Road Safety - Roundabouts
Road Safety - Roundabouts
Road Safety - Roundabouts
In Qatar Road Law each lane has a clear role, and not
surprisingly these laws are almost universal.
Survival rule 1: Traffic in the roundabout has right of way.
STRATEGY: be prepared to forgo that when other drivers get
really pushy from entry points – look at the vehicles on your
right as you are progressing. Don’t assume (or demand) right
of way – it could end in tears.
Road Safety Message:
Survival rules 2, 3, 4: Each lane has a role. We are the Red car.
TURNING RIGHT: is easy. Once it is safe to do so enter the roundabout from the
right hand lane with your right indicator on, and exit into the right hand lane of
the next road.
STRATEGY: other vehicles may cross lanes while in roundabout; from the centre
to outside lane without indicating. Look at the vehicles on your left as you are
negotiating the turn. Plan early what lane to be in, and look a long way ahead
GOING STRAIGHT ON: is also easy. Either lane (2 lanes) all lanes (more than 2
lanes) can go straight ahead. You only need to indicate when you turn right
at your exit. 3–4
STRATEGY: it is safer and easier to stay in the right hand lane if going straight on
(green car). If you use the left or inside lane you could find someone turning
into you as they turn left from the outside lane. Again look at the vehicle
outside you and don’t get boxed in beside them
TURNING LEFT & U TURN: again is easy. Only the left lane can turn left or
complete a U turn. Enter the roundabout with your left indicator on, then
change to right indicator when you wish to exit the roundabout
STRATEGY: as you are negotiating the turn, watch for vehicles pushing in from
your right, and watch for vehicles turning left from the right hand lanes.