Chpter 1 Traffic Engineering
Chpter 1 Traffic Engineering
Chpter 1 Traffic Engineering
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Chapter 1: Traffic Engineering
1.1 Traffic Surveys
1.1.1 Spot speed studies
1.1.2 Volume studies
1.1.3 Travel time and delay studies
1.1.4 Parking studies
1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
1.2.1 Flow-density relationships
1.2.2 Fundamental diagram of traffic flow
1.2.3 Mathematical relationships describing traffic flow
1.2.4 Shock waves in traffic streams
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Introduction to Traffic Engineering
Traffic Engineering
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Introduction to Traffic Engineering
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Introduction to Traffic Engineering
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Introduction to Traffic Engineering
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Introduction to Traffic Engineering
3. Facility design: involves traffic engineers in the functional and geometric
design of highways and other traffic facilities.
4. Traffic control: is a central function of traffic engineers and involves the
establishment of the traffic regulations and their communication to the driver
through the use of traffic control devices, such as signs, markings, and
5. Traffic operations: involves measures that influence overall operation of
traffic facilities, such as one-way street systems, transit operations, curb
management, and surveillance and network control systems.
6. Transportation system management (TSM): involves virtually all aspects of
traffic engineering in a focus on optimizing system capacity and operations.
Specific aspect of TSM include high-occupancy vehicle priority systems, car-
pooling programs, pricing strategies to manage demand, and similar
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Introduction to Traffic Engineering
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
Traffic studies are conducted to furnish the traffic engineer with the factual
information he needs, both to identify the magnitude of traffic problem and to
provide him with the data required for a quantitative approach to the solution
of the problems.
Traffic problems include highway-related crashes, parking difficulties,
congestion, and delay.
To reduce the negative impact of highways, it is necessary to adequately collect
information that describes the extent of the problems and identifies their
This information is usually collected by organizing and conducting traffic
surveys and studies. Both peak and off-peak period study can be used in the
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
Speed characteristics determined from a spot speed study may be used to:
Establish parameters for traffic operation and control, such as speed zones,
speed limits (85th-percentile speed is commonly used as the speed limit on a
road), and passing restrictions.
Evaluate the effectiveness of traffic control devices, such as variable message
signs at work zones.
Evaluate and or determine the adequacy of highway geometric characteristics,
such as radii of horizontal curves and lengths of vertical curves.
Evaluate the effect of speed on highway safety through the analysis of crash
data for different speed characteristics.
Determine the general speed trend
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
The duration of the study should be such that the minimum number of vehicle
speeds required for statistical analysis is recorded. Typically, the duration is at
least 1 hour and the sample size is at least 30 vehicles.
Methods for Conducting Spot Speed Studies
The methods used for conducting spot speed studies can generally be divided
into two main categories: manual and automatic.
Since the manual method is rarely used, automatic methods will be described.
Road Detectors
Radar-Based Traffic Sensors
Electronic-Principle Detectors
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
The Autoscope uses electronic principles and the RTMS meter uses Doppler or
Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) principles and both are
also capable of obtaining vehicle counts while obtaining speed data
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
The RTMS Radar-Based Traffic Sensor
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
Why ?
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
1. Average Annual Daily Traffic(AADT): is the average of 24-hour counts
collected every day of the year. AADTs are used in several traffic and
transportation analyses for: (Bonus) ⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒ ERA
a) Estimation of highway user revenues
b) Computation of crash rates in terms of number of crashes per 100
million vehicle miles
c) Establishment of traffic volume trends
d) Evaluation of the economic feasibility of highway projects
e) Development of freeway and major arterial street systems
f) Development of improvement and maintenance programs
2. Average Daily Traffic (ADT): is the average of 24-hour counts collected over
a number of days greater than one but less than a year. ADTs may be used
a. Planning of highway activities
b. Measurement of current demand
c. Evaluation of existing traffic flow
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
3. Peak Hour Volume (PHV) is the maximum number of vehicles that pass a
point on a highway during a period of 60 consecutive minutes. PHVs are used
a. Functional classification of highways
b. Design of the geometric characteristics of a highway, for example,
number of lanes, intersection signalization, or channelization
c. Capacity analysis
d. Development of programs related to traffic operations, for example,
one-way street systems or traffic routing
e. Development of parking regulations
4. Vehicle Classification (VC) records volume with respect to the type of vehicles,
for example, passenger cars, two-axle trucks, or three-axle trucks. VC is used
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
Applications of Travel Time and Delay Data
The data obtained from travel time and delay studies may be used in any one of the
following traffic engineering tasks:
