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Creating Ultrasound Phantoms Using Turkey Breasts and Olives

Chaithanya Ganji

Introduction Product Ultrasound

Ultrasound is a crucial imaging tool that is used for To combat the limitations of CAFs, phantoms made of turkey breasts
various purposes such as monitoring pregnancies or were tested (TF). TFs are made with turkey breasts and pitted green
performing needle biopsies. The focus of this product
olives as targets. TFs are considerably cheaper than CAFs and are
is on ultrasound guided needle biopsies. This
seen to be just as effective, if not even more due to the lack of
procedure is important to pathology because this how
samples of masses such as tumors or cysts are needle tracks. TFs also more closely resemble real flesh than a gel-
obtained. Obtaining these samples without an imaging based CAF would. Below is the process of creating the phantoms
tool is near impossible, and ultrasound is the most and the to the right are images produced by the ultrasound.
practical since it is portable, fast, and poses no harm to
the patient. Ultrasound works by sending an electrical Materials and Costs:
energy into the transducer, causing the crystals within
Turkey Breasts (15 USD for 4) Plastic Wrap (5 USD)
it to vibrate at a frequency greater than 20000 Hz
Olives (3 USD for small jar) US Machine (20000 USD)
(piezoelectric effect). These sound waves enter the
tissues and bounce back to the transducer resulting in
a top-down grey-scale image. These real-time images
can then be used to guide a needle to the site of the Creation
biopsy. However, it is essential to practice and refine
these skills on phantoms instead of real patients so
that the patient is comfortable and free from harm. This
is typically done by using CAFs, or commercially
available phantoms, which are made from agar or
Conclusion and Reflection
konjac gel. CAFs are very expensive, being well over
The TFs were seen to be very effective, any problems
500 USD. They can also produce needle tracks which
associated with the images were a result of the ultrasound.
can hinder learning. Furthermore, they poorly mimic
The images that were produced were grainy, but the olive
human tissue. The goal of this product is to make a
could be made out in the control TFs. However, in the
phantom that can bypass all of these limitations.
experimental TF which was made with two turkey breasts, the
olives in the bottom layer were not detected because of the
But how does all this connect to pathology? It is a
rather peculiar relationship, coming in two different limitations of the ultrasound machine.
ways. The first of which is radiology – this is an
indirect relationship. Radiologists are the ones doing This internship was an incredibly valuable experience in
biopsies to produce satisfactory samples that the pursuing a career in the medical field. I was able to learn
pathologist can diagnose properly. The second way is about how a hospital works by working with Dr. Jakowski as
a direct relationship through a sub-specialty in well as helping the secretaries. There are so many different
cytopathology, interventional cytopathology. These roles that are crucial to ensure a patient gets the best care
pathologists perform the biopsies themselves as well possible. I also gained an understanding of what to expect
as making the diagnoses. They have recently started when I am doing rotations as a student and a medical
incorporating ultrasound-guided biopsies into their resident. I would love to be able to do another internship if
practices. possible.

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