Consumer Buying Behaviorand Organisational Buying Behaviour Updated
Consumer Buying Behaviorand Organisational Buying Behaviour Updated
Consumer Buying Behaviorand Organisational Buying Behaviour Updated
Consumer Buying Behavior: refers to the buying behavior
consumers behavior.
Indian rural consumer of 21st century
The vast hinterland of rural Indian attracts
interesting opportunities for marketers in 21st century
All consumer durable products opted by rural
consumers are categorized into 3 groups:
Necessary products:
Emerging products:
Lifestyle products :
Price sensitive consumer prefer small consumption
Decision making process
Problem identification/ Need Recognition:
The buying process starts when buyers identifies a problem or
recognized need.
Marketers creates stimulus to make a need obvious.
firm’s product.
Companies need to address two issues : Awareness and
inducing the customer to make his /her first purchase.
Companies uses different strategies to convince and
Appreciating the customer is important tool in the
hands of the firm.
Stages of Customer Life Cycle
Core Customers:
They are the customers who don’t switch their product’s
company’s product.
Types of Buying Decisions
Types of Buying Decisions
Marketers of high involvement products should
Five main buying roles:
Initiator : The initiator is the person who identifies that
purchase decision
Decider: The decider is the one who decides whether to
Five main buying roles:
User: The user is the person (s) who use the product or
Example 1: A child goes to a kindergarten school. She comes
back home and asks her parents to buy her a set of color
pencils and crayons
Example 2: The lady of a house who is a housewife and
1. Culture:
It consist of values,beliefs,rules,tradition which guides
individual ‘s behavior.
Marketers try to spot cultural shift to discover new
Children also have a strong influence in family’s buying
Factors influencing buying behavior
According to marketing experts the children can be
People choose products that reflect and communicate
of years .
Stages in family life cycle:
Stage I: Bachelorhood: The stage comprises a young
once children have left home. this stage has also been
broken into two stages
Stages in family life cycle:
Empty Nest I: This is a stage that occurs when at least
Appropriate Behavior
Tension Reduction
Every individual has a need.
2 types of needs.
Physiological/Innate and psychological/Acquired
Both types of needs affect our buying decision.
Innate needs and acquired needs can be satisfied by
the same product/ services
Motivational conflict
A product or service that a person might buy to satisfy
some needs often comes at the expense of depriving
another need as the person may be short of resources.
These compromises in our ability to satisfy various
needs cause motivational conflicts.
Motivational conflict
There are 3 types of motivational conflicts:
Approach – Approach conflict:
Approach – Avoidance conflict:
Avoidance– Avoidance conflict:
Approach – Approach conflict:
When a consumer has to select between two desirable
alternatives it is termed as
“Approach – Approach conflict”
Approach – Avoidance conflict:
A consumer facing a purchase choice with both
positive and negative consequences confronts this type
of conflict
When a consumer is making a purchase/ consumption
decision a single product in which both positive and
negative aspects are involved.
Avoidance– Avoidance conflict:
This type of conflicts occurs when a consumer is faced
with 2 or more undesirable alternatives.
Factors influencing buying behavior
IV. Psychological factors:
Motivation Theory:
1. Freud Theory :
He assumed the Psychological forces shaping peoples
He needs friends and interaction with his friends and
capable of becoming.
Here, a person feels that he should accomplish
something in his life.
Therefore Maslow concluded that when one set of needs
is satisfied, it ceases to be a motivating factor.
Thereafter, the next set of needs in the hierarchy order
takes its place.
Theories of Motivation
3. Frederick Herzberg Theory of Human
Frederick Herzberg theory of motivation is also
external stimuli.
Organizational Buyer decision Process
General Need Description
In the second stage of the process the quantity of the
• Performance Review
In the last step of the organizational buying process the