centers ( 37 percent) Art galleries ( 24 percent) Performing arts ( 22 percent)

The Relationship Between Culture and Tourism

Culture Shaping inbound Tourism
Urban Tourism Urban tourism focuses on the mix of attractions which motivate travel to major population centers.

New York City can be seen as an example of urban tourism.

Ethnic Tourism refers to tourism focused on a groups traditions and lifestyle.
Viewing local festivals, attending special ceremonies, watching local activities.

Interpretation for Sustainable Tourism

Interpretation for Sustainable Tourism
Interpretation can be seen as any activity which seeks to give tourists information about the place they are visiting.
Interpretation improves the quality of the experience for the visitors.
Educating tourists about the nature of the host region and culture and informing them of the consequences of their behavior.
Enhancing the quality of visitor experiences by adding value to tourism products

Developing tourist support for both cultural and environmental conservation.

Relieving pressure on sites by controlling access, by distributing visitors more evenly throughout an area

Interpretation for Sustainable Tourism

Principles for Enhancing the Effectiveness of Interpretation
Interpretation must be effective
Interpreters must make a personal link with the visitor

Interpreters should present a whole rather than a part

Interpreters must provide variety in interpretative experiences

End of Chapter 11

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