Determination of the efficiency of a route with respect to its ability to carry
Identification of locations with relatively high delays and the causes for those
Performance of before-and-after studies to evaluate the effectiveness of traffic
operation improvements
Determination of travel times on specific links for use in trip assignment
Compilation of travel time data that may be used in trend studies to evaluate
the changes in efficiency and level of service with time
Performance of economic studies in the evaluation of traffic operation
alternatives that reduce travel time
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
5. Stopped-time delay is that part of the delay during which the vehicle is at rest.
6. Fixed delay is that part of the delay caused by control devices such as traffic
signals. This delay occurs regardless of the traffic volume or the impedance that
may exist.
7. Travel-time delay is the difference between the actual travel time and the travel
time that will be obtained by assuming that a vehicle traverses the study section at
an average speed equal to that for an uncongested traffic flow on the section being
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
The most direct way of obtaining the travel time for several vehicles between
two points in the highway system is by recording the time of entry and the time
of exit for individual vehicles traversing the study section.
Several methods have been used to conduct travel time and delay studies. These
methods can be grouped into two general categories:
1) Those using a test vehicle and
2) Those not requiring a test vehicle
The particular technique used for any specific study depends on the reason
for conducting the study and the available personnel and equipment.
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
A second stopwatch also may be used to determine the time that passes each
time the vehicle is stopped. The sum of these times for any test run will give the
stopped-time delay for that run.
Alternatively, the driver alone can collect the data by using a laptop computer
with internal clock and distance functions. The predetermined locations
(control points) are first programmed into the computer. At the start of the run,
the driver activates the clock and distance functions; then the driver presses the
appropriate computer key for each specified location. The data are then
recorded automatically.
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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Example: Volume and Travel 1.1 TimeTraffic Surveys Technique
Using Moving-Vehicle
The data in Table below were obtained in a travel time study on a section of highway
using the moving-vehicle technique. Determine the travel time and volume in each
direction at this section of the highway.
1. Mean time it takes to travel eastward
2. Mean time it takes to travel westbound
3. Average number of vehicles traveling westward when test vehicle is traveling
7. Average number of vehicles the test vehicle passes while traveling westward
8. Average number of vehicles the test vehicle passes while traveling eastward45
1.1 Traffic Surveys
Run Travel No. of Vehicles Traveling No. of Vehicles that No. of Vehicles Overtaken
Direction/Number Time (min) in Opposite Direction Overtook Test Vehicle by Test Vehicle
1 2.75 80 1 1
2 2.55 75 2 1
3 2.85 83 0 3
4 3 78 0 1
5 3.05 81 1 1
6 2.7 79 3 2
7 2.82 82 1 1
8 3.08 78 0 2
Average 2.85 79.5 1 1.5
1 2.95 78 2 0
2 3.15 83 1 1
3 3.2 89 1 1
4 2.83 86 1 0
5 3.3 80 2 1
6 3 79 1 2
7 3.22 82 2 1
8 2.91 81 0 1
Average 3.07 82.25 1.25 0.875
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
Providing adequate parking space to meet the demand for parking in the
CBD may necessitate the provision of parking bays along curbs which
reduces the capacity of the streets and may affect the level of service.
This problem usually confronts a city traffic engineer. The solution is not
simple, since the allocation of available space will depend on the goals of the
community which the traffic engineer must take into consideration when
trying to solve the problem.
Parking studies are therefore used to determine the demand for and the
supply of parking facilities in an area, the projection of the demand, and the
views of various interest groups on how best to solve the problem. Before we
discuss the details of parking studies, it is necessary to discuss the different
types of parking facilities.
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
Off-Street Parking Facilities
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
Parking lanes: Parking lanes are provided on urban roads to allow kerb parking.
As per as possible, only parallel parking should be allowed as it is safer for
moving vehicles. Also the clearance available between the parked vehicles and the
edge of adjacent lane is more in the case of parallel parking than in angle
parking. For parallel parking, the minimum lane width should be 3 m.
Parallel Parking
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
1.2.2 Fundamental diagram of traffic flow
i. The relationship between the density (veh/km) and the corresponding flow
of traffic on a highway is generally referred to as the fundamental diagram
of traffic flow.
