Human Resource ManagementPPP
Human Resource ManagementPPP
Human Resource ManagementPPP
Grade 10
The Human Resource Office
• Every organization needs humans in order to be
successful, even if it is a highly capital-intensive
industry or organization; it is with this thought in
mind why the human resource office becomes
important. The human resource office is the office in
the organization that is responsible for the welfare
of all the workers in the other departments. It also
handles pension plans and health care for each
staff in an organization.
The human resource office handles:
• The job advertisement- broken down into two main
sections, the job specification and the job description.
Job specification entail the necessarily qualification and
experiences that the potential candidate must possess.
This describe the responsibilities and roles that the
candidate should possess. It also includes the contact
information and closing date for application submission.
• Shortlisting-This is the process of selecting the best fit
application letters from the pool of submission and
calling the respective persons for an interview.
• Interviewing- This is the question and answer
session: it can be done face to face or over the
telling phone. This process is used to ascertain the
best suited individual for the job.
• The selection process- This involves going through
the list of persons that were interviewed to select
the best suited one (s). This may result in a second
interview process or hiring.
• The hiring- Selecting/ informing the best fit person
from the selection process that they have been
successful and that they should report to in the
capacity that they were interviewed for.
• Deployment- This includes placing the successful
candidate in the best suited position but it also
includes moving persons already in the companies
employ to different positions as the organization
sees fit.
• Induction-This is the process of introducing the new
recruit to the organization employees, rules and
general culture.
• Appraisal of employees-This involves the process
of evaluating the employees performance against
the established requirements. The employee must
have been informed of the processes before and
the established guidelines. This process issued to
encourage the employee to improve on his work
standards. It may lead to training or firing.
Duties of a HR clerk
The duties of a clerk in the human resource department varies,
• maintaining a database of personal records- the filing of
appraisals and employee work history and in general
information regarding each staff.
• preparing an office space for interviews-this include booking
a suitable room and in general ensuring the interview room
is ready and suitable for conducting the interview.
• attending to staff welfare-this involves preparing everything
for the employees to include to health issues, lunches,
transportation, subsidies, furniture and so on.
Duties cont’d
• Assisting with the functions of the human resource
management office- this include assisting managers
with strategic planning, conducting surveys,
assisting with staff welfare etc.
• Confidence-the feeling or belief that one can have
faith in or rely on something or someone. The ability
to meet life challenges and to succeed.
• Patience-The ability to be tolerant with others.
• Tactful- Having the skills and sensitivity in dealing
with others or with difficulty issues.
Legislation and its benefits
• All workers have rights and must be treated fairly
and equally regardless of their status quo or
position in an organization it is therefore of
paramount importance that workers know and
understand the benefits that the workers legislation
sets out for them; this include proper working
conditions, equality, the right to join a trade union,
and the meaning of wrongful dismissal
International Labour Organization
The ILO was established by the United Nations in
1919. IT sets international labour standards that
consists of conventions and recommendations. A
convention is a legally binding international agreement
a country that ratify a convention is obligated to fulfill
it. A recommendation is a guideline on how a
convention may be implemented.
• Some ILO conventions are:
• Right to organize and collective bargaining
convention 1919
ILO Conventions cont’d
• Minimum Age convention 1973
• Equal Remuneration Convention 1951
• Discrimination (Employment and Occupation)
Convention 1958
• Termination of Employment Convention 1982
Statutory Provisions
• The Occupational Health and Safety Act
• The Right to organize and Collective Bargaining
• Abolition of Forced Labor Convention
• Equality of opportunity and Treatment in
employment and Occupation
• Factories Act
Factories Act- This Act regulates working conditions to
ensure the safety of workers, including:
• Life saving and first aid appliances
• Proper Ventilation
• Sanitation, including the provision of lavatory
• Workers Compensation Act- Requires
compensation to be paid to workers who suffer
incapacity, injury or death by accident on the job, or
occupational disease.
• Occupational Health and Safety Act(OHSA)-
provides laws designed to ensure that workplaces
are as safe as possible. It focuses on standards
and conducting inspections to ensure that
employers are providing a safe and healthy
Records in the HR office
Records that are kept by the Human Resource
department include
• Personal information,
• Contract of employment,
• Personal history or service records,
• Leave record
• Appraisal form
• Service Form
Staff turnover
• There are internal factors that lead to employee
turnover such as; poor working conditions, lack of
job satisfaction and low salaries, Lack of training
opportunities, Redundancy, Limited possibility for