3.1 HRBP Team Work Plan Summary Template

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Corporate Leadership Council

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What it does:
The HRBP Work Plan Summary Template helps managers of HRBPs establish common expectations and objectives for activities
and/or initiatives for the HRBP team that were identified in an earlier step of this Ignition™ Guide.

How to Use it:

Managers of HRBP should use this template to outline and summarize goals, success outcomes, and expectations related to each
of the major projects and/or initiatives that their teams will be responsible for executing.

• Slide 3-7: Understand the activities that drive HRBP effectiveness, and evaluate potential activities and/or deliverables that
HRBPs can own in order to deliver high-quality HR support.
• Slide 8-11: Identify HRBP delivery and support implications given your organization’s HR structure.
• Slide 12-17: Draft objectives, stakeholders, success measures, and additional considerations specific to each of the identified
HRBP activities and/or initiatives.

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Clarifying HRBP Governing HRBP Summarizing HRBP

Activities Activities Activities

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Common HRBP Activities Can Be Spread Across Four Roles
Greatest Impact on Talent Outcomes

All activities HRBPs Strategic Partner Operations Manager

engage in when ■ Developing the next generation of leaders ■ Communicating organizational culture to
supporting the line can ■ Redesigning organizational structure based on strategic
be grouped into the four objectives ■ Assessing employee attitudes
roles. ■ Understanding how HRBPs can support the business ■ Tracking trends in employee behaviors
• The activities within the
■ Understanding the talent needs of the business ■ Designing HR programs to support
strategic partner HRBP role
have the greatest impact on organizational culture
■ Adjusting HR strategies to respond to changing business
talent outcomes. needs ■ Communicating policies and procedures to
■ Prioritizing HR needs
■ Keeping the line updated on HR initiatives
■ Identifying talent issues before they impact the business

■ Identifying new business strategies

■ Identifying critical HR metrics

■ Creating a vision for talent strategy in the business unit

■ Assessing the HR implications of strategic options

■ Representing the business unit’s talent interests within

the organization

Emergency Responder Employee Mediator

■ Managing competing personalities in the organization
■ Quickly responding to line manager questions
■ Managing conflict between employees
■ Quickly responding to complaints
■ Managing conflict between managers
■ Responding to manager needs
■ Responding to organizational changes
■ Responding to employee needs
■ Resolving political problems in the execution of
■ Preparing for different situations
business plans
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Source: CEB 2013 HR Business Partner Survey.
Time Spent on Strategic Partner Activities Matters
Average HRBP Time Allocation per Week, in Maximum Impact on HRBP Strategic
The top HRBPs are Hours Effectiveness, by Percentage of Time Spent on
Average Hours Worked per Week: 43 Strategic Activities
differentiated by the
proportion of their time 44
spent on strategic
partner activities. 6.6
The bottom 10% of
HRBPs spend
• HRBPs spend 8.4 hours on 7.3
Average Number of Hours Worked 16.5% of their time
average per week on on strategic work.
activities related to the 11.7

Maximum Impact on HRBP

Strategic Eff ectiveness
strategic partner HRBP role.

• The top 10% of HRBPs spend

24.1% of their time on 22
strategic work, as compared 10%
to the 16.5% spent on 22. 8
strategic work by the bottom 16.2
10% of HRBPs. The top 10% of
HRBPs spend
• HRBPs must prioritize talent 24.1% of their time
activities that align to the on strategic work.
organization’s strategic
7.9 8.4
Graphic Key
0 0%
Emergency Responder 0% 25% 50%
2007 2013
Employee Mediator Percentage of Time Spent
n = 1,536. on Strategic Activities
Operations Manager Source: CEB 2013 HR Business Partner Survey.
n = 1,536.
Strategic Partner Note: The maximum impact on HRBP strategic effectiveness is calculated
Source: CEB 2013 HR Business Partner Survey.
by comparing two statistical estimates: the predicted impact when a respondent
rates a driver with a relatively “high” score and the predicted value when a Note: HRBP strategic effectiveness represents the mean rating by line leaders
respondent rates a driver with a relatively “low” score. The effects of all drivers are of HRBPs across strategic activities.
modeled using a variety of multiple regressions with controls.

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Sample Strategic Deliverables HRBPs May Manage

Type of Strategic
Activity Description
HRBPs are key to fully understanding and interpreting the “state of the business unit”, and often are
responsible for communicating that back in various forms. This could include a talent audit, leadership audit,
Business Unit trends, workforce planning inputs, plans and project plans for future change initiatives, and identification of
Talent Strategy critical needs of the business. This could also incorporate an interpretation of effectiveness and importance
of key talent management initiatives within their business unit and plans to re-prioritize or improve.

