• Statistical Tests for Ordinal Scale: Median is the most appropriate measure of
central tendency of the scores that are in an ordinal scale. Obviously, quartile
deviation is the measure of dispersion for such data.
• There are a number of non-parametric tests to test a hypothesis with scores
in an ordinal scale - runs test, sign test, median test, Mann Whitney U- test,
• These tests are often referred to as ‘order statistics’ or ‘ranking statistics’.
Interrelations can be computed from rankings of two sets of observations on
the same group of individuals.
• Spearman’s Rank Difference, or Kendall Rank Correlation coefficients are
appropriate for such situations.
Statistical Tests for Ordinal Scale
• For applying tests to measurements on an ordinal scale, we make an assumption that the
observations are drawn from a distribution, which is essentially continuous. Such
assumptions are also made for all parametric tests.
• A continuous variate is one that is not restricted to having only isolated values. Given a
certain limit (interval between two classes), we can have any number of values inserted
in between.
• With an increase in the number of observations, more and more of these values are likely
to be represented. It will suffice, at this point, to remind the readers that very often the
crudeness of our measuring devices obscures the underlying continuity that may exist.
• The classification of respondents with respect to an attitude statement into categories
strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree essentially presumes the
presence of a continuum.
• If a variate is truly continuous and if the instrument for measuring the property in
question is sensitive enough, then the probability of obtaining a tied observation is
extremely small.