The Philippine Constitutions

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Constitution. It is a written instrument enacted by the direct action of the
people, by which the fundamental governmental powers and functions are
established, limited, and defined. And by which those powers are
distributed among several departments for their safe and useful exercise
for the benefit of the people.
Constitutional Convention. It is a gathering for the purpose of writing a
new constitution or revising an existing constitution.
Commonwealth. It is a traditional English term for a political
community founded for the common good.
Ratification. It is a process and act of signing or giving a formal consent
for the official validity of a treaty, pact, or agreement.
Plebiscite. It is the direct vote of all the members of an
electorate on an important public question.
Referendum. This is a direct vote by the voting public on
a particular proposal or issue. It can have nationwide or
local forms which may result in the adoption of a new
policy or specific law.
Viva Voce Vote. A vote in which it was done orally than
The Philippines has had a total of five (5) constitutions.
The Malolos Constitution was the first Philippine Constitution.
During the American rule, the Philippines was governed by the laws of the
United States of America.
A Constitutional Convention was called to draft a constitution for the
Philippines to prepare its independence. This gave birth to the 1935
The 1935 Constitution was also called as the Commonwealth Constitution.
During the World War II, under Japanese occupation, the 1935 Constitution
was nullified. From then 1943 Constitution was utilized under the rule of
President Jose P. Laurel.
During the American Rule, the Philippines was governed by the laws of
the United States of America.
Upon the independence from the Japanese in 1945, the 1935
Constitution was restored.
The 1935 Constitution was used until the Proclamation of Martial
under Marcos rule in 1973.
President Marcos planned to ratify the 1935 Constitution, but due to his
vision of failure to be ratified, he declared Martial Law instead, claiming
that the drafted ratification was already approved through Citizen's
As preparation for the drafting the 1987 Constitution, President Aquino
through a Presidential Decree, suspended the 1973 Constitution.
In 1987, the Current Philippine Constitution was created.
It is a set of fundamental principles or
established precedents according to which as
state or other organization is governed. It
symbolizes the country’s freedom and
A constitution plays a significant role in every
sovereign state because it ensures that those people in
the position which makes rulings on behalf of the
public, would fairly represent public opinion and for the
common good. While it sets the bound within which the
government must work, it also sets out the ways in
which those who exercise power may be held
accountable to the people they serve.
The Philippine Constitution has evolved since 1897:
the 1897 Constitution of Biak-Na-Bato, the 1899
Malolos Constitution, Acts of the United States
Congress (Philippine Organic Act of 1902
Constitution, Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916, and
Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934), the 1935
Constitution, the 1943 Constitution, the 1973
Constitution, the 1986 Freedom Constitution, and the
1987 Constitution.
The country has had a total of five
constitutions which are as follows:
1.The Biak-na-Bato Constitution
2.The Malolos Constitution
3.The 1935 Constitution
4.The 1973 Constitution
5.The 1987 Constitution
A constitution provides the foundation for
governance in any country, which is important
and essential in securing that the public needs are
being addressed and delivered. As what we have
mentioned, the Philippines has had a total of five
(5) constitution prior the current constitution that
the country is using. These are the following:
The Biak-na-Bato Constitution provided for the
establishment of a supreme council that would serve as the
highest governing body of the Republic. It also outlined
certain basic human rights, such as freedom of religion,
freedom of the press, and the right to education. Emilio
Aguinaldo and Mariano Trias were elected Supreme Council
president and vice president, respectively. This constitution is
based on the Cuban Constitution and was drafted by Felix
Ferrer and Isabelo Artacho.
The Constitution of Biak-na-Bato known as the “Constitution
Provisional de la Republica de Filipinas” was short-lived as it
operated only from November 1, 1987 to December 14,1897.
