The Complete Orthodox Bible

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The Complete Orthodox

New Testament
The Birth of Yahoshua (Taken from
Mattityahu 1)
• The huledet (birth) of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was as follows. When Moshiach’s Em, Miryam, had been given in erusin to Yosef [ben Dovid], but
before they came together, she was found with child through the Ruach Hakodesh.

• 19 Her shidduch, Yosef [ben Dovid], being a tzaddik and not wanting to humiliate her publicly, planned to deal with the get (divorce) in a private

• 20 Now just when Yosef [ben Dovid] had thought through to this tachlis (purpose) hinei! A malach Hashem appeared to him in a chalom, and said, Yosef
ben Dovid, do not shrink from taking Miryam in nisuim (marriage) as your [basherte (destined mate) aishes chayil (virtuous woman)] kallah (bride),
because what has been conceived in her is through the Ruach Hakodesh.

• 21 And she shall bear BEN (Son) and you will call SHMO (his name, Zech 6:12) YEHOSHUA (Zech 6:11-12) because he will bring his people yeshuah
(rescue, salvation, deliverance) from their peyshaim (rebellions).

• 22 Now all this occurred so that which was spoken by Hashem through the Navi might be fulfilled,

• 23 HINEI, HAALMAH HARAH VYOLEDET BEN VKARAT SHMO IMMANU-EL (Behold, the Virgin will be with child and will bear Son and will call
his name Immanu-El—Isa 7:14; cf page vii), which translated means G-d is with us.

• 24 Then Yosef [ben Dovid], rising up from sleep, did as the malach Hashem commanded him and he took his kallah. 25 And Yosef [ben Dovid] did not
Yochanan Ben Zecharyah preaches
• In the shenat chamesh esreh (15th year) of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, while Pontius Pilate was governing Yehudah, when Herod [Antipas] was tetrarch of the Galil, and
when Philip the brother of Herod Antipas was tetrarch of Iturea and Trachonitis, and at the same time Lysanias was tetrarch of Abilene,

• 2 And when, during the same historical period, Anan and Caiapha were Kohanim Gedolim, then it was that the dvar Hashem came to [the kohen-navi] Yochanan Ben
Zecharyah bamidbar (in the wilderness).

• 3 And Yochanan went into all the surrounding region of the Yarden preaching a tevilah of teshuva for the selichat avon,

• 4 As it has been written in the sefer divrei Yeshayah Hanavi, KOL KOREY BAMIDBAR (A voice of one shouting in the wilderness, YESHAYAH 40:3): Prepare the Derech
Hashem (the Way of the L-rd). Make his paths straight!

• 5 KOL GEY YINNASE VKHOL HAR VGIVAH YISHPALU (Every valley will be filled in and every mountain and hill will be leveled off), VHAYAH HEAKOV LEMISHOR
VHARKHASIM LVIKAH (The crooked will be made straight, the rough paths made into smooth roads);

• 6 VRAU CHOL BASAR ES YESHUAT ELOHEINU (and all basar will see the salvation of our G-d). [YESHAYAH 40:3-5; TEHILLIM 98:2; YESHAYAH 42:16; 52:10]

• 7 Therefore, Yochanan was saying to the multitudes coming out to have the mikveh mayim’s tevilah supervised by him, You banim of nachashim, who warned you to flee
from the charon af [Hashem] habah (the coming burning wrath of Hashem)?
• 8 Therefore, produce p’ri tov l’teshuva (fruit worthy of repentance), and do not begin to presume within yourselves, saying, We have the zechut Avot (merit of the
Fathers) of Avraham Avinu, for, I say to you, that Hashem is able from these avanim (stones) to raise up banim to Avraham Avinu. 9 And already the ax is laid at the
shoresh haetzim (the root of the trees). Therefore, every etz not producing pri tov is cut down and is thrown into the Eish.

• 10 And the multitudes were questioning him, saying, What then should we do?

• 11 And in reply, Yochanan was saying to them, Let the one having two kaftans share with the one having none, and let the one having okhel (food) do likewise.

• 12 Now came also mochesim (tax collectors) to receive the tevilah of teshuva, and they said to him, Rabbi, what should we do?
Yahoshua baptized by Yochanan the Baptist
(Taken from Lukas 3)

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