Establishing Objectives and Budgeting For The Promotional Program

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Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotional Program

Value of Objectives
Focus and Coordination They help to orient everyone involved toward one, common goal. Plans and Decisions They serve as criteria for developing plans and making decisions. Measurement and Control They provide the standards and benchmarks for evaluating results.

Types of Objectives

Sales AS An Advertising Objective Communication As An Advertising Objective

Not all Ads are Designed to Achieve Sales

Problems With Sales Objectives

Sales are a function of many factors, not just advertising and promotion. Effects of IMC tools such as advertising often occur over an extended time period.

Sales objectives provide little guidance to those responsible for planning and developing the IMC program

Many Factors Influence Sales

Product Quality






The Economy

Price Policy

When Sales Objectives Are Appropriate

For promotional efforts that are direct action in nature and can induce an immediate behavioral response. Sales promotion Direct response advertising Retail advertising for sales or special events When advertising plays a dominant role in a firms marketing program and other factors are relatively stable

When sales effects of an IMC variable can be isolated.

Sales Objectives are Appropriate for Direct Response Advertising

Communication Objectives

The primary goal of an IMC program is to communicate and planning should be based on communications objectives such as brand awareness, knowledge, interest, attitudes, image and purchase intention

Communications Effects Pyramid

90% Awareness 70% Knowledge 40% Liking 25% Preference 20% Trial 5% Use

When Communication Objectives are Appropriate

Increasing the % of consumers in the target market who associate specific features, benefits or advantages with our brand. Increasing the no. of consumers in the target audience who prefer our product over the competitors Encouraging the current users of the product to use it more frequently or in more situations. Encouraging consumers who never used our brand to try it.

DAGMAR Approach
Define Advertising Goals for Measuring Advertising Results

Under DAGMAR approach an advertising goal involves a communication task that is specific and Measurable.

Four Stages:
Awareness: making the consumer aware of the existence of the brand or company Comprehension: developing an understanding of what the product is and what it will do for the consumer. Conviction: developing a mental disposition in the consumer to buy the product Action: getting the consumer to purchase the product

Characteristics of Good Objectives: DAGMAR

Good Objectives Should Include:

Concrete, Measurable Communication Tasks

Well-Defined Target Audience Have an Existing Benchmark Measure Specify Degree of Change Sought Specific Time Period

DAGMAR Criticism

Problems with the response Hierarchy Sales Objectives Practicality and Costs Inhibition of Creativity

Budgeting Decisions

Budgeting decisions involve determining how much money will be spent on advertising and promotion each year and how the money will be allocated

Two major decisions Establishing the size of the budget Allocating the budget

Top-Down Budgeting

Top Management Sets the Spending Limit

The Promotion Budget Is Set to Stay Within the Spending Limit

Top-Down Approaches
The Affordable Method What we have to spare. What's left to spend. Arbitrary Allocation Method No system. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Percentage of Sales Method Set percentage of sales or amount per unit. Competitive Parity Method Match competitor or industry average spending. Return on Investment Method Spending is treated as a capital investment.

Bottom-Up Budgeting
Total Budget Is Approved by Top Management

Cost of Activities are Budgeted

Activities to Achieve Objectives Are Planned

Promotional Objectives Are Set

Objective and Task Method

Establish Objectives (create awareness of new product among 20 percent of target market)

Determine Specific Tasks (advertise on market area television and radio and local newspapers)
Estimate Costs Associated with Tasks

Monitor and Evaluate

Allocating the IMC Budget

Factors Affecting Allocation to Various IMC Elements

Client/Agency Policies Size of Market Market Potential Market Share Goals Market Share and Economies of Scale Organizational Characteristics

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