Debate Competition Overview 2023

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SPS Debate Competition 2023


By Mr. Sam Chhomchandara

Chief Academic Officer
I. Overview of SPS Debate Competition
II. Objectives
III. Structure
1) What Is Debate? Why Debate?
2) Debate Terminologies
3) Steps of Debate
4) Roles of Speakers
5) Judging Criteria
V. Procedures
1) Eligibility
2) Pairing and Selection Process
3) Bell Ring
4) Time Allowed
5) Rewards
6) Time Frame Summary
VI. Q & A Session
I. Overview of the SPS Debate
This competition is annually conducted, except 2020.

It has been organized for GEP students of Sovannaphumi School.

It is one of the extra curriculum which positively encourages

students to challenge their ability with others’.
It will be assessed: First Round, Second Round, Semi-final Round and
Final Round.
Former Debate
Winning Teams
II. Objectives
To allow learners to develop idea projection, the ability of
persuasion, and support one’s own idea by using references.

To encourage learners to foster their critical thinking and decisive


To help develop learners’ personalities through cultivating learners’

senses of unity, confidence, creativities, and competitiveness.
III. Structure:
Room Set-Up
IV. Debate
1) What is Debate?
❖A debate is basically an argument. That is not an
undisciplined shouting match.
❖Debate is a competition in which teams of people,
often students, discuss a subject, and the team that
is judged to make the best arguments wins.
(Cambridge Dictionary)
Why Debate?
It is an excellent way of improving speaking
skills and is particularly helpful in providing
experience in developing a convincing
To win a debate, you must do 2 things:
•Give good reasons why your side of the topic
is true;
•Show why your opposition’s reasons are
wrong. (rebuttal)
2) Debate Terminologies
Team split
Time Controller
What is a debate Motion?
The MOTION is the debate topic. It is
something to argue about. They are often
about current issues of public importance
or about general philosophies or ideas.
Examples of Motion
• “This house believes that girls should not attend
• “This house believes that all people should be
• “This house believes that smoking should be illegal.”
The Definition
⮚ Deciding and explaining what a topic
means is called ‘defining the topic’.

⮚The job of defining begins with the

How Do We
Define a Topic?
How to define a topic:
⮚Define terms in the motion, not every single
e.g. This house believes that smoking should be

⮚Use your own words, to keep things simple.

Motion 1: This house believes that fast food
companies should pay people compensation
for damaging their health.

Motion 2: This house believes that school

uniform should not be compulsory.

Which terms should be defined?

Motion 1: This house believes that fast food
companies should pay people compensation
for damaging their health.

Motion 2: This house believes that school

uniform should not be compulsory.

Which terms should be defined?

- Division of argument in a team.

- It helps to make a team organize.

- Points of view that supports the team stance.

- Must be Logical and thoroughly explained.

Basic statement

Logical explanations of why and how the basic statement stands

Proofs/ evidences/ examples that factually establish your basic


Conclusion/ how it proves your team’s theme

Motion: THBT smoking should be
Smoking should be banned because it is harmful to our health.
Prolonged smoking can damage our lung. When our lung is
destroyed, we will die. According to health reports from WHO in
2015, millions of people died due to excessive smoking. Because
of the fact that smoking links to death, I strongly believe that
smoking should be banned.
Criticizing the arguments presented by the other team.

1) Logic - to say that the other side is wrong is not enough.

2) Pick the important points - try to rebut the most important points of
the other side's case.

3) ‘Play the ball’ - do not criticize the individual speakers, criticize

what they say.
Criticizing the arguments presented by the other team.
1. Logic - to say that the other side is wrong is not
2. Pick the important points - try to rebut the most
important points of the other side's case.
3. ‘Play the ball’ - do not criticize the individual
speakers, criticize what they say.

