Explaining Medication

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• Explaining medication as ordered by doctor
• Explaining instruction labels on medicine
• Encourage patient’s medication
Forms of Drugs
Capsules Pessary Supposatory
Injection Powder Syrup
Ointment Solution Tablets
Paste Spray Inhaler
Differences between medicine and drugs
• Medicine: a substance which can cure or prevent a disease, replace vital
substances that the body lacks and suppress or relieve symptoms. It is
especially in the form of liquid that you consume.
• Drug: substance used for minor complaint which generally have obvious
benefits and negligible risks; otherwise most of us would prefer to put up
with the complaint. For more serious disease, more powerful drugs are
required and the risk of an adverse reaction is usually higher.
• Capsule: a small container which has measured amount of medicine inside
and which dissolves when you swallow it.
• Pill (tablet): a small flat round piece of medicine that you swallow without
chewing it.
• Ampoule: a small container usually made of glass containing a drug that
will used for an injection.
Abbreviations Meaning
b.i.d Twice a day

t.i.d Three times a day

q.i.d Four times a day

p.r.n When necessary

2 hourly Once every two hours

a.c Before meals/before food/ on an empty stomach

p.c After meals

p.o Orally (through mouth)

Tab Tablets

Caps Capsules

MAR Medication Administration Record

• For pain: the purpose of treatment is to
relieve the pain.
• Sig (Signum) : to be written on the label
– ex: Sig. 2 tablets, 6 hourly: the tablets should be
taken 6 hourly for pain after meals/food
• Mitte: give
– Ex: mitte 100 = give 100 (one hundred tablets)
Where do you find medicine:
• Pharmacy:
1. a shop/store that sells medicine and drugs
2. a place in a hospital where medicine are prepared.

• Drugstore: a shop/store that sells medicines and also

other type of goods, for example: cosmetics, toiletries
(Watson, Century, Guardian)

• Dispensary: a place in hospital, shop/store, etc where

medicines are prepared for patients.
Useful Expression
“Oral medication”
• Please take this ……….
(one tablet per day/ one tablet three times a day, every
eight hours
syrup one spoonful ….. (three times a day)
to reduce …… (your temperature/pain)
to relieve …… + (physical problem)
your pain
your running nose
your cold
• Here are some tablet / pills which you are to take …. (one) of every …..
(eight) hours.
• Have you taken the medicine?
Useful Expression
“Giving Caution”
• Just tell me if there’s something you don’t understand and I’ll go
over it all.
• You must call the nurse if there’s an adverse reaction.
• Don’t take this more than …… (three times/ 8 tablets in 24 hours)
• Don’t use it if this makes…… (a skin rash).
• Discontinue if an adverse reaction occurs.
• Take these antibiotics all up.
• In case (the tablets) give you indigestion, please take them
(during/after meals).
• If (name of medicine) make you suffer from indigestion, please
take them (during/after meals).
Patient’s expressions related to medication

• Menanyakan cara minum obat dan dosis

How should I take this medicine?

• Menanyakan kegunaan obat.

What is the use of this …… (tablet, medicine,

• Menanyakan dosis
How to use this (tablet/medicine/capsule)?
1. Apakah anda sudah minum obat? (Alifah)
have you taken the medicine?
2. Saya akan memberi obat Pereda nyeri. (Siti)
I will give you the pain medicine.
3. Obat ini diminum sehari tiga kali. (Diva)
this medicine is taken three times a day.
4. Obat ini diminum setelah makan. (Salsa)
This medicine is taken after meals/eating.
5. Ini untuk meredakan rasa mual. (Niken)
this is to relieve nausea.
6. Ini diminum bila anda demam saja. (Devina)
Take this only if you have fever.
7. Obat ini diminum bila perlu saja, jika anda merasa sakit sekali. (Chae)
This medicine is only taken if necessary, if you feel very sick.
8. Kompres dengan cairan ini pada luka anda. (Anjel)
Compress with this liquid on your wound.
9. Berikan tiga tetes saja pada mata anda. (Ciwi)
Just put three drop into your eyes.
10. Hentikan minum obat ini jika anda merasa gatal. (Kayla)
Stop taking this medicine if you feel itchy.
Please make an instruction for the patient
1. A doctor gave a prescription to a 67-year-old school teacher with osteoarthritis of the left hip.
Tab. Naproxen 250 mg
Mitte 100
sig. 1 tab T.i.d
Sir, it is Naproxen, to reduce the inflammation / your pain on your left hip.
Take this medicine 1 tablet, three times a day.

2. A doctor gave a prescription to a 25-year-old teacher of disabled children suffering from depressive
illness. (Chae)
Tab. Imipramine 25 mg
Mitte 100
Sig. 1 tab T.i.d
Miss, it is imipramine, to suppress your depression.
Take this tablet 1 for three times a day. Every eight hours.

3. Patient, a child 10 years old having high fever for 3 days.

Mam, it is Tempra, to reduce your child’s temperature/fever.
Please take this syrup one spoonful, three times a day.
Task 3
1. Have you taken any medicine?
2. I am going to give you this medicine3 times a day.
3. Please take this medicine 3 times a day.
4. Please take these tablets after meals.
5. It is used to relieve your nausea.
6. You should take this medicine when you have a temperature.
7. You may take this medicine if necessary when your pain gets
8. Please compress onto your injury with this liquid.
9. Please squeeze 3 drops into each eye.
10. Don’t use it if it makes a skin rash.
Activity 4
• Example number 1
Client: Excuse me, how to take this medicine?
Nurse: Take this three times a day.
Client: How many tablets do I have?
Nurse: There are total 100 tablets.
Client: Thank you Nurse.
Nurse: You are welcome.
Task 2 Giving Instruction and Caution
• Conversation 1
– Client: excuse me, would you like to inform me how to use of
the B-2 Cold tablets?
– Nurse: B-2 Cold tablets are used for relieving yours nasal
congestion, runny nose, watery eyes and sneezing associated
with common cold and hay fever.
– Client: How should I take these tablets?
– Nurse: you take 2 tablets to start, followed by 1 tablet every 4
hours. Please do not to exceed 8 tablets in 24 hours.
– Nurse: Continue this for 72 hours. This preparation may cause
you drowsiness. Please do not drive or operate machinery
while taking this medication.

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