Os - PPT 2
Os - PPT 2
Os - PPT 2
Computer-System Architecture
1. Single-Processor Systems
2. Multiprocessor Systems
3. Clustered Systems
1. Single-Processor Systems
2. Multiprocessor system
A multiprocessor system consists of multiple processors.
Also known as parallel systems, tightly-coupled systems.
I. Increased throughput
II. Economy of scale (cheaper than single processor systems)
III. Increased reliability (if one processor fails)
Types of Multiprocessor system
1. Symmetric Multiprocessors
In these types of systems, each processor contains a similar
copy of the operating system and they all communicate
with each other.
Asymmetric Multiprocessors
In asymmetric systems, each processor is given a predefined task.
There is a master processor that gives instruction to all the other
Asymmetric multiprocessor system contains a master slave
and the IBM
3. Clustered System
Like multiprocessor systems, but multiple systems working
Basically, they have independent computer systems with a
common storage and the systems work together.
Operating System Services:-
It provides certain services to programs and to users of that
1. User Interface
An interface is required to communicate with the user. Then it can
either be a Command Line Interface (CLI) or a Graphical User
Interface (GUI).
2. Program Execution
kernel is the core of the operating system that
1. Simple structure
Such operating systems do not have well defined structure
and are small, simple and limited systems.
MS-DOS is an example of such operating system.
All the layers are accessing the base hardware.
2. Monolithic Structure
The monolithic operating system is a very basic operating system
in which file management, memory management, device
management, and process management are directly controlled
within the kernel.
This is followed by earlier UNIX operating system.
Example: VMS, Linux, OS/360, open vms
3. Layered Structure
The layered structure approach breaks up the operating system
into different layers. The bottom layer (layer 0) is the hardware,
and the topmost layer (layer N) is the user interface.
Each of the layers in the operating system can only interact with
the above and below layers.
Ex: Windows NT OS
4. Micro-kernel
Instead of big kernel having so many functionality, we have
micro kernel & the main function of micro-kernel provide
communication between client & other services.
Ex: Mac OS 8, Minix, L4Linux
5. Modular structure
It is considered as the best approach for an OS.
Modern OS development is object-oriented, with a relatively
small core kernel and a set of modules which can be linked in
What is a System Call ?
A system call is a method for a computer program to request
a service from the kernel of the operating system on which it
is running.
There are two modes of operation in which program run
which is:
1. User mode
2. Kernel mode
System Call:-
1. Process Control
2. File Management
3. Device Management
4. Information Maintenance
5. Communications
1. Process Control:-
There are various process running in our system and all this
process need to be controlled.
This system calls perform the task of process creation, process
termination, etc.
1. End and Abort
2. Load and Execute
3. Create Process and Terminate Process
4. Allocate and free memory
2. File Management