UNIT - 4 Recrutiment and Selection
UNIT - 4 Recrutiment and Selection
UNIT - 4 Recrutiment and Selection
Meaning of Recruitment
According to Edwin Flippo: “Recruitment is the
process of searching the candidates for employment
and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the
organisation “
Recruitment is the activity that links the employers
and the job seekers
Other definitions
A process of finding and attracting capable applicants
for employment
process begins when new recruits are sought and end
when their applications are submitted.
The result is a pool of applicant form which new
employees are selected
Other definition cont..
It is a process to discover sources of manpower to
meet the requirement of staffing schedule and to
employ effective measures of attracting that
manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective
selection of an efficient workforce
Other definitions cont…
Recruitment is the first step in filling a vacancy.
Examine the vacancy
Considering the source of suitable candidates
Making contacts with the candidates
Attracting applications from them
Other definitions cont…
Recruitment is the function preceding the selection
which helps create a pool of prospective employees
for the organization so that the management can
select the right candidates from this pool ( to
expedite the selection process
Selection on the other hand is a process whereby out
of the many job applicants the best are taken to fill
the vacancy. Selection means whittling down the
application pool by using the screening tools such as
test, assessment centers, background and reference
Difference between recruitment
and selection