The following theory has been postulated with respect to the shape of the
curve representing this relationship:
1. When the density on the highway is 0, the flow is also 0 because there are
no vehicles on the highway.
2. As the density increases, the flow also increases.
3. However, when the density reaches its maximum, generally referred to as
the jam density (kj), the flow must be 0 because vehicles will tend to line up
end to end.
4. It follows that as density increases from 0, the flow will also initially
increase from 0 to a maximum value.
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
From Eq. 1.2, we know that space mean speed is flow divided by density
which makes the slopes of lines 0B, 0C, and 0E in Figure 1.2a represent the
space mean speeds at densities kb, kc, and ke, respectively.
The slope of line 0A is the speed as the density tends to 0 and little interaction
exists between vehicles.
The slope of this line is therefore the mean free speed (uf); it is the maximum
speed that can be attained on the highway.
The slope of line 0E is the space mean speed for maximum flow.
This maximum flow is the capacity of the highway.
Thus, it can be seen that it is desirable for highways to operate at densities
not greater than that required for maximum flow.
The relationship between mean speed and volume is actually envelope, with
the horseshoe curve defining a feasible region for traffic flow under different
combinations of volume and speed
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
The value of concentration at the end is
denoted by the jam concentration kj.
again, maximum flow or capacity occurs
at intermediate values of speed um and
concentration km
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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• The average spacing, Savg, can also be expressed interms of density(k) in the given
lengthn of thenroad(L). 1 1 1
k , S avg .........(3) Where n is no of
L S i
S avg k vehicles in length L
Substituting (3) in (2), q = ku …..(a) fundamental equation
of traffic flow. 97
Basic Traffic Stream Models
The limiting values are, when k=0,u=uf & when u=0, k=kj
Equation (b)
Equation (d)
c) Speed-Flow Model
Rearranging equ (b) for k and combining it with equ (a)
k k j (1 )
q k j (u )
Equation (e)
In order to determine the speed at maximum flow occurs,
differentiate eqn (e) w.r.t. u
uf Equation (f)
1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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Figure 1.2e Relationships among the
fundamental stream flow characteristics for
the linear speed – density model.
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
Figure 1.2f General type of seed – density curve obtained by field data.
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
The traffic models discussed thus far can be used to determine specific
characteristics, such as the speed and density at which maximum flow
occurs, and the jam density of a facility.
This usually involves collecting appropriate data on the particular facility of
interest and fitting the data points obtained to a suitable model.
The most common method of approach is regression analysis.
This is done by minimizing the squares of the differences between the
observed and expected values of a dependent variable.
When the dependent variable is linearly related to the independent variable,
the process is known as linear regression analysis.
When the relationship is with two or more independent variables, the process
is known as multiple linear regression analysis.
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
T raffi
n di xB L este
e er
e e App . Garb
s sJ
a &b h o la
ns , N i c
q u atio i t i on
ee Ed
f t hes o u rth
o F
m ent e rin g
lo p ne ia
r d eve E ngi i rg i n
F o w a y f V
H i gh
e rs it y o
an d niv
o el U
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
Table 1.2a Speed and Density Observations at a Rural Road
(i) Computations for Example 1.2a
Speed, Density, k
(mi/hr) (veh/mi)
53.2 20 1064 400
48.1 27 1298.7 729
44.8 35 1568 1225
40.1 44 1764.4 1936
37.3 52 1939.6 2704
35.2 58 2041.6 3364
34.1 60 2046 3600
27.2 64 1740.8 4096
20.4 70 1428 4900
17.5 75 1312.5 5625
14.6 82 1197.2 6724
13.1 90 1179 8100
11.2 100 1120 10000
8 115 920 13225
Sum = 404.8 Sum = 892 Sum = 20619.8 Sum = 66628
= 28.91 = 63.71
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
(ii) Computations for Example 1.2b
Speed, (mi/hr) Density, k ln
53.2 20 2.995732 159.3729 8.97441
48.1 27 3.295837 158.5298 10.86254
44.8 35 3.555348 159.2796 12.6405
40.1 44 3.78419 151.746 14.32009
37.3 52 3.951244 147.3814 15.61233
35.2 58 4.060443 142.9276 16.4872
34.1 60 4.094345 139.6172 16.76366
27.2 64 4.158883 113.1216 17.29631
20.4 70 4.248495 86.6693 18.04971
17.5 75 4.317488 75.55604 18.6407
14.6 82 4.406719 64.3381 19.41917
13.1 90 4.49981 58.94751 20.24829
11.2 100 4.60517 51.5779 21.20759
8 115 4.744932 37.95946 22.51438
Sum = 404.8 Sum = 892 Sum = 56.71864 Sum = 1547.024 Sum = 233.0369
= 28.91 = 4.05
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
Figure 1.2i Speed versus Density Figure 1.2j Volume versus Density
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1.1 Traffic Surveys
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
Figure 1.2k. Kinematic and Shock Wave Measurements Related to Flow-Density Curve
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
Types of shockwave
Several types of shock waves can be formed, depending on the traffic
conditions (nature of disturbance) that lead to their formation these include:
Backward propagating ------ behind a signal or accident
Forward propagating ------ beyond a signal or after the accident is cleared
Stationary ------ when two streams having the same flow value but different
density is join together, the stationary shockwave is formed or when two
streams having the same density value but different flow is join together, the
stationary shockwave is formed
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
Passing is not permitted, then all vehicles which has following this truck will
be forced to travel at 20km/hr.
