Biopsychology. The Nervous System NO ANSWERS
Biopsychology. The Nervous System NO ANSWERS
Biopsychology. The Nervous System NO ANSWERS
Learning Objectives
To be able to describe
the divisions of the
nervous system: central
and peripheral (somatic
and autonomic), its
functions and apply this
information to certain
The nervous system
The nervous system is the network of all the neurons
or nerve cells in the body and is our primary
communication system.
• It then transmits
information from the
Use the CNS and
CNS to muscles and PNS to explain
glands in the body. how you would
move your hand
away from the
burning candle.
The peripheral nervous system
Autonomic nervous system
The Autonomic Nervous
System (ANS) works
automatically without us
having to think about it or
command it.
Imagine how
difficult life would
be if we had to
remembering to
breathe in and
The peripheral nervous system
The autonomic
nervous system (ANS)
has two main divisions
or branches:
the sympathetic and
The branches of the autonomic nervous
system work antagonistically.
The sympathetic branch The parasympathetic branch
Activates internal organs Works to conserve energy
to increase energy and and store the body's
arousal for Fight or Flight. resources. It allows digestions
and metabolism to occur.
Sort the following bodily actions into the
correct branch of the ANS.
Glucose stored
Glucose released
Saliva production increased
Dry mouth - no saliva
Pupils dilated
Pupils contract
Increased stomach activity
Decreased stomach activity
Increased heart rate
Decreased heart rate
The peripheral nervous system
Somatic nervous
system (SNS)
This transmits
information from
receptor cells in the
sense organs to the
CNS. It also receives
information from the
CNS directing muscle
movement. How is
this system different
to the ANS?
1. Outline the role of the central nervous system (4 marks)