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ELE 213
2021 – 2022 , FIRST SEMESTER
• A two-port network is an electrical network
having two pair of terminals to connect to an
external circuit (e.g. Transformer).
• The one pair at the input is called input port and
other pair at output is called the output port.
• Two-port network representation is shown in Fig.

1. Network
An electrical network is an interconnection of electrical
components or a model of such an interconnection, consisting
of electrical elements.
2. Electrical circuit
An electrical circuit is a network consisting of a closed loop,
giving a return path for the current.
3. Port:
A port is a pair of terminals through which a current may
enter or leave a network.
4. One-port network
One-port network is a pair-terminal electrical network in
which, current enters through one terminal and leaves
through another terminal.
• Resistors, inductors and capacitors are the examples of one
port network because each one has two terminals.
• One port network representation is shown below.
• In the preceding study we have frequently focused on the behavior of a
circuit at a specified pair of terminals (i.e. one-port networks).
• In analyzing some electrical systems, focusing on two pairs of terminals
is also convenient.
• In particular, this is helpful when a signal is fed into one pair of
terminals and then, after being processed by the system, is extracted at
a second pair of terminals.
• Because the terminal pairs represent the points where signals are either
fed in or extracted, they are referred to as the ports of the system.
• In this chapter, the discussion will be limited to circuits that have
one input and one output port.
• Use of the basic two-port building block is subject to following
1. No energy stored within the circuit
2. No independent sources within the circuit, dependent sources only
are permitted.
3. The current into the port must equal the current out of the port.
4. All external connections must be made to either the input port or the
• The two-port network model is used in circuit analysis to isolate
portions of larger circuits.
• A two-port network is regarded as a black box with its properties
specified by a matrix of numbers.
• This allows the response of the network to signals applied to the ports
to be calculated easily, without solving for all the internal voltages and
currents in the network.
• The fundamental principle underlying two-port modeling of a system is
that only the terminal variables I1, V1, I2 and V2 are of interest.
• We have no interest in calculating the currents and voltages inside
the circuit.
• Generally, there exist six different models to describe the
relationships between these variables, depending on which two of
the four variables are given and the other two are required.
• Six different models describing the relationships between port
variables can be expressed as follows;
 Z-parameters  Y-parameters

 A-parameters B-parameters

 H-parameters G-parameters
• Impedance and admittance parameters are commonly used in
the synthesis of filters.
• They are also useful in the design and analysis of impedance-
matching networks and power distribution networks.
• We discuss impedance parameters in this section and
admittance parameters in the next section
• The Z-parameters of a two-port network may be defined by
expressing two port voltages V1 & V2 in terms of two port
currents I1 & I2 as follows:

………………. (1)

• Where, is called the Z-parameters matrix

• The values of the parameters can be evaluated by setting:
I1 = 0 (input port open-circuited) or
I2 = 0 (output port open-circuited)
• Thus,
• Since the Z-parameters are obtained by open-circuiting the input or
output port, they are also called the open-circuit impedance
parameters. Specifically,
Z11= Open-circuit input impedance
Z12= Open-circuit reverse transfer impedance
Z21= Open-circuit forward transfer impedance
Z22= Open-circuit output impedance
Equivalent circuit for Z parameters
• Equation (1) can be represented by the equivalent circuit of Fig.
• The terms, Z12I2 and Z21I1 being included as current-dependent
voltage sources.
Properties of Z-Parameter Model
1. When Z11 = Z22 , the two-port network is said to be symmetrical.
• In other words, the network has mirror like symmetry about
some center line.
2. When Z12 = Z21 , the two-port network is said to be reciprocal.
• Reciprocity indicates that the two-port network has no dependent
• In other words, it is made entirely of resistors, capacitors and
Example 1

Determine the Z-parameters for the circuit shown in Fig.


• To determine Z11 and Z21, we apply a voltage source V1 to the

input port and leave the output port open as in Fig.

• Then,
• To determine Z22 and Z12, we apply a voltage source V2 to the
output port and leave the input port open as in Fig.

• Then,

• Thus,

• The Y-parameters of a two-port network may be defined by

expressing two port currents I1 & I2 in terms of two port voltages
V1 & V2 as follows:

………………. (2)

• Where, is called the Y-parameters matrix

• The values of the parameters can be evaluated by setting:
V1 = 0 (input port short-circuited) or
V2 = 0 (output port short-circuited)
• Thus,
• Since the Y-parameters are obtained by short-circuiting the input or
out-put port, they are also called the short-circuit admittance
parameters. Specifically,
Y11 = Short-circuit input admittance
Y12 = Short-circuit reverse transfer admittance
Y21 = Short-circuit forward transfer admittance
Y22 = Short-circuit output admittance
• It is of importance to note that for the same network the Y-
parameter matrix is the inverse of the Z-parameter matrix.
• That is:
Equivalent circuit for Y-parameters
• Equation (2) can be represented by the equivalent circuit of Fig.
• The terms, Y12V2 and Y21V1 being included as voltage-dependent
current sources.
Properties of Y-Parameter Model
1. When Y11 = Y22 , the two-port network is said to be symmetrical.
• In other words, the network has mirror like symmetry about
some center line.
2. When Y12 = Y21 , the two-port network is said to be reciprocal.
• Reciprocity indicates that the two-port network has no dependent
• In other words, it is made entirely of resistors, capacitors and
Example 2

Determine the Y-parameters for the circuit shown in Fig.

• To determine Y11 and Y21, short-circuit the output port and connect a
current source I1 to the input port as in Fig.
• Since the 8 Ω resistor is short-circuited, the 2 Ω resistor is in parallel
with the 4 Ω resistor. Hence, as in Fig.

• By current division,
• To determine Y22 and Y12, short-circuit the input port and connect a
current source I2 to the output port as in Fig.
• The 4 Ω resistor is short-circuited so that the 2 Ω and 8 Ω resistors are
in parallel.

• By current division,

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