The Preamble of the 1897 Constitution of Biak-na-bato
reads, “The separation of the Philippines from the Spanish monarchy
and their formation into an independent state with its own government
called the Philippine Republic has been the end sought by the
Revolution in the existing war, begun on the 24th of August, 1896;
and , therefore, in its name and by the power delegated by the Filipino
people, interpreting faithfully their desires and ambitions, we the
representatives of the Revolution, in a meeting at Biak-na-bato,
November 1, 1897, unanimously adopted the following articles for the
constitution of the State.”
In 1899, the Malolos Constitution - the
first Philippine Constitution, and the first
republican constitution in Asia - was drafted
and adopted by the First Philippine Republic
in which the supremacy lasted from 1899 to
 was the basic law of the First Philippine Republic whose
form of government was unitary semi-presidential
 was the first republican constitution in Asia (Tucker, 2009)
written by Felipe Calderon y Roca and Felipe Buencamino
after the declaration of Philippine independence from Spain
on 12 June 1898
Malolos Constitution was in operation from January 23,
The salient features of the 1899 Malolos
Constitution include the declaration of sovereignty
of the people, the enumeration of the basic civil
rights, the separation of the Church and State, it
provided for the creation of an Assembly of
Representative to act as the legislative body, and a
parliamentary republic as the form of government
 Known as the Constitución Política de Malolos and it
was written in Spanish
 Following the declaration of independence from Spain
on June 12, 1898 and transformation of the dictatorial
government to a revolutionary government on 23 June
Convened in Barasoa in Church in Malolos (now
Malolos City, Bulacan) Pedro Paterno as president and
Gregorio Araneta as vice president
Ratified on November 29, 1898, signed into law on December 23, approved
on January 20, 1899Sanctioned by President Emilio Aguinaldo on January 21,
and promulgated on January 22
Anchored in democratic traditions that ultimately had their roots in American
soil, modeled on the constitutions of France, Belgium, and Latin American
countries states that the people have exclusive sovereignty
It states basic civil rights, separated the church from the state, and called for
the creation of an Assembly of Representatives which would act as the
legislative body. It also calls for a Presidential form of government with the
president elected for a term of four years by a majority of the Assembly the
authentic and official constitution of La Republica Filipina (Philippine
We, the Representatives of the Filipino people,
lawfully convened, in order to establish justice,
provide for common defense, promote the general
welfare, and insure the benefits of liberty, imploring
the aid of the Sovereign Legislator of the Universe
for the attainment of these ends, have voted, decreed,
and sanctioned the following political constitution
Also known as the Commonwealth Constitution, the 1935 Philippine
Constitution was ratified by the Filipino people through a national
plebiscite, on May 14, 1935, which came into full force and effect on
November 15, 1935, with the inauguration of the Commonwealth of the
Philippines. Among its provisions was that it would remain as the
constitution of the Republic of the Philippines once independence be
granted on July 4, 1946.In 1940, the 1935 Constitution was amended by the
National Assembly of the Philippines. From then, the legislature was
changed its house from unicameral assembly to a bicameral congress. The
amendment also changed the term limit of the President of the Philippines
from six (6) years with no reelection to four (4) years with a possibility of
being reelected for a second term.
A unicameral legislature concentrates legislative authority
in a single body of parliament. In a bicameral legislature, on
the other hand, the law-making authority is shared by an
upper house and a lower house, which make up the
The 1935 Constitution of the Philippines was written in 1934, approved and
adopted by the Commonwealth of the Philippines and later used by the Third Republic
of the Philippines
It was written with an eye to meeting the approval of the United States
Government as well, so as to ensure that the U.S. would live up to its promise to grant
the Philippines independence and not have a premise to hold on to its "possession" on
the grounds that it was too politically immature and hence unready for full, real
The original 1935 Constitution provides, inter alia, for a unicameral Legislature
and a single six-year term for the President. It was amended in 1940 to have a
bicameral Congress composed of a Senate and House of Representatives, as well the
creation of an independent Commission on Elections. The Constitution limited the
The Philippines was a United States Territory from
December 10, 1898 to March 24, 1934[17] and therefore
under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government of the
United States.
