Frequency-Domain Analysis and Stability Determination
Frequency-Domain Analysis and Stability Determination
Frequency-Domain Analysis and Stability Determination
then the Laplace transforms of the input and the output are
related through
by letting u = ω/ωn,
Nyquist criterion is a semigraphical method that determines the
stability of a closed System by investigating the properties of the
frequency-domain plot, the Nyquist plot, of the loop transfer
function G(s)H(s), or L{s).
The Nyquist plot of L(s) is a plot of L (jω) in the polar coordinates
of lm[L(jω)] versus Re[L(jω)] as to varies from 0 to ∞.
Let us consider that the closed-loop transfer function
Stability Conditions
Closed-Loop Stability: A system is said to be closed-loop stable, or
simply stable, if the poles of the closed-loop transfer function or the
zeros of 1 + L(s) are all in the left-half S-plane. Exceptions to the above
definitions are systems with poles or zeros intentionally placed at s = 0.
Suppose that a continuous closed path Гs is arbitrarily chosen in the
s-plane, as shown in Fig, If Гs does not go through any poles of
∆(s), then the trajectory Г∆ mapped
by ∆(s) into the ∆(s) -plane is also a closed one, as shown in Fig.
2. The L(s) plot corresponding to the Nyquist path is constructed in the L(s)-
3. The value of N, the number of encirclement of the (-1, j0) point made by the
L(s) plot, is observed.
That is, “for a closed-loop system to be stable, the L{s)plot must encircle the (-l,
j0) point as many times as the number of poles of L(s) that are in the right-
half s-plane, and the encirclement, if any, must be made in the clockwise
direction (if Гs is defined in the CCW sense)
Example: Consider that a single-loop feedback control system has
the loop transfer function
5. To find the possible intersects on the real axis, we set the imaginary part of
L(jω)/K to zero. The result is
The L(jω) plot does not intersect the negative real axis (no finite nonzero
phase crossover).
The L(jω) plot intersects the negative real axis between (phase crossover lies
between) 0 and the 1 point.
The L(jω) plot passes through (phase crossover is at) the (-1 , j0) point.
The L(jω) plot encloses (phase crossover is to the left of) the (-1, j0) point.
Gain margin is the amount of gain in decibels (dB) that can
be added to the loop closed-loop system becomes before the
closed-loop unstable.
When the Nyquist plot does not intersect the negative real axis
at any finite nonzero frequency, the gain margin is infinite
As an illustrative example on gain and phase margins, consider that the
loop transfer function of a control system is
The magnitude of L(jωp) is 0.182. Thus, the gain margin is obtained from
The phase of L(jωg) is 211.72°. Thus, the phase margin is obtained from
The Bode plot of a transfer function is a very useful graphical tool for
the analysis and design of linear control systems in the frequency
Advantages of the Bode Plot