Heat Treatment PPT
Heat Treatment PPT
Heat Treatment PPT
1. Bright Annealing
2. Box Annealing
3. Isothermal Annealing
4. Spheroidizing Annealing
5. Sub-critical Annealing
i. Stress-Relief Annealing
• The steel is held at this constant temperature for sufficient period to allow
complete transformation. It is then fast cooled to room temperature in air.
• Because of cooling at constant temperature, transformation occurs uniformly
throughout the cross-section.
• It improves the machinability and surface finish of the component as compared
to full annealing.
4. Spherodise Annealing
• This type of annealing is used to improve machinability of steel.
• The process produces spheroids of cementite or carbides in the matrix of
ferrite. These spheroids cause discontinuity in the microstructure. thus,
improving the machinability of steel.
• The methods used to produce spheroids include
(i) Hardening and then subsequently high temperature tempering.
(ii) Holding the steel just below the A1 temperature for long time.
(iii) Cyclic heating and cooling around A1 temperature.
5. Sub-critical Annealing :
This annealing involves heating the cold worked steels to some temperature
below the A1 (lower critical temperature) temperature. Hence, it is referred as
sub-critical annealing.
Stress - relief annealing - The process consists of heating the steel in the
temperature range of 500 to 550 °C and then kept at this temperature for
about 1-2 hours and cooled to room temperature in air.
Recrystallisation Annealing- This process consists of heating the cold worked
steel to a temperature lower than critical temperature (A1)
Process Annealing-This process consists of heating the cold worked steel to a
temperature above the recrystallization temperature i.e. in the range of 550 to
650 °C.
Purpose of Normalising :
(v) To produce harder and stronger steel than that produced by full annealing.
Purpose :
• To harden the steel to the maximum, extend without cracking or
• To increase the wear resistance and improve the cutting ability of steel.
Hardening can be carried out by following processes
(i) Conventional hardening
(ii) Timed quench
(iii) Martempering
(iv) Ausforming
Conventional Hardening :
This process consists of heating the steel to about 50°C above A 3
temperature for hypoeutectoid steel and above A1 temperature for hyper-
eutectoid steel, soaking for some time to allow homogeneous
austenitization, followed by a cooling it to room temperature at a rate
faster than critical cooling rate.
Timed Quench :
• The critical cooling- rate for low and
medium carbon steel is very high.
Therefore, very fast cooling is
required to by-pass the nose of C.C.T.
curve and result into diffusionless
martensite transformation.
• Such high cooling rate also causes
cracking of steel.
• This problem is overcome by using
interrupted quench i.e. timed
Martempering :
• Martempering is similar to timed
quench process except that some
soaking time is allowed for
equalization of temperature.
• This process produces martensite with
the following advantages :
Less distortions.
Less warping of components, and
Reduce possibility of cracks
Ausforming :
• This process involves mechanical
working (forming or rolling) of steel
before martensitic transformation.
• In this process, the austenitized steel is
rapid cooled to a temperature just
below the nose of the C.C.T. curve,
followed by mechanical working and
then rapid cooling to room
temperature in oil.
• The plastic deformation in austenite
results in fine grained martensite and
produces better combination of
ductility and hardness in steels.
Other Heat Treatments
Austempering Patenting
Retention of Austenite
Benefits of retained austenite :
(i) Retained austenite is a soft phase and reduces the tendency of cracking
during hardening. It is desirable to have about 10% retained austenite.
(ii) In case, the amount of retained austenite is about 30-40 %, the steel can be
cold worked to certain degree without cracking.
Disadvantages of retained austenite :
(i) Retained austenite reduces hardness of the steel.
(ii) Slowly austenite gets transformed to bainite which has different properties.
(iII) Not desirable in certain applications such as tool and die blocks.