Personal Pronoun

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By: Najmi Hillalliyati, M.Pd.
What is a personal

A personal pronoun
replaces a noun or
nouns in the
John and I
are old We are old
friends friends

Hasan is my He is my
uncle uncle

I read some They were

books good
Subject Pronoun
I You He She It We They

Ibn Sina was the great scientist.

He invented an instrument for
observing the coordinates of
a star.
Subject Pronoun
Rufaida al-Aslamia recognized as the
first female Muslim nurse and the first
female surgeon in Islam.
She trained other women to be nurses
and to work in the area of health care.

Al-Khwarizmi and Al-Battani were the

Muslim scholars.
They developed many ideas and
theories in Mathematics.
Object Pronoun
Me You Him Her It Us Them

Khadijah was the first wife of

the Prophet Muhammad.
Muhammad married her at
the age of 25.
Object Pronoun
Me You Him Her It Us Them

Ibn Rush was born in Cordova,

and most Muslims regards him
as the great philosopher.

The Qur`an tells us how to

serve and worship God.
Possessive Adjective
Subject Pronoun Possessive Adjective
I I have a shirt My My shirt is green
You You have a book Your Your book is new
He He has a pillow His His pillow is soft
She She has a dog Her Her dog is small
It It has a bone Its Its bone is old
We We have a bird Our Our bird is noisy
They They have a house Their Their house is big

Her baloon is green. His baloon is blue.

Her baloons are green. His baloons are blue.

Hers baloons are green.
Al-Farabi completed his
earlier education at
Farab and Bukhara.

The Qur`an is a book

of Guidence. Its
rhyme and rhythm
are beautiful.
Possessive Pronoun
I have a book.

This is my book. My Possessive Adjective

The book is mine. Mine Possessive Pronoun

- This book is my book, not your book.

- This book is mine, not yours.

Possessive Pronoun
Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun
My My shirt is green Mine The shirt is mine
Your Your book is new Yours The book is yours

His His pillow is soft His The pillow is his

Hers The dog is hers
Her Her dog is small
--- * We don`t use its as a
Its Its bone is old possessive pronoun
Our Our bird is noisy Ours The bird is ours
Their Their house is big Theirs The house is theirs

Please give this dictionary to Susan. It is hers.

Hers = her dictionary
We can eat all of the food. It is ours.
Ours = our food
Which bag is yours? Mine is the blue one.
Yours = your bag Mine = my bag
Number Person Gender Subject Object Possessive Possessive
Pronoun Pronoun Adjective Pronoun

First Male/Female I Me My Mine

Second Male/Female You You Your Yours
Third Male He Him His His
Female She Her Her Hers
Neuter It It Its ---
First Male/Female We Us Our Ours
Second Male/Female You You Your Yours
Third Male/Female/ They Them Their Theirs
Please read the text below carefully. Categorize the underlined words into the
appropriate personal pronoun and identify the words to which they refer to.

Prophet Muhammad
Object Pronoun = The Arab People
The Arab people, were invited by Muhammad to accept Islam. Some responded
favorably, but most of them rejected Islam. They also turned against him. In 622 A.D.
Muhammad migrated to Madina. It was in the 12th year of his prophet hood. In
Medina he was accepted as a leader of an Islamic state. There he established the
foundations of the relation among Moslem people and between Moslem and non-
Moslem people in general.
The Islamic calendar begins from the time of migration. Migration in Arabic is “Hijrah”.
In Mecca he tried to established belief in One God among Arabic people. In Medina he
tried to established a social life among many different people. Muhammad continued
to preach Islam in Medina. He worked with unmatched patience and great wisdom.
A short time after his death the message of Islam spread to most parts of the world.
Islam contributes to world history. It also contributes to civilization and scientific
development. Today, about 1,000 million Muslims all over the world accept Islam.

• Them : Object pronoun = The Arab People

• They : Subject pronoun = The Arab People
• Him : Object pronoun = Prophet Muhammad
• It : Subject Pronoun = 622 A.D.
• He : Subject Pronoun = Prophet Muhammad
• His : Possessive adjective = Prophet Muhammad`s
• It : Subject Pronoun = Islam

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