ACT OF 1902
The Philippine Organic Act of 1902, sometimes known as the "Philippine
Bill of 1902" or the "Cooper Act", was the first organic law for the Philippine
Islands enacted by the United States Congress. It provided for the creation of a
popularly elected Philippine Assembly, and specified that legislative power
would be vested in a bicameral legislature composed of the Philippine
Commission (upper house) and the Philippine Assembly (lower house).
Its key provisions included a bill of rights for the Filipinos and the
appointment of two non-voting Filipino Resident Commissioner of the
Philippines to represent the Philippines in the United States House of
ACT OF 1916
The Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916, sometimes known as "Jones Law", modified
the structure of the Philippine government by removing the Philippine Commission
as the legislative upper house and replacing it with a Senate elected by Filipino
voters, creating the Philippines' first fully elected national legislature. This act also
explicitly stated that it was and had always been the purpose of the people of the
United States to end their sovereignty over the Philippine Islands and to recognise
Philippine independence as soon as a stable government can be established therein.
Tydings–McDuffie Act (1934) Though not a constitution itself, the Tydings–
McDuffie Act of 1934 provided authority and defined mechanisms for the
establishment of a formal constitution via a constitutional convention.
The Filipino people, imploring the aid of Divine
Providence, in order to establish a government that
shall embody their ideals, conserve and develop the
patrimony of the nation, promote the general
welfare, and secure to themselves and their
posterity the blessings of independence under a
regime of justice, liberty, and democracy, do ordain
and promulgate this constitution."
Prior the declaration of Martial Law by former President
Ferdinand Marcos, a Constitutional Convention was already in the
process of deliberating on amending or revising the 1935 Constitution.
They have finished their work and submitted it to the late President
Marcos on December 1, 1972. President Marcos then submitted it for
ratification in early January of 1973. Foreseeing that the direct
ratification was bound to fail, Marcos issued Presidential Decree No.
86, s. 1972, creating citizens assemblies to ratify the newly drafted
constitution by means of a Viva Voce vote in place of secret ballots.
Marcos announced that it had been ratified and in full force and
effect on January 17, 1973. Although the 1973 Constitution had
been "ratified" in this manner, opposition against it continued.
Chief Justice Roberto V. Concepcion, in his dissenting opinion
in the case of Javellana V. Executive Secretary, exposed the
fraud that happened during the citizen's assembly ratification of
the 1973 Constitution on January 10 to 15, 1973. However, the
final decision of this case was that the ratification was valid and
was in force.
On 24 August 1970, Congress enacted RA No. 6132, otherwise known as the
Constitutional Convention Act, for the purpose of convening a Constitutional
Convention. While in the process of drafting a new Constitution, President Ferdinand
Marcos declared Martial Law on 21 September 1972The 1973 Constitution,
promulgated after Marcos' declaration of martial law, was supposed to introduce a
parliamentary-style government.
Legislative power was vested in a unicameral National Assembly whose members
were elected for six-year terms. The President was ideally elected as the symbolic and
purely ceremonial head of state chosen from amongst the Members of the National
Assembly for a six-year term and could be re-elected to an unlimited number of terms.
Upon election, the President ceased to be a Member of the National Assembly. During
his term, the President was not allowed to be a member of a political party or hold any
other office.
From 16–17 October 1976, a majority of barangay voters (also called
"Citizen Assemblies") approved that martial law should be continued and
ratified the amendments to the Constitution proposed by President Marcos.
The 1976 amendments were: an Interim Batasang Pambansa (IBP)
substituting for the Interim National Assembly; the President would also
become the Prime Minister and he would continue to exercise legislative
powers until such time as martial law was lifted.
The Sixth Amendment authorized the President to legislate on his
own on an "emergency" basis: whenever in the judgement of the President
there exists a grave emergency or a threat or imminence thereof, or
whenever the Interim Batasang Pambansa or the regular National
Assembly fails or is unable to act adequately on any matter for any reason
that in his judgment requires immediate action, he may, in order to meet
the exigency, issue the necessary decrees, orders or letters of instructions,
which shall form part of the law of the land.