Attack Defense
(Rebut the arguments) (Rebut the rebuttals)
Preparing for
The best Rebuttals
way to prepare for rebuttalis to
consider the kinds of arguments and
examples that may arise, and then plan a
general response to those arguments and

Pros: Government side/

Affirmative side/ Cons: Opposition side/
proposition side Negative side
▪ 1st speaker: Prime Minister: President • 1st speaker: Opposition Leader
▪ 2nd speaker: Deputy Prime Minister • 2nd speaker: Deputy Opposition Leader
▪ 3rd speaker: Government Whip • 3rd speaker: Opposition Whip
3) Steps of Debate
I) Constructive Speech

✔3 minutes for Round 1, 2 & Semi-final

✔5 minutes for Final Round
4) The Roles of The
In a debating team, each speaker has specified
roles that they must fulfill to play their part in
the team.
1 Affirmative must:

• Define the topic.

• Present the affirmative’s team split (what each
speaker will be responsible for). Outline briefly
what each speaker in their team will talk
• Present the first half of the affirmative
1st Negative must:
• Accept or reject the definition (not necessarily to say it).
• Outline briefly what each of the negative speakers will
• Rebut a few of the main points of the first affirmative
• The 1st negative should spend about one quarter (25%) of
their time rebutting.
• Present the first half of the negative team's arguments.
2 Affirmative must:

• Rebut the main points presented by the 1st

• The 2nd affirmative should spend about one-
third (33%) of their time rebutting.
• Present the second half of the affirmative's
2 Negative must:

• Rebut some of the main points of the

affirmative's case.
• The 2nd negative should spend about one-third
(33%) of their time rebutting.
• Present the second half of the negative's case.
3 Affirmative must:

• Rebut all the remaining points of the negative's

• The 3rd affirmative should spend about two-thirds
(66%) to of their time rebutting. three-quarters
• Present a summary of the affirmative's case.
• Round off the debate for the affirmative.
3 Negative must:

• Rebut all the remaining points of the affirmative's

• The 3rd negative should spend about two-thirds
(66%) to three-quarters (75%) of their time
• Present a summary of the negative's case.
• Round off the debate for the negative.
Proposition Opposition

1st speaker 1st speaker

• 1) Define • 1) Accept or reject or add
• 2) Split • 2) Split
• 3) Present • 3) Rebut
• 4) Present
Proposition Opposition

2 speaker
2 speaker

• 1) Rebut • 1) Rebut
• 2) Present the rest • 2) Present the rest of
of arguments arguments
Proposition Opposition

3 speaker
3 speaker

•1) Rebut •1) Rebut

•2) Summarize •2) Summarize
✔ 2 minutes for Round 1, 2 & Semi-final
✔ 3 minutes for Final Round

The team’s last opportunity to persuade.
▪ The job of the 1st Speaker or 2nd speaker
▪ Summarizes the entire debate.
✔ Focus on their strengths
✔ showing the flaws of the opponents.
▪ No New Arguments
Point of Information (PoI)
▪ No longer than 10 seconds.
▪ Not Allowed in the first and last minute.
▪ POIs are
❑ Points of clarification
❑ Points of Contention
▪ Stand up
▪ No heckling
▪ Note: For our competition: No PoI for the 1st, 2nd and semi-final
rounds, but at least once for the final round.
Speaking Order

▪ Constructive Speech
(3mns each)

▪ Reply Speech
(2mns each)
How will each speaker be assessed?
1. Matter:
Matter What you present (i.e. the
40% content)
2. Manner:
Method Manner
How you present (i.e. the
20% 40% 3. Method:
Organization/ structure of
your presentation
▪ Logic: Logical, rational, and convincing
▪ Relevance: Ideas/matters presented should
• straightforward
• support the case
• refute the material presented by the opposition
▪ Consistency: Consistent within arguments/evidence
▪ Significance: Matters presented are significant for the
▪Language use: sentence structure, rhetorical devices,
vocabulary & grammar

▪ Vocal style: clear pronunciation, tone, pitch, pauses, stresses

& emotional appeal

▪ Appropriate gestures & eye contact

▪ Interesting/Impactful opening and closing
▪ Structural organization
• Inclusion of introduction, body & conclusion
• A reasonably clear statement of the purpose & general direction
of the speech (signposting)
• Coherence & cohesion (logical sequence of ideas, unity & use
of connectors)
▪ Appropriate timing of speech
V. Procedures
1) Eligibility
❖In order to be eligible, each applicant must:
✔ be a current GEP student of the Secondary Program at
(He/ She is studying from Level 7 – Level 12 of FT/
✔ provide a valid receipt.

