Genderstereotypeslide 1 130418035750 Phpapp02
Genderstereotypeslide 1 130418035750 Phpapp02
Genderstereotypeslide 1 130418035750 Phpapp02
Presented by:
Definition of Gender and
• Gender :
attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given
culture associates with a person’s biological sex
• Stereotypes :
Belief about social group in terms of the traits
or characteristics that they are believed to
share, stereotype are cognitive framework that
influence the processing of social information.
What is Sexism?
Sexism refers to the selectively
unjustified negative behavior against
women or men as members of a
social category. Although it is
particularly used to denote
discrimination against girls and
Individual Sexism
Individual Sexism involves stereotypic attitudes
and behaviors. Part of the definition of gender roles
in Western culture involves assumptions about the
types of occupations, lifestyles and abilities that
are held to be appropriate for men and women.
to physiological outcomes
Increase the blood pressure
men’s stereotypic leadership -historically led by
men is on downhill trend
women has been a huge disadvantage for
the advancement of women socially, through
education and in the workforce.
women are: submissive, quiet, neat, weak,
clean, clumsy, incompetent and motherly
can lead to depression, anxiety, and eating
women reported feeling bad about their bodies after
looking at images of models in magazines and
In deciding among male and female job candidates.
when the position was risky thus, the male
candidate was selected significantly more often.
Stereotype is the reflection on how we
see members of different groups
actually behaving, stereotypes change
should occur when the relation between
the groups is changing and altered.
attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given
culture associates with a person’s biological sex
Belief about social group in terms of the traits or characteristics that they
are believed to share, stereotype are cognitive framework that influence the
processing of social information.
Sexism refers to the selectively
unjustified negative behavior against
women or men as members of a
social category. Although it is
particularly used to denote
discrimination against girls and
Belief about women in their physical
Belief about men in their physical
Two types of gender stereotypes
What does it mean
to be
a male or a female?
What can sexist attitudes lead to??