Unit 1 PART A
Unit 1 PART A
Unit 1 PART A
Introduction to DBMS
• Introduction: Introduction to database systems application,
purpose of database system. Introduction to Data models,
Three-schema architecture of a database, Components of a
• E-R model: modeling, entity, attributes, relationships, constraints,
components of E-R model.
• Relational model: basic concepts, attributes and domains,
concept of integrity and referential constraints, schema diagram.
What is a DBMS?
• A database is a collection of data,
• typically describing the activities of one or more related organization
• Entities:
• students, • A database management
• Faculty,
system, or DBMS,
• courses, and classrooms.
• is software designed to assist
• Relationships between entities: in maintaining and utilizing
• students' enrollment in courses,
large collections of data.
• faculty teaching courses, and
• the use of rooms for courses.
• DBMS contains information about a particular enterprise
• Collection of interrelated data
• Set of programs to access the data
• An environment that is both convenient and efficient to use
• Database systems are used to manage collections of data that are:
• Highly valuable
• Relatively large
• Accessed by multiple users and applications, often at the same time.
• A modern database system is a complex software system whose task is
to manage a large, complex collection of data.
• Databases touch all aspects of our lives
Examples of DBMS
• Enterprise Information
• Sales: customers, products, purchases
• Accounting: payments, receipts, assets
• Human Resources: Information about employees, salaries, payroll taxes.
• Manufacturing: management of production, inventory, orders, supply chain.
• Banking and finance
• customer information, accounts, loans, and banking transactions.
• Credit card transactions
• Finance: sales and purchases of financial instruments (e.g., stocks and bonds; storing
real-time market data
• Universities:
• registration, grades
Examples of DBMS
• Airlines:
• reservations, schedules
• Telecommunication:
• records of calls, texts, and data usage, generating monthly bills, maintaining balances on
prepaid calling cards
• Web-based services
• Online retailers: order tracking, customized recommendations
• Online advertisements
• Navigation systems:
• For maintaining the locations of varies places of interest along with the exact routes of
roads, train systems, buses, etc.
• Document databases
Need of DBMS
In the early days, database applications were built directly on top of file
systems, which leads to:
Application Programs:
Address of student,
Shows only specific data,
hides the other information!!
Roll-int, name –string etc Describe the data, relationship among the data
Set of relationship
• Relational Model:
• Provide the concept of relation
• All the data is stored in various tables.
• Example of tabular data in the relational model
Rows /
• Relation Scheme: Tuple
• Attributes name of the relation: Column
• Relation data/ Instance: Set of data tuple: Rows
Development Process of a Database System (1/2)
Step 1. Requirements collection
• Data model requirements
• various pieces of data to be stored and the interrelationships.
• presented using a conceptual data model such as E/R model.
• Functional requirements
• various operations that need to be performed as part of running the
• Example:
• Acquiring a new book, enrolling a new user, issuing a book to the user, recording the
return of a book etc
Development Process of a Database System
Step 2. Convert the data model into a representational level model
• typically relational data model.
• choose an RDBMS system and create the database.
A person who develops a high-level language program that meets a functional requirement
of the database is usually called:
• A naive user
• An application programmer
• A data analyst
• A DB administrator.
Reflection Quiz!!
The people playing the following role need NOT have an understanding of the complete
logical schema of the database:
• Data-entry Operator
• Application Programmer
• Data Analyst
• Database Administrator
• State True or False::