Business Unit HRBPs are often tasked with bringing key talent metrics to and interpreting them with their line clients.
Change HRBPs often lead change initiatives. This could include building a project plan that identifies stakeholders,
Management Plans possible hurdles, and expected outcomes.
for Key HR
Many HRBPs “coach” leaders even if it’s not explicitly asked for or expected by line leaders. Plans here
Coaching Plan could range from simple and high level to more of a full leadership talent audit.

Networking Map HRBPs summarize internal their networks, both in HR and beyond, to deliver strategic solutions.
From Center of HRBPs often take turns versioning COE content for the line. For example, an HRBP may create an email
Excellence to the communication template for managers to discuss upcoming compensation changes and share it back with
Line the broader team of HRBPs.
HRBPs can also take the lead in aggregating feedback for specific HR process owners on what’s working,
From the Line to
what’s not, what’s easy to keep standardized, and where delivery is being customized. For example, an
the Center of
Excellence HRBP may gather feedback on a particular new manager training from his/her group, and other HRBPs
across the business, and bring it back to L&D.

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Identify deliverables Evaluate Potential Activities for HRBP Team

and/or activities HRBPs
Organizational Goal
at your organization can HRBP Activity Description
own and manage to
develop their strategic
partner capabilities.

• Refer to the sample

deliverables listed on page 6, <Activity>
and identify comparable
deliverables and/or activities
your HRBP team can own <Activity>
based on the design of the
role at your organization.





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Clarifying HRBP Governing HRBP Summarizing HRBP

Activities Activities Activities

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HR Governance Influences HRBP Responsibilities

A majority of Classification of HR Structure, According to HR Leaders

organizations (63%) have
a hybrid HR structure.

• Hybrid HR structures require

HRBPs to apply judgment
across their responsibilities to
inform the way in which they
deliver talent solutions to –
and potentially customize
talent solutions for – the line.

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Five Decision Variables Determine HR Customization Needs

There are five decision Decision Framework for HR Customization Needs

variables that help
determine the extent of Less Customization Within the More Customization Within the
Decision Variable
customization required Standard Standard
across any HR
The process is highly strategic and The process’ effect on the business’
important to the organization’s Strategic Process strategy and goals is minimal (or is
• Consider how these five overall goals. only important locally).
decision variables come into
play when your HRBPs are
customizing talent solutions
The company has a uniform The company has a highly varied
for their business units. workforce profile. Workforce Profile
workforce profile.

Standardized technology can

produce economies of scale. Technology Customized technology is needed.

There is a low level of regulation or a

There is a high level of regulation. Compliance
high level of local variation.

General business knowledge is Specialized business knowledge is

needed; the process is generic and Business Expertise needed; the process is unique and
static. dynamic.

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Evaluating Degree of Customization Required

Identify areas that may Assessment of HRBP Coordination and Intra-HR Partnerships
require more or less
customization for your Potential Areas for Less HRBP Potential Areas for More HRBP
HRBP team across their Customization Customization
day-to-day project work.
 
 Strategic Process 
 

 
 Workforce Profile 
 

 
 Technology 
 

 
 Compliance 
 

 
 Business Expertise 
 

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Clarifying HRBP Governing HRBP Summarizing HRBP

Activities Activities Activities

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Description of HRBP Team Activity/Work: <Clear and concise statement that captures the essence of the HRBP activity>

Strategic Objectives Supported How We Will Measure Success

Sponsor <Sponsor Name, Role>
Business Objectives Talent Objectives Key Metrics What They Measure
Core Team
<Business Objective #1> <Functional Objective #1>
<Name, Role> <Name, Role> <Metric> <What it Measures>
<Business Objective #2> <Functional Objective #2>
<Name, Role> <Name, Role>
<Name, Role> <Name, Role> <Business Objective #3> <Functional Objective #3>
<Metric> <What it Measures>
Beliefs and Assumptions

What’s Driving the Need? How Will This Activity Help?