We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid
of Divine Providence, in order to establish a
Government that shall embody our ideals, promote the
general welfare, conserve and develop the patrimony of
our Nation, and secure to ourselves and our posterity
the blessings of democracy under a regime of justice,
peace, liberty, and equality, do ordain and promulgate
this Constitution.
A month later, President Aquino issued Proclamation No,
9, s. 1986, which created a Constitutional Commission
tasked with writing a new charter to replace the 1973
Constitution. The commission finished its work at 12:28 a.m.
of October 16, 1986. National Plebiscite was held on
February 2, 1987, ratifying the new constitution. On
February 11, 1987, by the virtue of Proclamation No. 58,
President Aquino announced the official canvassing of
results and the ratification of the draft constitution.
Establishes the Philippines as a "democratic and
republican state", where "sovereignty resides in the people
and all government authority emanates from them".
Corazon Aquino issued Proclamation No. 3, declaring a
national policy to implement the reforms mandated by the
people, protecting their basic rights, adopting a
provisional constitution, and providing for an orderly
translation to a government under a new constitution
The 1987 Constitution established a representative
democracy with power divided among three separate and
independent branches of government: the Executive, a
bicameral Legislature, and the Judiciary
 There were three independent constitutional
commissions as well: the Commission on Audit, the Civil
Service Commission, and the Commission on Elections.
Integrated into the Constitution was a full Bill of Rights,
which guaranteed fundamental civil and political rights,
and it provided for free, fair, and periodic elections.
Executive branch is headed by the President and
his appointed Cabinet
The President is the head of the state and the
chief executive, but he is subject to significant
checks from the other branches, especially in times
of emergency, which, given the history of the
country, was obviously intended to be a safeguard
against a repeat of Marcos’ martial law despotism.
For example, in cases of national emergency, the President
can still declare martial law, but not for a period longer than 60
days. Congress can revoke this decision by a majority vote, or it
can also extend it for a period to be determined by the
Congress. Additionally, the Supreme Court can review the
declaration to decide if there were sufficient facts to justify
martial law.
The President can grant pardons and amnesty. He is also
empowered to make or accept foreign loans. He cannot,
however, enter into treaties without the consent of the Senate.
The President and Vice-President are elected at large by a direct
vote, but the President may only serve one 6-year term. The
Legislative power is vested in a Congress which is divided into
two Houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The 24
members of the Senate are elected at large by a popular vote and can
serve no more than two consecutive 6-year terms.
The House is composed of 250 elected members. Most of these
Representatives are elected by district for 3-year terms, but 20% of
the total membership is chosen in proportion to party representation.
Besides the exclusive power to legislate, one of the most important
powers of Congress is the ability to declare war, which it can through
a two-thirds vote in both houses.
Even the power to legislate, however, is subject to an executive
The court system in the Philippines exercises the judicial
power of government and it is made up of a Supreme Court
and lower courts created by law
The Supreme Court is a 15- member court appointed by
the President without need for confirmation by Congress.
Appointment, however, is limited to a list of nominees
presented to the President by a constitutionally-specified
Judicial and Bar Council.
This Council consists of 7 members: the Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court, the Secretary of Justice, a representative from Congress, a
representative of the Integrated Bar, a professor of law, a retired member of
the Supreme Court, and a representative of the private sector. The first four
serve for four years, the law professor for three, the retired Justice for two,
and the private sector representative for one year.
The Supreme Court Justices may hear, on appeal, any cases dealing
with the constitutionality of any law, treaty, or decree of the government,
cases where questions of jurisdiction or judicial error are concerned, or cases
where the penalty is sufficiently grave. It may also exercise original
jurisdiction over cases involving government or international officials. The
Supreme Court also is charged with overseeing the functioning and
administration of the lower courts and their personnel.
