Introduction To Climate Change Causes 3

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Plate Tectonics and
Volcanic Eruptions
Plate tectonics and volcanic eruptions play a significant role in causing climate
change. These geological processes can release large amounts of greenhouse
gases and aerosols into the atmosphere, which can have both short-term and
long-term effects on the Earth's climate.
Plate Tectonics Volcanic Eruptions
Earth's geological Volcanic activities expel ash
mechanism involving and gases, impacting the
the movement of Earth's climate.
lithospheric plates.
Explanation of Plate Tectonics and
Its Impact on Climate Change
Plate tectonics alter landmasses and release CO2, affecting atmospheric composition.
Plate tectonics refers to the movement and interaction of large sections of the Earth's
crust, known as tectonic plates. When these plates collide, separate, or slide past each
other, it can result in the formation of mountain ranges, earthquakes, and volcanic
activity. Volcanic eruptions associated with plate tectonics can release large amounts
of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, into the atmosphere.

Continental Drift
1 Gradual movement of continents due to tectonic forces.

Formation of Mountains
2 Impact of tectonic activity on land elevations and topography.

Seafloor Spreading
3 Process contributing to oceanic crust generation
and seafloor movement.
Volcanic Eruptions and Their
Contribution to Climate Change
Volcanic eruptions release ash and sulfur dioxide, impacting global temperatures and weather patterns. Volcanic
eruptions occur when molten rock, ash, and gases are expelled from a volcano. During an eruption, volcanic
gases, including carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and water vapor, are released into the atmosphere. These gases
can contribute to the greenhouse effect and impact the Earth's climate. Additionally, volcanic ash and aerosols can
reflect sunlight back into space, causing a temporary cooling effect

Emission of Ash Gas Emissions

Particles ejected into the atmosphere Release of greenhouse gases
influence sunlight penetration and leading to climate-altering effects.
Change in Land Cover
Alterations in land surface due to human activity or natural
causes influence regional and global climates.
Deforestation Urbanization Desertification
Reduction of forest Expansion of cities, Transformation of
areas, impacting leading to heat fertile land into
carbon absorption and island effects and desert, impacting
regional weather altered precipitation local and regional
patterns. patterns. weather systems.
How Changes in Land Cover
Affect Climate Change
Land cover changes alter the Earth's energy balance, precipitation patterns, and
atmospheric conditions. An IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land
degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in
terrestrial ecosystems
Deforestation Impact
1 Albedo Effect 2
Reduced carbon sequestration and
Changes in land reflectivity altered humidity levels.
leading to temperature Deforestation is an important factor
alterations. The higher the in global climate change. It is well
albedo of a surface, or the known that deforestation is a big
more light that gets reflected problem in the world today, with
by earth's surface, the cooler hundreds and even thousands of
the air will be near that vulnerable forest being cut down
surface. The lower the albedo both for tinder and to make way for
of a surface, the hotter the arable farmland for cows and other
same air will be. livestock
Examples of Land Cover Changes and Their
Land cover changes like deforestation, urban expansion, and agricultural practices influence
weather, water cycles, and ecosystems.

Deforestation Urban Expansion Agricultural Practices

Impacts on soil Alteration of local Impacts on water usage,
erosion, water cycles, climate, air quality, and soil degradation, and
and biodiversity loss. heat island effects. regional microclimates.
Meteorite Impacts and Their Role in Climate
Meteorite impacts can lead to global cooling due to the release of debris and dust into the
atmosphere. Meteorite impacts have the potential to cause significant changes to the Earth's
climate. When a meteorite collides with the Earth, it releases a tremendous amount of energy,
resulting in various effects that can impact the climate.

Impact Event
Massive energy release leading to atmospheric

Debris Cloud Formation

Particles prevent sunlight penetration,
causing temporary cooling effects.

Immediate Effects
The impact generates intense heat, causing widespread fires and
releasing large amounts of smoke and soot into the atmosphere.
This can lead to a temporary cooling effect as the smoke and soot
block sunlight.
Long-Term Effects
Meteorite impacts can also result in the ejection of dust, debris, and gases
into the atmosphere. These materials can stay suspended in the atmosphere
for extended periods, reflecting sunlight and causing a cooling effect

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