Environmental Pollution

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Environmental Pollution

Grade 7 – SMPK Penabur Jakarta

Learning Objectives
1. Understand pollution that occurs in the surrounding
2. Analyze information, the causes and impacts of air, water,
soil and noise pollution on ecosystems, formulate problems
and propose solutions to problems
3. Implement activities in the form of reports on solving
pollution problems that occurs in the surrounding
World Population (total, 2019)
Let’s think…
What is the connection between the
increasing number of human population
with environmental pollution?
• Overpopulation happens when
the number of human in a
certain area exceeds the limit to
be sustained by its
• Causes:
• High birth rates
• High number of incoming
people to one area
• This certain area becomes very
crowded (as you can see from
these pictures)
Problems & Effects of Overpopulation
• Limited area for housing, agriculture, and
• Limited access to food, clean water, and fresh air
• Socio-economic problems due to limited job
openings and limited housing
• Forest degradation
• Bad sanitation, disease easily spreading
• Increasing waste volume, causing pollution in
water, air, soil, and also sound
Environmental Pollution
• Damage of the environment caused by an
addition of unwanted
substances/materials/mass/energy to the
environment, making it unfit for organisms that
normally live there under natural conditions
• Unwanted substances/materials: pollutant
• Based on its source, can be classified:
• Physical pollutant, e.g. plastic, metal waste
• Chemical pollutant, e.g. radioactive, heavy metal
(mercury, etc)
• Biological pollutant, e.g. pathogens (bacteria)
on the
Air Pollution
Air pollution kills an estimated
seven million people worldwide
every year. WHO data shows that 9
out of 10 people breathe air
containing high levels of pollutants.

• Air pollution occurs when harmful or excessive quantities of

substances are introduced into Earth's atmosphere.
• Sources of air pollution include gases (such as ammonia,
carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxides, methane
and chlorofluorocarbons), particulates (both organic and
inorganic), and biological molecules (pollen, spores,
The examples of
Air Pollution
(1) Greenhouse effect (Global Warming)
(2) Particulate contamination (SMOG)
(3) Ozone depletion: increasing UV
(4) Acid rain
(5) Increased ground-level ozone
(6) Increased levels of nitrogen oxides
Green House Effects and Global Warming
• Some gases in the atmosphere which can absorb
heat are CO2, H2O, O3, CH4, N2. Those gases are
usually called as greenhouse gases.
• Global warming happen because of excessive
CO2 which is accumulated in the atmosphere. The
causes :
1. Using of fossil fuel in the great amount
(transportation, industrial, power plant)
2. Deforestation: rain forest destruction.
• Cause the fluctuation of global rainfall & ecological
disturbances 🡪 Climate Change
Green House Effect
Ozone Depletion
 An event where the Ozone layer is destroyed more quickly than it is
naturally created. The main causes of ozone depletion and the ozone hole
are manufactured chemicals, especially manufactured halocarbon
refrigerants, solvents, propellants, and foam-blowing agents
(chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), HCFCs, halons), referred to as ozone-
depleting substances (ODS)
 Ozone, while a minority constituent in Earth's atmosphere, is responsible for
most of the absorption of UVB radiation. The amount of UVB radiation that
penetrates through the ozone layer decreases exponentially with the slant-path
thickness and density of the layer. When stratospheric ozone levels decrease,
higher levels of UVB reach the Earth's surface.
SMOG – Smog is air pollution that reduces visibility. The term
"smog" was first used in the early 1900s to describe a mix
of smoke and fog. The smoke usually came from burning coal.
Smog was common in industrial areas, and remains
a familiar sight in cities today (e.g. situation of Jakarta’s sky
during Idul Fitri day)

Acid rain is the term used

to describe the deposition
of acidic gases/
particulates back to

This includes acidic

pollution falling as rain,
snow, sleet, hail, mist or
fog - wet deposition - and
the dry deposition of
gases and particles.
of Acid
Solutions for the Pollutions:

Clean Air Act increases taxes and fines

companies that produces pollutants
Developing new eco-friendly technologies to
replace existing harmful ones, like Fuel Cell and
Solar Cell.
Save energy
Maintain the environment

Water Pollution Definition
Water pollution occurs when harmful substances—often
chemicals or microorganisms—contaminate a stream, river,
lake, ocean, aquifer, or other body of water, degrading water
quality and rendering it toxic to humans or the environment.
(-Natural Resource Defense Council)

