Types of Learing Styles
Types of Learing Styles
Types of Learing Styles
Harsh Patil, Abhishek , Kunal , Vedant .
Knowing how any person can learn information
is very important in academic success. Many
factors are involved when it comes learning.
Each student will have preferences when it
comes to the learning environment, to the
atmosphere and the way learning is done.
What are Learning Styles?
o Learning style is described as a group of
characteristics, attitudes and behaviors that
define our way of learning.
o Learning Style is the way an individual best
Types of Learning Styles
A common and widely-used model of learning
style is the Visual Auditory Kinesthetic (VAK)
model which was propounded by Neil D.
Visual Learners
Auditory Learners
Kinesthetic Learners
Visual learners
Someone who is a visual learner tends to
observe things pictures, demonstrations ,film
e.t.c in order to improve his or her level of
Characteristics of Visual Learners
• Visual learners pay more attention to gestures
,facial expressions and movements