Personal Development q2-m4
Personal Development q2-m4
Personal Development q2-m4
BY :
Personal Development
Joshua P. Orbeta
Quarter 2 - Lesson 4 Johnrie D. Candilanza
Various Roles of Different
Individuals in Society and How
they can Influence People
Through Leadership and
Dear Lord and Father of all, Thank you for today.
Thank you for ways in which you provide for us all. For Your
protection and love we thank you.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on what we are about to
Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen and write. Guide us by your
eternal light as we discover more about the world around us.
We ask all this in the name of Jesus.
Directions: Write L if the statement describes a leader, F if the
statement describes a follower and FL for both. Write your
answer in your notebook.
This time you may be able to identify the different roles of leaders and
followers in society.
A Role defines a set of norms, values, behaviors, and personality
characteristics attached to a status such as leader, follower, or club president.
Every leader assumes role in a society. They are expected to behave a pattern
usually determined by individuals in the society.
To become a great leader, you must be a good follower. This will give high
impact to a society. You must have the important leadership qualities that can
affect constituents and can be developed by anyone:
Roles of an Efficient Leader that can influence people:
1. Set example - a good leader sets the best example. It is the first rule. Walk the talk.
Do not compromise anybody in the organization or team integrity. Never take shortcuts.
2. Assume and do responsibility - you should be guided by your own duties and
responsibilities. Be proactive in guiding, teaching, and developing excellence in
3. Show Initiative - find out what needs to be done, do not wait for anyone to tell
you what to do.
Roles of an Efficient Leader that can influence people:
4. Life-long learner- capacitate yourself. Learn everything you need to know about
the current job.
6. Willing to serve - this quality is known of a servant leader. Showing this kind of
characteristics can inspire thought and action of your own constituents.
Roles of an Efficient Leader that can influence people:
7. Active listener - to become an active listener, you must maintain an eye contact.
Pay attention to facial expressions and body language, and start a sentence with “I”
instead of “You. This will enhance a good communication and understanding.
8. Show empathy - Try to understand where people are coming from and their point
of view. Put yourself in the other people’s shoes.
9. Be sensitive to the need of others - as a good leader, you must be the one who
should know and feel the needs of your constituents
Roles of an Efficient Leader that can influence people:
10. Delegate work - sharing work among members at the organization should be
divided into a manageable task. Explain completely what you are asking the person to
11. Learn to appreciate - If someone has done great with the assigned tasks, be
sure to let them feel they are appreciated. Simply saying thanks will do. This will
motivate them to work hard.
12. Be patient - Do not get easily annoyed if untoward incident happens. Hold your
temper. This might require constant practice.
Leadership qualities are not exclusive to leaders. Some of these may found in the
followership. A great leader encourages teamwork. Followership plays an essential part of
the leadership equation. Followers are team that can contribute success in your leadership.
Followership means when people express words, actions, respect, and support to a leader.
But what are the role of a follower?
Role of an Effective Follower that Leaders Need
1. Courage to do responsibility - Effective follower feels a sense of personal
responsibility and ownership for his or her own behavior in the organization.
2. Courage to challenge - If the leader’s actions contradict the best interest of the
organization, effective follower takes a stand. Do not sacrifice your own integrity or the
good of the organization just to maintain harmony.
7. The passion to drive personal growth- Leaders want followers who seek to
enhance their own growth and development rather than depending on the leader to do it.
Effective followers play a vital roles not only by supporting the leaders
but also create a positive and successful environment for everyone in the
Directions: Do the following activity in a separate sheet of paper.
2. What do you think are the characteristics of a good leader and a good
follower? Explain your answer.
1. A servant leader put his own concern, motives, and interests first and foremost above
the others.
2. An efficient leader sets himself/herself as an example.
3. Leaders are to serve others.
4. Leaders want followers who seek to enhance their own growth and development rather
than depending on the leader to do it.
5. Effective follower feels a sense of personal responsibility and ownership for his or her
own behavior in the organization.
6. Effective follower does understand the needs of the organizations.
7. Effective leaders listen deeply to others and emphasize with people around.
8. Great leaders get easily annoyed and cannot hold temper if untoward incident happens.
9. In leading a team or organizations, a great leader divide works depending on the length
of service in the company.
10. Effective follower does not feel the sense of ownership and responsibility for his/her
own behavior.
Lord, we thank you for the things we learned from this class
May you continue to bless and guide us as we go out from
this classroom.
May the things we learned will remain in our hearts and
minds. We pray that you continue to teach us to apply them in
our daily life.
We ask this through Christ our Lord Amen