2022pee5614 Yayati Sharma

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End-Term Presentation of Dissertation Phase-II




Department of Electrical Engineering

Netaji Subhas University of Technology
New Delhi-110078
• Introduction
• Literature Survey
• Gaps Identified
• Objectives of the Project
• Solution Methodology adopted
• Modelling the Distribution Network
• Conclusions
• Future work to be done
• References

• The electrical distribution system's reliability and efficiency play a major role in ensuring
that consumers receive an uninterrupted and affordable power supply.
• The network is tuned for better performance through the dynamic optimisation process of
distribution system reconfiguration.
• Reconfiguring distribution systems can be done creatively and effectively using genetic
algorithms (GA), a computational technique driven by the principles of genetics and
natural selection.
• Reconfiguring a distribution system requires modifying the layout of the network through
adjusting switches to be open or closed and rearranging feeders.
• The main goals are to reduce power losses. GAs are used to find the switches and feeders
that are configured in the best manner to achieve such objectives.

Literature Survey
Genetic Algorithm (GA) being one of the most common artificial intelligence optimization
techniques has been used in several literatures. GA has been used by several authors to
optimize the location and size of DGs in power systems.
• Ault and McDonald (2000) and Caisheng and Nehrir (2004) [37, 38] used Genetic Algorithm
(GA) based method to determine size and location of DG units. They have addressed the
problem in terms of cost, considering cost function may lead to deviation of exact size of the
DG unit at suitable location. It always gives a near optimal solution, but it is computationally
demanding and slow in convergence.
• R. Hooshmand and M. Ataei (2007) [39] solved the problem of optimal placement of
capacitor banks for unbalanced distribution systems with meshed/radial configurations using
Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm (RCGA).Fixed and switched capacitors were optimally
utilized in loss reduction and controlling the voltages of distribution systems.
• Carpinelli et al. [43] employed GA with decision making approach to minimize the cost of
power losses and network upgrading for a wind generator with a peak load and constant load
• T. N. Shukla, S.P. Singh and K. B Naik (2010) [4] used GA to optimally locate DG for
minimum system losses in radial distribution networks. The problem is formulated as an
optimization problem with minimization of real power loss subject to equality and inequality
12 constraints and solution is obtained using GA. The appropriate location is decided on the
basis of active power loss sensitivity to real power injection through DG. They demonstrated
that the benefit increases with increased number of locations within certain locations beyond
which it is uneconomical. This formulation considered active power losses only
• Saeed Boyerahmadi and Mehrdad Movahed Poor (2013) [42] investigated the effects of shunt
capacitors placement and distributed generation power plants on power loss reduction and
voltage profile improvement in radial distribution systems using Genetic Algorithms. From
their results, they concluded that locating capacitors and distributed generation plants in the
most suitable places leads to loss reduction and voltage profile improvement. The best place
for distributed generation plants and shunt capacitors placement is near the load.

Gaps Identified
The following problems have been observed with respect to the drawbacks and constraints of
applying the L-E method to the reconfiguration of distribution system networks:
• Large-Scale Network Complexity
• Radial System Applicability Is Limited
• Handling of Time-Varying and Nonlinear Components
• Problems with Improvement Convergence
• Several errors in load modelling
• Compatibility Issues with Voltage Regulation Devices
• Real-time applications face seven scaling issues

Objectives of the Project
The objective of reducing system losses and improving voltage profile by using Genetic

The process of Making changes to the Configuration and operation of a Distribution system to
optimize its performance,improve efficiency and address specific objective:

Loss Reduction-Reduce electrical losses in the distribution system for improved utility and
end-user efficiency and cost savings.

Solution Methodology adopted

Read data of distribution system (bus ,load and branch


Identify initial configuration of tie and sectionalizing


Run load flow program for radial distribution system

Compute current flow in branch ,voltage profile,

voltage power system loss

Change of tie and sectionalizing switches in the

distribution system using genetic algorithm

Print output result

Flow chart on network reconfiguration
Modelling the Distribution Network
Create a mathematical model of the Bus Distribution system.
a) Topology
b) Line Parameters
c) Load data
d) using software MATLAB

• Initial Configuration
The configuration can be obtained from historical data or through random or heuristic method.

• Power Flow Analysis

Perform a power flow analysis on the “Initial configuration of the Data system”
To determine the-
a) Power flow
b) Voltage profiles
c) Energy losses in the network
Use numerical techniques such as “Newton-Raphson method” to solve the power flow equation.

• Identify branch for Reconfiguration (such as switches or feeders)

That can be reconfiguration to reduce “branch” with high line losses or voltage drop are typically
candidates for reconfiguration.

Search Algorithms- PSO, Tabu Search, Genetic Algorithm

These algorithms search for the optimal configuration of the distribution network that minimizes
energy losses while satisfying operational constraints.

Evolution Function- Its define as evolution function that quantifies the energy losses associated
with each network configuration.

The evolution function should consider factors such as:

a) Active power losses
b) Reactive power losses
c) Voltage profile
d) System Reliability

Load Flow Calculation Methods
1. Gauss-Seidel Method:
2. Newton-Raphson Method:
3. Fast Decoupled Load Flow Method:

Criteria GS N-R FDLP

Calculation Easy Highest Moderate
No. of iteration Large Least Moderate
Time taken for 1 Least Highest Moderate
Error Slowest Fastest Geometric
Accuracy Good Best Moderate

When applying a genetic algorithm (GA) to distribution system reconfiguration, the goal is to optimize the
layout of a power distribution network to achieve certain objectives such as minimizing power losses
1. Problem Formulation:

• Identify what you want to optimize (e.g., minimize power losses, improve voltage profiles).
• Define constraints: Consider operational constraints like voltage limits, current limits, and equipment
2. Representation:

• Encode each potential distribution system configuration as a chromosome.

• The chromosome could represent the status (open/closed) of switches or breakers at different locations in
the distribution network.
3. Initialization:

• Generate an initial population of distribution system configurations.

• Randomly create chromosomes representing different network configurations or use heuristics to generate
an initial population.
4.Fitness Function:

• Design a fitness function to evaluate how well each distribution system configuration
performs with respect to the defined objectives and constraints.
• For example, the fitness function could combine objectives such as minimizing power losses
and voltage deviations while considering constraints like voltage limits and system topology.


• Use selection techniques such as tournament selection or roulette wheel selection to choose
individuals (configurations) from the population for mating.
• Preferentially select individuals with higher fitness values to increase the likelihood of
preserving good solutions.


• Apply crossover (recombination) to selected individuals to produce offspring for the next
• Crossover can be performed at specific points in the chromosome, exchanging genetic
information between parent configurations.


• Introduce random changes (mutations) to some offspring chromosomes to maintain diversity and
explore new areas of the solution space.
• Mutation helps prevent premature convergence and can lead to the discovery of better solutions.

• Replace some individuals in the current population with the newly generated offspring.
• Use strategies such as elitism to ensure that the best solutions are preserved in the population.

• Decide when to stop the algorithm based on termination criteria such as reaching a maximum number
of generations, achieving a satisfactory solution, or convergence of solutions.

• Distribution system losses minimization through system reconfiguration are
a difficult problem that has been investigated by many researchers.

• The main goal of the distribution system reconfiguration is to find the

optimal case switch which gives minimum losses, and achieves all system
constraints such as node voltages, radial network, and all load bus serves.

Future work to be done
• The function can be improved by taking into consideration other power system parameters
like stability issues.

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[2] Turan Gonen, Electric Power Distribution system engineering, 2 nd ed. CRC Press,2012.
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Thank You.


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