And slowly the platoon will form behind the truck and this platoon will be
moving at 20km/hr.
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
Since all vehicle in the platoon travelling at lower speed 20km/hr, the
concentration will increase and speed will be low. So this makes different
velocity as shown in figure below.
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
Let us assume that the truck decides to exit after some time (in the next
intersection it takes a turn to and leave the highway).
After the track exit the vehicle will slowly accelerate and they would travel at
the capacity of the roadway section and slowly they will reach to the normal
flow at 60km/hr.
So we can observe three states;
1. Before entry of the truck
2. After entry of the truck
3. After exit of the truck
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
At point 3 (After exist of the truck) the flow will be at the capacity. So we
can see three states.
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
So on flow density curve,
The slope of 1-2 will be the velocity of shockwave which will be form in the
The slope of 2-3 will be the velocity of shockwave which will be clearing the
Slope of 1-2 forming the shockwaves
Slope of 2-3 results in the clearing shockwaves
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
For example, at a signalized intersection, the red signal indicates that traffic
on the approach or set of lanes cannot move across the intersection, which
implies that the capacity is temporarily reduced to zero resulting in the
formation of a frontal stationary shock wave as shown in Figure 1.2 j&k
ii. Backward forming shock waves are formed when the capacity is reduced
below the demand flow rate resulting in the formation of a queue upstream
of the bottleneck.
The shock wave moves upstream with its location at any time indicating the
end of the queue at that time. This may occur at the approach of a signalized
intersection when the signal indication is red, as shown in Figure 1.2 j&k , or
at a location of a highway where the number of lanes is reduced.
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
iii. Backward recovery shock waves are formed when the demand flow rate
becomes less than the capacity of the bottleneck or the restriction causing the
capacity reduction at the bottleneck is removed.
For example, when the signals at an approach or set of lanes on a signalized
intersection change from red to green, the traffic flow restriction is removed,
and traffic on that approach or set of lanes is free to move across the
intersection, causing a backward recovery shock wave as shown in Figure
1.2 j&k.
The intersection of the backward forming shock wave and the backward
recovery shock wave indicates the end of the queue shown as point T in
Figure 1.2k.
iv. Rear stationary and forward recovery shock waves are formed when demand
flow rate upstream of a bottleneck is first higher than the capacity of the
bottleneck and then the demand flow rate reduces to the capacity of the
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
For example, consider a four-lane (one direction) highway that leads to a two-
lane tunnel in an urban area as shown in Figure 1.2l.
During the off-peak period when the demand capacity is less than the tunnel
capacity, no shock wave is formed.
However, when the demand capacity becomes higher than the tunnel capacity
during the peak hour, a backward forming shock wave is formed.
This shock wave continues to move upstream of the bottleneck as long as the
demand flow is higher than the tunnel capacity as shown in Figure 1.2 l.
However, as the end of the peak period approaches, the demand flow rate tends
to decrease until it is the same as the tunnel capacity. At this point, a rear
stationary shock wave is formed until the demand flow becomes less than the
tunnel capacity resulting in the formation of a forward recovery shock wave as
shown in Figure 1.2l.
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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1.2 Traffic Flow Theory
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