Masuknya atau dimasukkannya makhluk hidup, zat, energi dan atau

komponen lain ke dalam air oleh kegiatan manusia, sehingga kualitas
air turun sampai ke tingkat tertentu yang menyebabkan air tidak
dapat berfungsi sesuai dengan peruntukannya. (PP No. 82 2001)
Water Pollution
• Characteristic of healthy water:
• Colorless
• Odorless
• Tasteless
• High level of dissolved oxygen
Water Pollution
• Changes in polluted water
• Physical (color, odor, taste,
temperature, sediment)
• Chemical (acidity, lower dissolved
oxygen, higher number of other
dissolved chemical substances)
• Biological (microorganisms,
Cause of Water Pollution
• Example: mercury which is
contaminated MINAMATA
bay, Japan.
• Causing severe
diseases/disorders in human
Cause of Water Pollution
• Using excessive anorganic
fertilizer (contain Nitogen and
Phospate) causes 🡪
growth of algae/blooming
algae) in pond, lake, or river
• Insecticide (DDT= Dicloro
Dophenyl Trichloroetena)
causes death or malformation
in ecosystem
• Eutrophication is the process in which lakes receive nutrients
(phosphorus and nitrogen) and sediment from the
surrounding watershed and become more fertile and shallow.
• The additional nutrients cause algal blooms, additional plant
growth and overall poor water quality, making the lake less
suitable for recreation.
Cause of Water Pollution
• Domestic sewage which gets
into water (river, lake, marine)
will cause polluted water
• Pollutant penetrate to the
river and run directly to the
sea; example:
- Detergent
- Oil
- Plastic, fabric waste
Water Pollution Effects

1. To aquatic organisms 2. To overall surface water

• Reduced O2, causing a • Decreased water quality
disruption in ecological balance
• Reducing water viability for
• Wastewater are hard to society
naturally decompose
• Death
3. Health 4. Aesthetics
• Becomes a media for spreading • Negatively impact the smell of the
diseases : diarrhea, cholera, area
typus • Reduces the viability of water
tourism, directly affecting the human
• Health decline of the population’s livelyhood
populations, including humans
Reduced oxygen levels

• DO ( Dissolved Oxygen) : a measure of how much oxygen is dissolved in the

water - the amount of oxygen available to living aquatic organisms
• BOD ( Biochemical Oxygen Demand) : the amount of dissolved oxygen
(DO) needed (i.e. demanded) by aerobic biological organisms to function
• What causes this?
Efforts to help
1. Reducing and/or removing 2. Developing new eco-friendly
sources alternatives for the pollutant
Example: Example:
• Reduce the use of excessive fertilizers and • Replacing phosphates in detergents

4. Better regulations in
3. Recycle water waste factories, agricultural, and
• Most waste water can be treated to be used
industrial wastes
again for any number of uses
Soil Pollution
• Caused by solid waste
in the form of non-
biodegradable waste
• Contaminated soil will
reduce its fertility
thereby reducing food
Bantar Gebang,
The biggest landfill for
Jakarta’s garbage. Imagine
how its soil condition…!


Noise Pollution
• Unwanted/unpleasant
noise in the
• Pollutant comes from
sound of engine,
aeroplanes, power plant
or others with very high
• Can cause hearing
disorder, blood tension
disorder, and heart
Effects on Humans

1 Hearing loss A shift in hearing threshold,
either temporary or
2 Physiological Elevated blood pressure,
and migraines
3 Psychological Stress, confusion
4 Cognitive Concentration problems,
sleep depravation
Hearing health
We can measure them from the degrees of
hearing loss
a. Normal: threshold 0 - 25 dB
b. Mild: threshold 26 - 40 dB
c. Moderate: threshold 41 - 60 dB
d. Moderately severe: threshold 61 - 90 dB
e. Severe: threshold >91dB
Ice melts

Coral bleaching

The Impacts of
Pollution to the
Reducing Air Pollution
• Controlling and reducing emission from
factories and vehicles (use public
transportation, electric vehicles,
biofuels/high octane gasoline)
• Preventing illegally logging and forest
destruction, reforestation.
Reducing Water Pollution
1. Avoid Dumping Waste into Rivers
2. Use Natural Fertiliser
3. Cleaning Up Rivers
4. Avoid Disposing Oil into Sinks
5. Use Environmentally Friendly Washing
Liquids or Powders
6. Use Less Plastic
Reducing Soil Pollution
1. Reuse any items that you can
2. Buy biodegradable products
3. Store all liquid chemiclas and waste in spill-
proof container
4. Eat organic foods that are grown without
5. Don’t use pesticides
Reducing Noise Pollution
1. Using ear protection
2. Not building factories,
airport and train station
near the residents
3. Not turn the electronic
devices loudly

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