Geetha Internship
Geetha Internship
Geetha Internship
Our vision is to provide quality services that exceeds the expectations of our
esteemed customers.
Our mission is to build long term relationships with our customers and clients
and provide exceptional customer services by pursuing business through
innovation and advanced technology.
Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. It has efficient high-level data
structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming. Python’s elegant
syntax and dynamic typing, together with its interpreted nature, make it an ideal language for
Open Source Computer Vision Library is a common platform and set of programming
functions for real-time applications. The open CV library contains several algorithms for more than
500 optimized algorithms. Used mostly around the world, with forty thousand people in the user
group. The first languages used in C-C ++ are mainly written in C, making them portable to certain
platforms such as the digital signal processor. Now the language that is called Python is being used
distribution that allows users to launch applications and manage conda packages, environments and
Jupyter has developed and supported the interactive computing products Jupyter Notebook, JupyterHub, and
JupyterLab. Jupyter is financially sponsored by NumFOCUS.
Is it possible to build a model that can differentiate between “Real “news and
“Fake” news? So a proposed work on assembling a dataset of both fake and
real news in order to create a model to classify an article into fake or real
based on its words and phrases.
Fake news spreads a wildlife and this is a big issues in this era.
These days fake news is creating different issues from sarcastic articles to a
fabricated news and plan government propaganda in some outlets.
Fake news and lack of trust in the media are growing problems with huge
ramifications in our society.
it is seeked to produce a model that can accurately predict the likelihood that a
given article is fake news.
We will be training and testing the data, when we use supervised learning it means
we are labeling the data.
1) Model is build based on the count vectorizer or a tfidf matrix ( i.e ) word tallies
relatives to how often they are used in other articles in your dataset can help.
2) The actual goal is in developing a model which was the text transformation (count
vectorizer vs tfidf vectorizer) and choosing which type of text to use (headlines vs
full text).
Step 3: Divide the dataset into two parts i.e., Train dataset and Test dataset.
Step 5: Accuracy and performance metrics has been calculated to know the
efficiency for different algorithms.
Step6: Then retrieve the best algorithm based on efficiency for the given dataset.
System Architecture
The approach that this paper proposes, uses the latest machine learning
algorithms to detect fake news or real news.
Each model is trained multiple times with a set of different parameters using a grid
search to optimize the model for the best outcome.
fake news detection problem can be addressed with machine learning methods.
Microsoft Excel
An innovative model for fake news detection using machine learning algorithms
has been presented.
This model takes news events as an input and based on twitter reviews and
classification algorithms it predicts the percentage of news being fake or real.
This is to ensure that the proposed system is not a burden to the company.