Fiqh Muamalah
Fiqh Muamalah
Fiqh Muamalah
Fiqh muamalah
Dosen Pengampu:
Muhammad Salman Al Farisi, S.E.I., M.E.
Table of members
Used and alternative resources An assortment of graphic resources that are suitable for use in this presentation
Thanks slide You must keep it so that proper credits for our design are given
Icons and infographic resources These can be used in the template, and their size and color can be edited
Editable presentation theme You can edit the master slides easily. For more info, click here
Headline news
Headline news
When it comes to writing the headline news for a newsletter, it's important
to grab the reader's attention and entice them to read further. Here are some
tips for crafting an effective headline:
● Keep it short and sweet: A concise headline is more likely to catch
the reader's eye and make them want to read on
● Be specific: Use specific details or numbers in your headline to give
readers an idea of what they can expect to learn
● Make it relevant: Choose a topic that is timely and relevant to your
Emerging technologies trends
Analyze a new and emerging technology Provide an in-depth analysis of recent
that is disrupting or transforming your market trends that are affecting your
industry. Discuss its potential impact on industry. This could include examining
businesses and consumers, and provide changes in consumer behavior, shifts in
insights into how companies can adapt to supply and demand, or emerging market
these new changes opportunities. Offer insights into how
businesses can capitalize on these trends to
stay competitive
—our motto
April 14
Virtual conference on the future of technology
June 6
Product demo day for new features and updates
July 12
Networking event with industry leaders
What are we going to do?
Social media
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Are our products working?
VP of Sales VP of Operations
Nation Sales IT
Product Manager Product Manager
Manager Manager
—Laura Patterson
“I was blown away by the exceptional customer service I received
from this company”
—John Nelson
“The quality of the products I received from this company exceeded
my expectations by a lot”
—SARAH James
"I love how easy it is to navigate this company's website and place an
order. Everything is simple and easy”
Case studies
Campaign objective
Increase brand awareness and 23% 80% +10%
drive sales for a new line of eco-
friendly products Increase in Increase Increase
website traffic in sales in clicks
Key takeaway 1 Partnering with influencers
● A social media campaign that focused on who align with the same brand
showcasing the sustainability and quality of values
our products
● Collaboration with influencers Key takeaway 2 Highlighting the unique
● Encourage their followers to make more qualities of your product, such
environmentally conscious choices as sustainability
Do you have any questions?
[email protected]
+91 620 421 838
PHOTOS vectors
● Glass of milk near saucer with sweet prunes and lan ● Flat mawlid al nabi background I
tern ● Flat mawlid al nabi background II
● Desserts and candle near beads and quran ● Flat mawlid al nabi illustration
● Arabic desserts near books
● Islamic new year decoration with praying beads on t
op of open book
Did you like the resources on this template? Get them for free at our other websites:
● Islamic new year decoration with praying beads and ● Flat mawlid al nabi illustration
arabic lamp ● Flat mawlid al nabi background I
● Man in traditional arabic clothes holding quran behi ● Flat mawlid al nabi background II
nd his back
● Islamic elements with quran top view
● Islamic new year decoration with traditional food a
nd quran
● Portrait of smiling muslim man in restaurant
● Muslim woman traveling in paris
● Medium shot smiley muslim women
Instructions for use
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refer to the next slide to read the instructions for premium users.
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As a Premium user, you can use this template without attributing Slidesgo or keeping the "Thanks" slide.
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Fonts & colors used
This presentation has been made using the following fonts:
Cinzel Decorative
DM Sans
Task 1
Task 2
Task 1
Task 2
Task 1
Task 2
...and our sets of editable icons
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You can change the stroke and fill color; just select the icon and click on the paint bucket/pen.
In Google Slides, you can also use Flaticon’s extension, allowing you to customize and add even more icons.
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Nature Icons
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