Constitutional reform in the Philippines, also known
as Charter Change (colloquially Cha-Cha) refers to the
political and legal processes needed to amend the current
1987 Constitution of the Philippines. Under the common
interpretation of the Constitution, amendments can be
proposed by one of three methods: a People's Initiative,
a Constituent Assembly or a Constitutional Convention.
People's Initiative (or "PI") is a common appellative in the
Philippines that refers to either a mode for constitutional amendment
provided by the 1987 Philippine Constitution or to the act of pushing an
initiative (national or local) allowed by the Philippine Initiative and
Referendum Act of The appellative also refers to the product of either of
those initiatives.
A Constitutional Convention, is one of the three methods to amend
the Constitution of the Philippines. The others are a People's Initiative or
a Constituent Assembly. Article XVII, Section 3 of the Constitution says,
"The Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of all its Members, call a
constitutional convention, or by a majority vote of all its Members,
submit to the electorate the question of calling such a convention.
The Constituent Assembly, is a term describing one of the three methods by
which amendments to the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines may be proposed.
The other two modes are via People's Initiative and Constitutional
Convention. All three require a majority vote in a national referendum.
Constituent Assembly is composed of all members of the bicameral Congress of
the Philippines (Senate and the House of Representatives). It is convened by
Congress to propose amendments to the 1987 constitution. Under Article XVII
of the Constitution of the Philippines, amendments pass upon a vote of three
fourths of all members of Congress, but it is not clear if the Congress should
vote as a single body or as separate houses. The convention of Congress into a
Constituent Assembly is not explicitly provided for in the Constitution, since the
term "Constituent Assembly" is not used in the Constitution.
Ramos Administration

The first attempt to amend the 1987 Constitution was under President Fidel Ramos. Among the proposed
changes in the constitution included a shift to a parliamentary system and the lifting of term limits of public
officials. Ramos argued that the changes will bring more accountability, continuity, and responsibility to the
"gridlock"-prone Philippine version of presidential bicameral system. Some politically active religious groups,
opposition politicians, business tycoons and left-wing organizations opposed the process that was supposed to
lead to a national referendum. Critics argued that the proposed constitutional changes for one would benefit the
incumbent, Ramos. On September 21, 1997, a church-organized rally brought in an estimated half a million
people to Rizal Park.

Furthermore, on September 23, 1997, the advocates suffered a setback when the Supreme Court, under Chief
Justice Andres Narvasa, narrowly dismissed a petition filed by the People's Initiative for Reform, Modernization
and Action (PIRMA), which sought to amend the Constitution through a signature campaign or People's
Initiative. The Supreme Court dismissed the petition on the grounds that the People's Initiative mode does not
Under President Joseph Estrada, there was a similar attempt to change the
1987 constitution. The process is termed as CONCORD or Constitutional
Correction for Development. Unlike Constitutional Reform under Ramos and
Arroyo the CONCORD proposal, according to its proponents, would amend only
the restrictive economic provisions of the constitution that are considered to impede
the entry of more foreign investments in the Philippines.
There were, once again, objections from opposition politicians, religious sects
and left-wing organizations based on diverse arguments such as national patrimony
and the proposed constitutional changes would be self-serving. Again, the
government was accused of pushing constitutional reform for its own vested
Endorsed a constitutional change through a
constituent assembly, which entails a two-thirds vote of
the House to propose amendments or revision to the
constitution. This initiative was not successful since the
term of President Arroyo was mired in controversy and
scandal, including the possibility of arroyo extending her
term as president, which the constitution does not allow.
President Benigno Aquino III had no concrete plans
regarding constitutional reform, but several proposals were put
forth by different members of Congress. Senate Resolution No.
