Inspect and Test Configured Network
Inspect and Test Configured Network
Inspect and Test Configured Network
Configured Network
OHS Procedures
1. "Request Timed Out" indicates no reply messages
were received within the default time of 1 second,
possibly due to network congestion, ARP request
failure, packet filtering, routing errors, or silent discard.
It often signifies a failed route back to the sending host,
possibly because the destination host or intermediary
routers don't know the route back, or the destination
host's default gateway lacks the route back. Check the
destination host's routing table first for a route to the
sending host before examining router tables.
Common Ping Test Problems
2. Unknown Host
This error message indicates that the requested host
name cannot be resolved to its IP address; check that
the name is entered correctly and that the DNS servers
can resolve it.
Common Ping Test Problems