*Notice: Please be informed that former Debate Competition

Champions, and Public Speaking Contest Champion 2022
(Secondary) are not allowed to join in order to offer
1) Eligibility (cont.)
❖ Debate Committee will solely allow the replacement of a candidate

unless the following conditions are found:

✔ Being a current GEP student of SPS either full-time or part-time.

✔ Providing a valid receipt.
✔ Providing logical reasons with references for the replacement.
✔ The replacement can be done before the first round of competition.
*Registration: Your Debate Team
(One team of three potential students)

⮚Please kindly submit your list by Wednesday 26th April

2023 before 10:00 a.m.

⮚The link will be sent later.

2) Pairing & Selection
Contestants must participate in the competition as three-
person teams. Campuses of Sovannaphumi School have to
arrange on their own. Each team will compete with one
another based on the lucky draw for pairing by Competition
First Round
• The paired teams will compete with each other to find one winning
team from the two paired teams.
• The First Round will identify the 16 teams for the Second Round.
(subject to change)

Second Round
• The paired teams will compete with each other to find one winning
team from the two paired teams.
• The Second Round will identify the 8 teams for the Semi-Final
Round. (subject to change)

Semi-Final Round
• The paired teams will compete with each other but the winners will be
chosen based on the highest scores among all the teams.
• The Semi-final Round will identify 4 teams for the Grand Final Round.

Semi-Final Round



Final Round
• The paired teams will compete with each other to find one winning
team from the two paired teams.
• The 3 winning teams will be fairly and strictly selected by the judges’
scoring of the team.
• The Final Round will identify the 3 winning teams.

3) Bell Ring
Reply Speech: 1st, 2nd & Semi-final Rounds
▪ 1st Bell rings 1 time: 1mn passed
▪ 2nd Bell rings 2 times: Time’s up.
(Candidate has 10 seconds to finish.)

Constructive Speech & Reply Speech (Final Round)

▪ 1st Bell rings 1 time: 1mn passed
▪ 2nd Bell rings 1 time: 1mn left
▪ 3rd Bell rings 2 times: Time’s up.
(Candidate has 10 seconds to finish.)
4) Time Allowed
▪ First, Second and Semi-final Rounds
▪ Constructive Speech : 3mns (Each Speaker)
▪ Reply Speech : 2mns

▪ Final Round
▪ Constructive Speech : 5mns (Each Speaker)
▪ Reply Speech : 3mns
5) Rewards
No Rank Quantity Reward
- 100% scholarship for 1 year
- Trophy cup
1 The Champion 3 -
Gold medals
Learning materials
- Certificates
- 80% scholarship for 1 year
- Silver medals
2 The 1st Runner-up 3 - Learning materials
- Certificates
- 60% scholarship for 1 year
- Bronze medals
3 The 2nd Runner-up 3 - Learning materials
- Certificates
- 30% scholarship for 1 year
4 The 3rd Runner-up 3 -
Learning materials
6) Time Frame Summary
First Round Selection
• There will be a lucky draw to pair debate teams. There will be only 16 teams selected.
• The process will be done via Zoom Conference on May 3, 2023.
Second Round Selection
• There will be a lucky draw to pair debate teams. There will be only 8 teams selected.
• The process will be done via Zoom Conference on May 10, 2023.
Semi-final Round Selection
• There will be a lucky draw to pair debate teams. There will be only 4 teams selected.
• The process will be done via Zoom Conference on May 17, 2023.
Final Round Selection
• There will be a lucky draw to pair debate teams. The 3 winning teams will be selected by judges’ scoring. The
location will be confirmed later.
• The Final Round will be conducted on May 30, 2023.
Q & A Session

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