10, by Senator Pimentel, called for constitutional reform to
convert to a federal republic. Belmonte's joint resolution on
economic provisions. They filed a bill pushing for a federal and
parliamentary government, in addition to economic
During the May 2016 election, Rodrigo Duterte stated in May 2016 that a plebiscite on the
proposed replacement of the unitary state with a federal one will be held in two years. After
winning, Duterte proposed to revive the proposed form of Nene Pimentel.

On December 7, 2016, President Duterte signed Executive Order No. 10 creating a

consultative committee (ConCom) to review the 1987 Constitution. Then on July 3, 2018, the
ConCom unanimously approved the draft constitution through voting. It was submitted to the
President on or before July 9 of the same year. Referred to as the "Bayanihan Constitution"
(referring to the Filipino value of communal work) by Duterte and the consultative committee
the proposed federal charter includes an amendment that aims to prohibit elected officials
from switching political parties during the first and last two years of their term, as a response
to turncoat behavior. Also included are provisions that seek to ban political dynasties, barring
"persons related within the second civil degree of consanguinity or affinity" from running for
Federalism is a proposed type of government
wherein sovereignty is constitutionally divided
between the national government and sub
divisional governments (such as states or
provinces). Federalism divides the country into
several autonomous states with a national
The autonomous states are even further divided
into local government units. They will have the
main responsibility over developing their local
industries, public health and safety, education,
transportation, and culture. These states have
more power over their finances, policies,
development plans, and laws.
The 1987 Philippine Constitution has been a subject
of debate and discussion regarding potential
amendments or changes since its promulgation. Here
are some notable attempts to amend or change the
1.Constitutional Convention of 1997: During the
presidency of Fidel V. Ramos, there was a proposal
to convene a Constitutional Convention to propose
amendments to the 1987 Constitution. However, this
proposal did not gain enough support to proceed, and
2. People's Initiative for Charter Change (PIRMA): In 1997, a
group called People's Initiative for Reform, Modernization, and
Action (PIRMA) launched a campaign to gather signatures for a
petition to propose amendments to the constitution through a people's
initiative. The campaign aimed to amend economic provisions,
particularly those restricting foreign ownership. However, the
Supreme Court ruled that the initiative was unconstitutional.
3. House Resolution No. 1109 (2009): During the administration of
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, there was an attempt in the
House of Representatives to convene itself into a Constituent
Assembly to propose amendments to the constitution. House
Resolution No. 1109 sought to convene the assembly without the
participation of the Senate. The resolution sparked controversy and
was eventually withdrawn amid public outcry and legal challenges.
4. Charter Change under President Duterte: President Rodrigo
Duterte has expressed support for amending the constitution to shift to a
federal form of government. Various proposals have been put forward,
including through Constituent Assembly or Constitutional Convention.
However, these efforts have faced challenges, including debates over
the proposed structure of federalism, concerns about potential abuse of
power, and public skepticism.
5. Economic Charter Change (E-CHA-CHA): In recent years, there
have been discussions about amending the constitution to liberalize
economic provisions, particularly restrictions on foreign ownership in
certain industries. This initiative, often referred to as Economic Charter
Change (E-CHA-CHA), aims to attract more foreign investment and
stimulate economic growth. However, it remains a contentious issue,
with debates over its potential impact on national sovereignty and
6. COVID-19 Pandemic and Charter Change: During
the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been renewed calls
to prioritize efforts to address the public health crisis
and economic recovery over constitutional amendments.
However, discussions about charter change persist,
reflecting ongoing debates about the direction of
Philippine governance and development.
Overall, attempts to amend or change the 1987
Philippine Constitution have been met with
various challenges, including legal, political, and
public opposition. The constitution remains a
fundamental document in Philippine democracy,
shaping debates about governance, human rights,
and economic policy.
With the long history of our constitutions, the Filipino
people always strive for democracy and what is fair. The
Preamble of our current constitution states our rights and
aspirations for a better country. We must never forget it.
We must always remember that the constitution is the
supreme law in the nation and that no one, not even the
government, is above the constitution. No one can violate
what is written in the constitution.

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