<Metric> <What it Measures>
1. <Assumption> 1. <Assumption>

2. <Assumption> 2. <Assumption>
3. <Assumption> 3. <Assumption> <Metric> <What it Measures>

4. <Assumption> 4. <Assumption>
<Metric> <What it Measures>

Additional Considerations (e.g. Global-Local, Coordination Required, Alignment With Goals, etc.)
<Metric> <What it Measures>
• <Consideration>
• <Consideration>

© 2015 CEB. All rights reserved

Description of HRBP Team Activity/Work: <Clear and concise statement that captures the essence of the HRBP activity>

Strategic Objectives Supported How We Will Measure Success

Sponsor <Sponsor Name, Role>
Business Objectives Talent Objectives Key Metrics What They Measure
Core Team
<Business Objective #1> <Functional Objective #1>
<Name, Role> <Name, Role> <Metric> <What it Measures>
<Business Objective #2> <Functional Objective #2>
<Name, Role> <Name, Role>
<Name, Role> <Name, Role> <Business Objective #3> <Functional Objective #3>
<Metric> <What it Measures>
Beliefs and Assumptions

What’s Driving the Need? How Will This Activity Help?

<Metric> <What it Measures>
1. <Assumption> 1. <Assumption>

2. <Assumption> 2. <Assumption>
3. <Assumption> 3. <Assumption> <Metric> <What it Measures>

4. <Assumption> 4. <Assumption>
<Metric> <What it Measures>

Additional Considerations (e.g. Global-Local, Coordination Required, Alignment With Goals, etc.)
<Metric> <What it Measures>
• <Consideration>
• <Consideration>

© 2015 CEB. All rights reserved

Description of HRBP Team Activity/Work: <Clear and concise statement that captures the essence of the HRBP activity>

Strategic Objectives Supported How We Will Measure Success

Sponsor <Sponsor Name, Role>
Business Objectives Talent Objectives Key Metrics What They Measure
Core Team
<Business Objective #1> <Functional Objective #1>
<Name, Role> <Name, Role> <Metric> <What it Measures>
<Business Objective #2> <Functional Objective #2>
<Name, Role> <Name, Role>
<Name, Role> <Name, Role> <Business Objective #3> <Functional Objective #3>
<Metric> <What it Measures>
Beliefs and Assumptions

What’s Driving the Need? How Will This Activity Help?

<Metric> <What it Measures>
1. <Assumption> 1. <Assumption>

2. <Assumption> 2. <Assumption>
3. <Assumption> 3. <Assumption> <Metric> <What it Measures>

4. <Assumption> 4. <Assumption>
<Metric> <What it Measures>

Additional Considerations (e.g. Global-Local, Coordination Required, Alignment With Goals, etc.)
<Metric> <What it Measures>
• <Consideration>
• <Consideration>

© 2015 CEB. All rights reserved

Description of HRBP Team Activity/Work: <Clear and concise statement that captures the essence of the HRBP activity>

Strategic Objectives Supported How We Will Measure Success

Sponsor <Sponsor Name, Role>
Business Objectives Talent Objectives Key Metrics What They Measure
Core Team
<Business Objective #1> <Functional Objective #1>
<Name, Role> <Name, Role> <Metric> <What it Measures>
<Business Objective #2> <Functional Objective #2>
<Name, Role> <Name, Role>
<Name, Role> <Name, Role> <Business Objective #3> <Functional Objective #3>
<Metric> <What it Measures>
Beliefs and Assumptions

What’s Driving the Need? How Will This Activity Help?

<Metric> <What it Measures>
1. <Assumption> 1. <Assumption>

2. <Assumption> 2. <Assumption>
3. <Assumption> 3. <Assumption> <Metric> <What it Measures>

4. <Assumption> 4. <Assumption>
<Metric> <What it Measures>

Additional Considerations (e.g. Global-Local, Coordination Required, Alignment With Goals, etc.)
<Metric> <What it Measures>
• <Consideration>
• <Consideration>

© 2015 CEB. All rights reserved

Description of HRBP Team Activity/Work: <Clear and concise statement that captures the essence of the HRBP activity>

Strategic Objectives Supported How We Will Measure Success

Sponsor <Sponsor Name, Role>
Business Objectives Talent Objectives Key Metrics What They Measure
Core Team
<Business Objective #1> <Functional Objective #1>
<Name, Role> <Name, Role> <Metric> <What it Measures>
<Business Objective #2> <Functional Objective #2>
<Name, Role> <Name, Role>
<Name, Role> <Name, Role> <Business Objective #3> <Functional Objective #3>
<Metric> <What it Measures>
Beliefs and Assumptions

What’s Driving the Need? How Will This Activity Help?

<Metric> <What it Measures>
1. <Assumption> 1. <Assumption>

2. <Assumption> 2. <Assumption>
3. <Assumption> 3. <Assumption> <Metric> <What it Measures>

4. <Assumption> 4. <Assumption>
<Metric> <What it Measures>

Additional Considerations (e.g. Global-Local, Coordination Required, Alignment With Goals, etc.)
<Metric> <What it Measures>
• <Consideration>
• <Consideration>

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