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Neils Bhor was the first to propose (1923) that the periodicity in the properties of the elements might be explained by the electronic structure of the atom. His proposals were based on the then current Bhor model of the atom, in which the electron shells were orbits at a fixed distance from the nucleus. Bohr's original configurations would seem strange to a present-day chemist: sulfur was given as instead of 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4 (2.8.6)


Bhors model of the atom

The following year, E. C. Stoner incorporated Sommerfelds third quantum number into the description of electron shells, and correctly predicted the shell structure of sulfur to be 2.8.6. However neither Bohr's system nor Stoner's could correctly describe the changes in atomic spectra in a magnetic field (the Zeeman effect)...


Bohr was well aware of this shortcoming (and others), and had written to his friend Wolfgang Pauli to ask for his help in saving quantum theory (the system now known as old quantum theory"). Pauli realized that the Zeeman effect must be due only to the outermost electrons of the atom, and was able to reproduce Stoner's shell structure, but with the correct structure of subshells, by his inclusion of a fourth quantum number and his exclusion principle (1925). It should be forbidden for more than one electron with the same value of the main quantum number n to WOLFGANG PAULI have the same value for the other three quantum numbers k [l], j [ml] and m [ms].

Pauli exclusion principle

The Schrodinger equation, published in 1926,

gave three of the four quantum numbers as a direct consequence of its solution for the

hydrogen atom, this solution yields the atomic

orbitals which are shown today in textbooks of chemistry. The examination of atomic spectra allowed the electron configurations of atoms to be determined experimentally, and led to an empirical rule (known as Madelung's rule (1936)) for the order in which atomic orbitals are

filled with electrons.


-In atomic physics and quantum chemistry, electron configuration is the arrangement of electrons of an atom, a molecule, or other physical structure. It concerns the way electrons can be distributed in the orbitals of the given system (atomic or moleculer for instance). -How are the electrons arranged inside the atom . Their arrangement is identified by Auf bau Principle.

Electron configuration table

Aufbau principle
-A set of three rules -Aufbau from German word for building up

-Guides the filling order

of orbitals

1. Lower-energy orbitals fill before higher orbitals. The ordering energy levels for orbitals . 2.. An orbital can hold only two electrons, which must have opposite spins. This is just a restatement of Pauli exclusion principle, emphasizing that no two electrons in an atom can have the same four quantum numbers. 3. If two or more degenerate orbitals are available, one electron goes into each until all are half-full, a statement called hunds rule. Only then does a second electron fill one of the orbitals. Furthermore, the electrons in each singly occupied orbitals must have the same value for their spin quantum number.

1. Lower-energy orbitals fill before higher orbitals. The ordering energy levels for orbitals .

2.. An orbital can hold only two electrons, which must have opposite spins. This is just a restatement of Pauli exclusion principle, emphasizing that no two electrons in an atom can have the same four quantum numbers.

3. If two or more degenerate orbitals are available, one electron goes into each until all are half-full, a statement called hunds rule. Only then does a second electron fill one of the orbitals. Furthermore, the electrons in each singly occupied orbitals must have the same value for their spin quantum number.

Hydrogen: hydrogen has only one electron, which must go into the lowest-energy, 1s orbital. Thus, the ground-state electron (the resultant lowest electron configuration)of hydrogen is 1s 1 H: 1s 1

Helium: helium has two electrons, both of, which fit into the lowest-energy 1s orbital. The two electrons have opposite spins. He: 1s 2 Lithium and Beryllium: with the 1s orbital full, both the third and fourth electrons go into the next available orbital, 2s. Li: 1s 2 2s 1 Be: 1s 2 2s 2

Boron through neon: the six elements from born through neon have their three 2p orbitals filled successively. Because these three 2p orbitals have the same energy, they are degenerate(Orbitals that have the same energy level) and are filled according to Hunds rule . In carbon , for instance , the two 2p electrons are in different orbitals. Nitrogen, whose three 2p electrons must be in three different orbitals.

Although not usually noted in the written

electron configuration, the electrons in each of the singly occupied carbon and nitrogen 2p

orbitals must have the same value of spin

quantum number either+1/2 or -1/2.

From oxygen through neon, the three 2p orbitals are successively filled. For f luorine and neon, its no longer necessary to distinguish among the different 2p orbitals, so we can simply write 2p5 and 2p6. O: 1s22s22px22py12pz 1 F:1s22s22p5 Ne: 1s22s2 2p6

Sodium and magnesium: the 3s orbitals is filled next, giving sodium and magnesium the ground-state electron configurations shown. Note that we often write the configurations in a shorthand version by giving the symbol of he noble gas in the previous row to indicate electrons in filled shells and then specifying only those electrons in partially filled shells. Na: 1s 22s 2 2p 63s 1 or [Ne] 3s 1 Mg: 1s 22s 2 2p 63s 2 or [Ne] 3s 2

Aluminum through argon: the 3p orbitals are now filled according to the same rules used previously for filled the 2p orbitals of boron through neon. Rather than explicitly identify which of the degenerate 3p orbitals are occupied in Si, P, and S, well simplify the writing by giving just the total number of electrons in the subshell. For example, well write 3p 2 for silicon rather than 3px 1 3py 1 . Al:[Ne] 3s 2 3p 1 . Si:[Ne] 3s 2 3p 2 P:[Ne] 3s 23p 3 S:[Ne] 3s 23p 4 Cl:[Ne] 3s 23p 5 Ar:[Ne] 3s 23p 6

Elements past argon: following the filling of the 3p subshell in argon, the first crossover in the orbital filling order is encountered. Rather than continue filling the third shell by populating the 3d orbitals, the next two electrons in potassium and calcium go into the 4s subshell. Only then does filling of the 3d subshell occur to give the first transition metal series from scandium through zinc. K:[Ar] 4s 1 Ca:[Ar] 4s 2 Sc:[Ar] 4s 23d 1 Zn: [Ar] 4s 23d 10

-Chang, Raymond . Chemistry 9 th edition, Boston: Mcgraw Hill Higher Education, 2007 -Mcmurry, John E., Fay, Robert C..Chemistry 6 th edition/International edition, Upper Saddle River N.J. 07458: Pearson Education, Inc.2012

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